./znn-cli --help
#will print all the available commands.
znn-cli [OPTIONS] [FLAGS]
-u, --url Provide a websocket znnd connection URL with a port
(defaults to "ws://")
-p, --passphrase use this passphrase for the keyStore or enter it manually in a secure way
-k, --keyStore Select the local keyStore
(defaults to "available keyStore if only one is present")
-i, --index Address index
(defaults to "0")
-v, --verbose Prints detailed information about the action that it performs
-h, --help Displays help information
send toAddress amount [ZNN/QSR/ZTS]
receive blockHash
plasma.list [pageIndex pageCount]
plasma.fuse toAddress amount (in QSR)
plasma.cancel id
stake.list [pageIndex pageCount]
stake.register amount duration (in months)
stake.revoke id
pillar.register name producerAddress rewardAddress giveBlockRewardPercentage giveDelegateRewardPercentage
pillar.revoke name
pillar.delegate name
ZTS Tokens
token.list [pageIndex pageCount]
token.getByStandard tokenStandard
token.getByOwner ownerAddress
token.issue name symbol domain totalSupply maxSupply decimals isMintable isBurnable isUtility
token.mint tokenStandard amount receiveAddress
token.burn tokenStandard amount
token.transferOwnership tokenStandard newOwnerAddress
token.disableMint tokenStandard
wallet.createNew passphrase [keyStoreName]
wallet.createFromMnemonic "mnemonic" passphrase [keyStoreName]
wallet.deriveAddresses start end
wallet.export filePath
./znn-cli version
znn-cli v0.0.1 using Zenon SDK v0.0.1
znnd version v0.0.1
The NoM architecture features a block-lattice comprised of individual account-chains. When you issue a transaction, a send block will be created and signed by your private key and will also be broadcasted to the network. The transaction can be considered final after it is accepted by the network and embedded into several momentums. For the recipient to use the funds, he will need to create a corresponding receive block and properly sign it to complete the transaction.
- Use the following command to send
to an addresstoAddress
. Similarly, you can use the command above to sendQSR
./znn-cli send z1qqjr86g6220kmhn2jrelwhtk7u0mp4r5amjwf2 10 znn --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Sending 10.00000000 znn to z1qqjr86g6220kmhn2jrelwhtk7u0mp4r5amjwf2
- Use this command to receive all pending transactions:
./znn-cli receiveAll --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
- You will need to wait for Plasma generation via PoW:
You have 3 transaction(s) to receive
Please wait ...
- Use this command to receive a specific transaction by the corresponding blockHash:
./znn-cli receive a994b94ae93b683833ddd3ff1fbf53fe918d4f7b93326e7875ab13eead2c5ee2 --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Please wait ...
- Use the following command to print the balance of your wallet from a particular
./znn-cli balance --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Balance for account-chain z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x having height 2
150000.00000000 QSR zenon.network zts1qsrxxxxxxxxxxxxxmrhjll
15000.00000000 ZNN zenon.network zts1znnxxxxxxxxxxxxx9z4ulx
- Use the following command to print info about the unreceived transactions from a particular
./znn-cli unreceived --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Nothing to receive
- Use the following command to print info about the unconfirmed transactions from a particular
./znn-cli unconfirmed --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
No unconfirmed transactions
- Use the following command to print info about the frontier momentum (latest momentum):
./znn-cli frontierMomentum
Momentum height: 32202
Momentum hash: 528ac51f9368930b4b07096f0aa45ccaf42a3fd7ae7e657e0233fe1942c0f707
Momentum previousHash: f5dada224e42dbc17094ac1a3debf748d17523ce23e3ba41558896682046a70d
Momentum timestamp: 1616284800
Plasma is required to perform actions on the network. You can either obtain it via a PoW computation or fuse QSR
to generate it. Sending and receiving funds, calling embedded smart contracts require Plasma.
