⚠️ Disclaimer
This package is still in a very early state of development and future updates might include breaking changes to the API until the first official release.
剣 (ken
- japanese for Sword
) - A cutting edge (haha), prototype, object-oriented and highly modular Discord application commands handler for Discordgo.
For basic usage examples, see the basic example section. Examples on how to use middlewares can be found here.
This package was primarily written with the motivation to use it in my Discord bot shinpuru.
It may sound crazy, but ken
tries to simplify the complexity behind application command registration and command handling while giving you full control over the event handling and registration process.
Also, ken provides a higly modular middleware pipeline to control who can use commands and how they should be handled.
The command-registration and middleware system is built so that you can add whatever functionality you want to your command structure and handle it all in your middleware which can be called before and/or after command execution. The only thing required is that your commands implements one of the provided command interfaes:
In the middleware example, you can take a look at how to implement custom functionality in your command structure and add middleware functions to handle these.
Via options you can also specify a custom state handler, if you are using something like dgrs for example.
passes a single Ctx
object to the command handlers which contains everything you need. It allows you to access raw discordgo.InteractionCreate
event data, the Command
instance which has been called, the discordgo.Session
, as well as many utility functions.
For example, you can easily respond to the event by using the Respond
method to send a response to an interaction. Defer
does the same but sends a defer
response so you can send follow-up messages afterwards with a delay.
Speaking of follow-up messages, there are some simple functions like FollowUp
, FollowUpEmbed
or FollowUpError
to make building these follow-up messages easier. These functions return a single FollowUpMessage
object so that you can chain calls like DeleteAfter
to delete the follow-up message after a given timespan. 🤯
The Ctx
also allows you to handle sub-commands using HandleSubCommands
. Simply pass a name and handler function as SubCommandHandler
to build your sub-command tree. The sub-command handlers are passed a specialized SubCommandCtx
, which scopes the Options
method to the options of the sub-command. So you can handle options like you would in a top-level command. In this example you can see a practical implementation of sub-commands.
To avoid registering and unregistering commands everytime the bot restarts, ken
allows to cache commands using a CommandStore
. Although disabled by default, the provided default implementation LocalCommandStore
can be used. It stores the commands in a file which will be tried to read from on the next startup. You can also implement your own store, with Redis for example.
uses sync.Pool
as object pools for the command context which are used for command and sub-command execution. This is done to avoid creating a new context object for each command execution which would put strain on the garbage collector, especially on high command execution frequencies.
package main
// imports ...
type TestCommand struct{}
var _ ken.SlashCommand = (*TestCommand)(nil)
func (c *TestCommand) Name() string {
return "ping"
func (c *TestCommand) Description() string {
return "Basic Ping Command"
func (c *TestCommand) Version() string {
return "1.0.0"
func (c *TestCommand) Options() []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption {
return []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{}
func (c *TestCommand) Run(ctx *ken.Ctx) (err error) {
err = ctx.Respond(&discordgo.InteractionResponse{
Type: discordgo.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Data: &discordgo.InteractionResponseData{
Content: "Pong!",
func main() {
token := os.Getenv("TOKEN")
session, err := discordgo.New("Bot " + token)
if err != nil {
defer session.Close()
k := ken.New(session)
defer k.Unregister()
err = session.Open()
if err != nil {
sc := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sc, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
You can also find a "real world" implementation in my Discord Bot shinpuru, where ken
is used as main slash command framework.
This may have multiple reasons.
Check if you invited your Bot with the
OAuth2 scope. This option was added for bots to be permitted to create slash commands for a guild. When you already invited your bot before that, the bot will not be able to register slash commands. To fix this, simply kick the bot and re-invite it with an invite link containing the requiredapplications.commands
scope.Pro-Tip: You can go to the
Page in the Discord Application settings to generate a suitable invite link.
When a command needs to be created (if you start the bot with a newly added command), It may take up to 15-30 minutes (based on personal experience) until the command shows up in Guilds. After that (when CommandStore is enabled), commands are re-used and updated, which does not take that much time.
Pro-Tip: To create a command, you just need to specify a valid name, description and options and add it to ken's handler register. After that, start the bot in the background and then implement the command logic to bridge the time until the command shows up to test it.
As I have experienced personally, sometimes, you might need to restart your Discord client until commands show op on Guilds. And sometimes you even need to kick and re-invite the bot so that they show up. I don't really know if this is a registration issue on ken's site. If you know more about that, please let me know!
Discord has some very strong restrictions to the naming of commands and command options. The name of a command, sub command or command option must be unique and must match the regex ^[a-z0-9-_]{1,32}$
If you are not familiar with regex, the name must match the following conditions:
- It must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.
- It must be at least 1 character and at most 32 characters long.
¹ The pattern described in the Discord docs ^[\w-]{1,32}$
is actually not accurate, because you can not use uppercase letters in names, but you can use underscores.
If you used ken in your project, feel free to add it here with a pull request. 😉
© 2021 Ringo Hoffmann (zekro Development).
Covered by the MIT Licence.