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267 lines (205 loc) · 23.4 KB

File metadata and controls

267 lines (205 loc) · 23.4 KB

Data specifation

The downloaded data is grouped by date, that is, one file per day.

The format of the file name is "[chain name]-[Pool/token contract address]-[date].[file type].csv". e.g. polygon-0x45dda9cb7c25131df268515131f647d726f50608-2022-01-05.minute.csv

Demeter-fetch will download all files by step. If you set keep_raw=True in config file, In addition to the final result files, files from intermediate steps will be retained


Raw files are the original form of on-chain transaction logs, one row for an event log. Thus, the raw files generated by all sources and all DEFIs have the same format


Data definition

field definition
block_number log in the block, and data will be sorted by block number ascending
block_timestamp the timestamp to mine block, will be used to show sorted date
transaction_hash record transaction hash and log index to remove duplicated log
transaction_index transaction index to separate transaction data
log_index index for event log
topics topics of event log, stored as hex string array
data data of event log, stored as long hex string
  • block_number, block_timestamp, log_index used to sort raw data.
  • transaction_hash and log_index to remove duplicated log data.
  • topics and data provide core data to analysis.


block_number block_timestamp transaction_hash transaction_index log_index topics data
18937382 2024/1/5 0:00 0x0bb5e0dc49ae0b5a1949beabadc64522dd5615415a168650a3b592a84ae5ee05 33 169 ["0xc42079f94a6350d7e6235f29174924f928cc2ac818eb64fed8004e115fbcca67", "0x0000000000000000000000003fc91a3afd70395cd496c647d5a6cc9d4b2b7fad", "0x0000000000000000000000003fc91a3afd70395cd496c647d5a6cc9d4b2b7fad"] 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffea5d662000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002386f26fc1000000000000000000000000000000000000000051fdf2fd9b2526872a9b723450f2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000acd43e0e7cf808c50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000030985
18937382 2024/1/5 0:00 0x3c78e0a92d12b38375da794749bcf8e3e6ac25de29f4ffdf5a9a21f72e0dafde 95 250 ["0xc42079f94a6350d7e6235f29174924f928cc2ac818eb64fed8004e115fbcca67", "0x00000000000000000000000068b3465833fb72a70ecdf485e0e4c7bd8665fc45", "0x0000000000000000000000004fd39c9e151e50580779bd04b1f7ecc310079fd3"] 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006a143deefffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff51fb666300f5b1800000000000000000000000000000000000051fde2e16df48cb7232e401582a8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000acd43e0e7cf808c50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000030985

1Min Resample Data

Minute file is used in demeter. In this file, event logs are abstracted to market status at that moment, such as price, total liquidity, apy etc. For the convenience of backtesting, data is resampled minutely.



Data definition

field definition
timestamp minutely timestamp
netAmount0 token0 net value
netAmount1 token1 net value
closeTick close tick in 1min
openTick open tick in 1min
lowestTick lowest tick in 1min
highestTick highest tick in 1min
inAmount0 token0 amount exchange value
inAmount1 token1 amount exchange value
currentLiquidity swap data get current total liquidity


timestamp netAmount0 netAmount1 closeTick openTick lowestTick highestTick inAmount0 inAmount1 currentLiquidity
2022-01-05 00:00:00 -9383445114 2477485048495721856 193921 193919 193919 193921 0 2477485048495721856 1400049692807883305
2022-01-05 00:01:00 -35317761550 9329849855269298153 193929 193921 193921 193929 704261153 9515626276489030515 1400049692807883305
2022-01-05 00:02:00 -55692411213 14727627582768166668 193942 193937 193937 193942 499743350 14859678472128538245 1395128131590419632


minute data is decoded from ReserveDataUpdated event log of AAVE pool. Offical document is here

Data definition

field definition
block_timestamp minutely timestamp
liquidity_rate liquidity rate
stable_borrow_rate stable borrow rate
variable_borrow_rate variable borrow rate
liquidity_index liquidity index
variable_borrow_index variable borrow index


block_timestamp liquidity_rate stable_borrow_rate variable_borrow_rate liquidity_index variable_borrow_index
2024/1/6 0:00 0.003796 0.074471 0.019464 1.008158 1.034414
2024/1/6 0:01 0.003796 0.074471 0.019464 1.008158 1.034414


Data definition

field definition
block_timestamp minutely timestamp
norm_factor current normalized factor
WETH current weth price in weth/usdc, extracted from uniswap pool
OSQTH current oSQTH price in oSQTH/usdc,extracted from uniswap pool


block_timestamp norm_factor eth osqth
2024-01-05 00:00:00 0.24838421244630335 2272.7319494521357 0.0581737742469884
2024-01-05 00:01:00 0.24838421244630335 2272.7319494521357 0.0581737742469884
2024-01-05 00:02:00 0.24838421244630335 2272.7319494521357 0.0581737742469884


In the tick file, each line is an event log. The tick file focuses more on transaction actions. e.g. for uniswap, it presents all swap actions and liquidate providing actions.