- If you don't want to wait for Plasma generation via PoW and you have a
balance, use this command to fuseqsrAmount
./znn-cli plasma.fuse z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x 5000 --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Fusing 5000.00000000 QSR to z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x
- Use this command to print all the fusion entries for your wallet:
./znn-cli plasma.list --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
- If there are Plasma entries, it will print them with their corresponding IDs, so you can cancel the Plasma generation:
Fusing 10010.00000000 QSR for Plasma in 2 entries
10000.00000000 QSR for z1qph8dkja68pg3g6j4spwk9re0kjdkul0amwqnt
Can be canceled at momentum height: 1. Use id 1dbd7d0b561a41d23c2a469ad42fbd70d5438bae826f6fd607413190c37c363b to cancel
10.00000000 QSR for z1qph8dkja68pg3g6j4spwk9re0kjdkul0amwqnt
Can be canceled at momentum height: 35810. Use id eb02eb1e0f51a70b3d622d73d4b23f04710c33024593114ea12285d88c05dc61 to cancel
- Use this command to cancel the Plasma fusion based on the
provided byplasma.list
./znn-cli plasma.cancel eb02eb1e0f51a70b3d622d73d4b23f04710c33024593114ea12285d88c05dc61 --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Canceling Plasma fusion with id eb02eb1e0f51a70b3d622d73d4b23f04710c33024593114ea12285d88c05dc61
- Use this command to get the current Plasma for the specified address in cli:
./znn-cli plasma.get --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x has 10 / 10 plasma with 10.00000000 QSR fused.
Staking is the process that uses ZNN
to produce QSR
- Use this to create a new stake of
./znn-cli stake.register 100 2 --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Staking 100.00000000 ZNN for 2 month(s)
- Use this command to print all the stake entries for an address:
./znn-cli stake.list --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Showing 1 out of a total of 1 staking entries
Stake id 7d43942c01cb79bc5db804c80b76310b379b41164bb71c21b1706d0f10257346 with amount 100.00000000 ZNN
Can be revoked in 1439:59:05
- Use this command to revoke a stake, if it's due. Do not worry, you'll still receive some rewards based on when you revoked your stake entry.
./znn-cli stake.revoke efdb1e4d9bf93352aceff151465cd12245e03c51bef472292e1ddec9da73b61c --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Can`t revoke! Try again in 47:52:48
- After the staking period ended you can revoke the stake:
./znn-cli stake.revoke efdb1e4d9bf93352aceff151465cd12245e03c51bef472292e1ddec9da73b61c --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Use receiveAll to collect your stake amount and uncollected reward(s) after 2 momentums
- If you want to collect the
staking rewards from all your stakes:
./znn-cli stake.collect --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Use receiveAll to collect your stake reward(s) after 1 momentum
A Sentinel Nodes requires a fixed deposit of 50000 QSR
for the Sentinel slot and 5000 ZNN
and can be deployed using the znn-controller
. When you use sentinel.register
, it will deposit the QSR
and then call the smart contract while also sending 5000 ZNN
. Use znn-controller
to deploy the Sentinel.
- Use this to register a Sentinel. It will deposit
and call the smart contract. Will fail if you don't have the required amount ofZNN
./znn-cli sentinel.register --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
You have 0 QSR deposited for the Sentinel
Check after 2 momentums if the Sentinel was successfully registered using sentinel.list command
Now you will receive the rewards here:
Use the
command to check your Sentinel(s):
./znn-cli sentinel.list --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Revocation window will open in 647:59:20
- Use this to revoke a Sentinel:
./znn-cli sentinel.revoke --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
- You need to wait for the revocation window to open in order to revoke the Sentinel
Cannot revoke Sentinel. Revocation window will open in 647:57:40
- When the revocation window is open you can revoke the Sentinel and collect back the locked
from the slot andZNN
Use receiveAll to collect back the locked amount of ZNN and QSR
- If you want to collect the
staking rewards from your sentinel:
./znn-cli sentinel.collect --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Use receiveAll to collect your sentinel reward(s) after 1 momentum
A Pillar Node requires a dynamic deposit of 150000 QSR
(base amount + 10000 QSR
extra per additional Pillar slot) that will be burned to create the Pillar Slot and a locked amount of 15000 ZNN
- Use this command to retrieve all the Pillars from the network:
./znn-cli pillar.list --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
#1 Pillar VPS_3 has a delegated weight of 100050.00000000 ZNN
Producer address z1qprpnyv6xmc4mu5d405jgxjqfd79ggf8fjdewr
Momentums 280 / expected 290
#2 Pillar VPS_2 has a delegated weight of 100000.00000000 ZNN
Producer address z1qqmqp40duzvtxvg7dwxph7724mq63t3mru297p
Momentums 282 / expected 290
#3 Pillar VPS_1 has a delegated weight of 98443.00000000 ZNN
Producer address z1qph8dkja68pg3g6j4spwk9re0kjdkul0amwqnt
Momentums 279 / expected 290
Important notice: It is recommended that you input a separate address from a different keyStore
for the produceAddress
, because when you deploy it on the VPS/remote machine it will get exposed. This is a mandatory step designed to protect your main keyStore
from where you register the Pillar.
- Deposit
and create a Pillar Slot to register the Pillar namedmyAwesomePillar
that will produce momentums fromproducerAddress
and collect the rewards inrewardAddress
, with the following reward percentages:giveBlockRewardPercentage
./znn-cli pillar.register myAwesomePillar z1qph8dkja68pg3g6j4spwk9re0kjdkul0amwqnt z1qprpnyv6xmc4mu5d405jgxjqfd79ggf8fjdewr 2 3 --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
- Before completing the Pillar registration operation, it must be confirmed:
Creating a new Pillar will burn the deposited QSR required for the Pillar slot
Do you want to proceed? (y/N):
- After registering the Pillar, in order to have a functional Pillar that is producing momentums, one should use the
in order to configure the registered Pillar.
Registering Pillar ...
Check after 2 momentums if the Pillar was successfully registered using pillar.list command
- If you want to collect the
staking rewards from your pillar:
./znn-cli pillar.collect --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
- Revoke a pillar by
./znn-cli pillar.revoke myAwesomePillar --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
- If a Pillar with the indicated name is registered, it will be revoked:
Revoking Pillar myAwesomePillar ...
Use receiveAll to collect back the locked amount of ZNN
- Delegate ALL your
balance to the Pillar calledmyAwesomePillar
./znn-cli pillar.delegate myAwesomePillar --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Delegating to pillar myAwesomePillar ...
- You can use
command to see that you indeed delegated the ZNN to the designated Pillar, increasing the Pillar's total delegated weight:
./znn-cli pillar.list --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
#1 Pillar myAwesomePillar has a delegated weight of 94900.00000000 ZNN
Producer address z1qph8dkja68pg3g6j4spwk9re0kjdkul0amwqnt
Momentums 2224 / expected 2230
- Undelegate ALL your
balance from the Pillar you delegated them to:
./znn-cli pillar.undelegate --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Undelegating ...
The updated wallet.dat
format is called a keyStore
. In order to create a keyStore
you need a passphrase that will be used for encryption.
- Use this command to create a new wallet using a
. Please store the passphrase offline in a secure location.
./znn-cli wallet.createNew yourComplexPassphrase
keyStore successfully created: z1qqde9hspn3p9u3es4fzy0h9m242rxe2wpjxqgq
- Use this command to restore a
from amnemonic
and the correspondingpassphrase
./znn-cli wallet.createFromMnemonic "test blood draw trade body item chef electric rural possible letter staff" yourComplexPassphrase
keyStore successfully created from mnemonic: z1qqlfqlffxcd8er5fujxfgerzvds9rstn0af0tr
- Use this command to dump the mnemonic of a
using the correspondingpassphrase
./znn-cli wallet.dumpMnemonic --keyStore z1qqlfqlffxcd8er5fujxfgerzvds9rstn0af0tr --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Mnemonic for keyStore File: '~/.znn/wallet/z1qqlfqlffxcd8er5fujxfgerzvds9rstn0af0tr'
test blood draw trade body item chef electric rural possible letter staff
- Use this command to list all the wallet files i.e.
from the default wallet folder:
./znn-cli wallet.list
Available keyStores:
- Use this command to derive new key pairs from a decrypted wallet
, starting fromleft
index toright
./znn-cli wallet.deriveAddresses 0 3 --keyStore z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x --passphrase yourComplexPassphrase
Addresses for keyStore File: '~/.znn/wallet/z1qz8tylu88et6ffy227pw8gak5qvn5awg35l96x'
0 z1qph8dkja68pg3g6j4spwk9re0kjdkul0amwqnt
1 z1qz0tppwyavmge8vg6qvfx9dkus6rynaf3h747l
2 z1qqk5q0vmxdaylyem399thvwcnt4wn7wpmxz87w
The Alphanet implements the new ZTS for all tokens created on the network. One can issue, mint, burn or transfer ownership for tokens with a set of simple commands described below.