Data definition

field definition
block_number block number
block_timestamp timestamp
tx_type operation type, SWAP/MINT/BURN/COLLECT
transaction_hash transaction hash
pool_tx_index tx index for event log of pool contract
pool_log_index log index for event log of pool contract
proxy_log_index log index for event log of proxy contract
sender topic sender data
receipt topic receipt data
amount0 token0 exchange amount
amount1 token1 exchange amount
total_liquidity calc total liquidity from swap data
total_liquidity_delta mint/burn liquidity exchange abs value.
sqrtPriceX96 sqrtx96 price
current_tick swap operation at current tick
position_id nf token id
tick_lower position lower tick
tick_upper position upper tick
liquidity curent log liquidity data


block_number block_timestamp tx_type transaction_hash pool_tx_index pool_log_index proxy_log_index sender receipt amount0 amount1 total_liquidity total_liquidity_delta sqrtPriceX96 current_tick position_id tick_lower tick_upper liquidity
23353830 2022-01-05 00:00:02 SWAP 0xa47dbaeb8275a6a6e6f5cda339c3b982e71415a2947d1cbe4b4d0723c02137f6 0 3 0xe592427a0aece92de3edee1f18e0157c05861564 0x8b26320912935111300ddaeec15ea9a182ff6f1a -2988196954 788911381103277696 1729804611907121590 0 1287023799018574070893171027089208 193919.0
23353928 2022-01-05 00:06:24 BURN 0xe6f83a25910ec9945e829e24158e795977f4af6b70abae5a05932e9d7e450734 56 241 242.0 0xc36442b4a4522e871399cd717abdd847ab11fe88 0 8028675937866099451 1370269449887500119 0 1289037848681739736056052571218067 193951.0 13283.0 193890.0 193920.0 329754919099238285
23353928 2022-01-05 00:06:24 COLLECT 0xe6f83a25910ec9945e829e24158e795977f4af6b70abae5a05932e9d7e450734 56 245 246.0 0xc36442b4a4522e871399cd717abdd847ab11fe88 0xb020852796bb04e431e6a2f018805c142fbd4a03 869413 8031239514820639447 1370269449887500119 0 1289037848681739736056052571218067 193951.0 13283.0 193890.0 193920.0
23354033 2022-01-05 00:09:59 MINT 0x19c7d8a662009b5a14b7a0630f07b86ec8bdd663d34a4f674e3ebe5b33ba244b 31 144 146.0 0xc36442b4a4522e871399cd717abdd847ab11fe88 16738133293 2892535954003525198 1455262468155384164 60134336564964532 1288911018771896468642711393513864 193949.0 13285.0 193890.0 194040.0 60134336564964532


Data definition

field definition
block_number block number
block_timestamp timestamp
tx_type tx type such as borrow, supply etc.
transaction_hash transaction hash of event log
transaction_index transaction index
log_index log index of event log
reserve token contract address
owner user address
amount token amount in wei
liquidator liquidator address, only for liquidation
debt_asset liquidation debt asset, only for liquidation
debt_amount liquidation debt amount, only for liquidation
atoken get atoken in repay, 1 yes, 0 no. only for repay


block_number block_timestamp tx_type transaction_hash transaction_index log_index reserve owner amount liquidator debt_asset debt_amount atoken
51986202 2024/1/6 0:06 AAVE_SUPPLY 0x2e893394725600bc73f2bf977b024862a78f447e571924fb12a14d73c3a769e1 55 177 0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619 0xa77f88c5031648b7903afaca4e2a431f21f07f0c 1.86E+18
51986321 2024/1/6 0:10 AAVE_WITHDRAW 0xeba1a9ee6810e9926c5bd35116f53c1a5fe00a5a9efdfec081222328fb305328 97 425 0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619 0xe3090207a2de94a856ea10a7e1bd36dd6145712b 6.66E+16
51986321 2024/1/6 0:10 AAVE_SUPPLY 0xeba1a9ee6810e9926c5bd35116f53c1a5fe00a5a9efdfec081222328fb305328 97 448 0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619 0xa21b1745bd19575b08e4912bbb1c89c67dff859b 3.31E+14


Uniswap position data is simalar to tick, but re-organized from position dimensions. Owner information is also added.

Data definition

field definition
position_id If a position is added via proxy contract, it's token id. If not, it's owner_address-lower_tick-upper-tick
tx_type mint/burn/collect
owner Owner of this position
tick_lower lower tick of this position
tick_upper upper tick of this position
liquidity liquidity of this action.
block_number block number
block_timestamp timestamp
transaction_hash transaction hash
pool_tx_index tx index
pool_log_index log index of pool event
proxy_log_index log index of proxy event
sender sender address
receipt receipt address
amount0 amount of token0
amount1 amount of token1
sqrtPriceX96 current price
current_tick current tick


position_id tx_type owner tick_lower tick_upper liquidity block_number block_timestamp transaction_hash pool_tx_index pool_log_index proxy_log_index sender receipt amount0 amount1 sqrtPriceX96 current_tick
621101 MINT 0xc3a60ac0d824346b40e84d09cf035d9b5c4bc7d3 197070 200490 5.27E+13 18937721 ###### 0x562237adbb39b66355f7d7a7a654fc965aaca70fb335f9792ff1017198949956 108 205 206 0xc36442b4a4522e871399cd717abdd847ab11fe88 1.74E+08 1.04E+17 1.66E+33 199053
622458 COLLECT 0x0af9a3a1eb903a6d9d7e48973e57ed3d123eac34 198870 199400 0 18942562 ###### 0x8ebe653be2ce7f625813bb006c083f98c02e095a5f31299e0037f8cd8f3ec6ae 145 181 182 0xc36442b4a4522e871399cd717abdd847ab11fe88 0x0af9a3a1eb903a6d9d7e48973e57ed3d123eac34 3.85E+09 1.76E+18 1.68E+33 199263
622458 MINT 0x0af9a3a1eb903a6d9d7e48973e57ed3d123eac34 198870 199400 7.01E+15 18942589 ###### 0xedc73d90bed797e5e59b67f836478017ebcffb777fdf7f37166ebeaee7b5a19d 109 113 114 0xc36442b4a4522e871399cd717abdd847ab11fe88 2.28E+09 2.88E+18 1.68E+33 199261


User-lp describes actions from the user investment dimension. It includes what positions the user invested in, how much they invested, and the holding time.

Data definition

field definition
address user address
position_id position that user invested
tick_lower position range
tick_upper position range
start_time action start time
end_time action end time
liquidity current liquidity in this position
start_hash start transaction hash
end_hash end transation hash


address position_id tick_lower tick_upper start_time end_time liquidity start_hash end_hash
0xb36d0742725f5d6db92227611f0ff3578afd0e29 618587 198510 199380 2024/1/5 15:46 2024/1/5 16:16 3160689410113665 0x20b264abfd39dcf706cad33eb0c2cdf8f11fa41ab1fc449838aa6cb15c1cd487 0xdd41020aab72390f327dd3fb97514b7c75a55ccf85d183291ccbe111239858f7
0xb36d0742725f5d6db92227611f0ff3578afd0e29 618587 198510 199380 2024/1/5 16:16 2024/1/5 22:03 9303302658819284 0xdd41020aab72390f327dd3fb97514b7c75a55ccf85d183291ccbe111239858f7 0x168a988918369cb0585f689e5fa4a82cd0ed6979561b0443aa84c68ac61b6a2f
0xb36d0742725f5d6db92227611f0ff3578afd0e29 618587 198510 199380 2024/1/5 22:03 42146035944809162 0x168a988918369cb0585f689e5fa4a82cd0ed6979561b0443aa84c68ac61b6a2f

This example shows (0xb36d0742725f5d6db92227611f0ff3578afd0e29) user's action on position 618587. They are compiled from the following actions.

Action liquiditiy block number block timestamp transaction hash
MINT 3160689410113665 18942052 2024-01-05 15:46:59 0x20b264abfd39dcf706cad33eb0c2cdf8f11fa41ab1fc449838aa6cb15c1cd487
MINT 6142613248705619 18942196 2024-01-05 16:16:11 0xdd41020aab72390f327dd3fb97514b7c75a55ccf85d183291ccbe111239858f7
MINT 32842733285989878 18943906 2024-01-05 22:03:35 0x168a988918369cb0585f689e5fa4a82cd0ed6979561b0443aa84c68ac61b6a2f