- Use this command to list all tokens available on the network:
./znn-cli token.list
Coin QuasarCoin with symbol QSR and standard zts1qsrxxxxxxxxxxxxxmrhjll
Created by z1qxemdeddedxstakexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjv8v62
Coin QuasarCoin has 8 decimals, is mintable, can be burned, and is a utility coin
The total supply is 30003055000.00000000 and the maximum supply is 46116860184.27388000
Domain `zenon.network`
Coin ZenonCoin with symbol ZNN and standard zts1znnxxxxxxxxxxxxx9z4ulx
Created by z1qxemdeddedxpyllarxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsy3fmg
Coin ZenonCoin has 8 decimals, is mintable, can be burned, and is a utility coin
The total supply is 30000380616.00000000 and the maximum supply is 46116860184.27388000
Domain `zenon.network`
- Use this command to display information about a token using its ZTS id:
./znn-cli token.getByStandard zts1znnxxxxxxxxxxxxx9z4ulx
Coin ZenonCoin with symbol ZNN and standard zts1znnxxxxxxxxxxxxx9z4ulx
Created by z1qxemdeddedxpyllarxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsy3fmg
The total supply is 30000380616.00000000 and a maximum supply is 46116860184.27388000
The token has 8 decimals can be minted and can be burned
- Use this command to display information about a token using its owner address:
./znn-cli token.getByOwner z1qxemdeddedxpyllarxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsy3fmg
Coin ZenonCoin with symbol ZNN and standard zts1znnxxxxxxxxxxxxx9z4ulx
Created by z1qxemdeddedxpyllarxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsy3fmg
The total supply is 30000380616.00000000 and a maximum supply is 46116860184.27388000
The token has 8 decimals can be minted and can be burned
- Use this command to issue a token; keep in mind that issuing a new token burns
./znn-cli token.issue "ZenonWikiToken" "ZWT" "domain.com" "1234567890" "123456789000" 8 1 1 1 -k zd967721f683287575ad410da8ee4a021f9e18f02651007ae3922f08bfc24 -i 0 -p yourComplexPassphrase
Issuing a new ZTS token will burn 1 ZNN
Do you want to proceed? (y/N): y
Issuing ZenonWikiToken ZTS token ...
- Use this command to mint:
./znn-cli token.mint zts17ejv0drss06n5qz7ccad24 123456789 zd967721f683287575ad410da8ee4a021f9e18f02651007ae3922f08bfc24 -k zd967721f683287575ad410da8ee4a021f9e18f02651007ae3922f08bfc24 -i 0 -p yourComplexPassphrase
Minting ZTS token ...
- Use this command to burn:
./znn-cli token.burn zts17ejv0drss06n5qz7ccad24 1000000000 -k zd967721f683287575ad410da8ee4a021f9e18f02651007ae3922f08bfc24 -i 0 -p yourComplexPassphrase
Burning zts17ejv0drss06n5qz7ccad24 ZTS token ...
- Use this command to transfer the ownership of a token:
./znn-cli token.transferOwnership zts17ejv0drss06n5qz7ccad24 z3a775d873fa847502bc1f94e2d023103dacce8ad0339c87270ac7d160070 -k zd967721f683287575ad410da8ee4a021f9e18f02651007ae3922f08bfc24 -i 0 -p yourComplexPassphrase
Transferring ZTS token ownership ...
- Use this command to disable minting and burning for a token:
./znn-cli token.disableMint zts17ejv0drss06n5qz7ccad24 -k zd967721f683287575ad410da8ee4a021f9e18f02651007ae3922f08bfc24 -i 0 -p yourComplexPassphrase
Disabling ZTS token mintable flag ...