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File metadata and controls

163 lines (117 loc) · 5.43 KB


Here is a list of all my favourite *nix & Windows pranks.

Table of Contents

1. Slow down the terminal

echo "echo 'sleep .1' >> ~/.bashrc" >> ~/.bashrc

So a sleep .1 is added to ~/.bashrc everytime the user starts a new terminal. So the terminal startup time increases with every use, slowly, but surely.

2. Create a ~ folder

Note: Potentially destructive. Use caution.

mkdir '~'
echo "kghkjhlkjh" > ./'~'/1

While ~ is an alias for $HOME folder, file/folder names with ~ are perfectly legal. Put some random stuff in it so that user has to use rm -rf to delete the folder.

Now, invariably, the victim types rm -rf ~ to delete the folder. 😈

If you want to be sure the user notices it, add this line to ~/.bashrc.

alias cd="mkdir -p '~' && echo "kghkjhlkjh" > ./'~'/1 && cd"

Now every directory the user cds into will have a ~ folder.

3. Change ssh to shh

mv ~/.ssh ~/.shh

From this:

4. File names that end with spaces

mv ~/.ssh ~/'.ssh '
mkdir ~/Desktop/'hello '

And so on.

File names with trailing spaces are perfectly legal. Watch them struggle deleting it 😆


5. Ssshhh! - macOS only

In settings > accessibility > Speech > System voice > customise, download voice whisper.

Now, add this to ~/.bashprofile

alias ssh="osascript -e 'set volume 10' && say -v whisper shh && ssh"

6. Upside down Windows

Every one knows that ctrl + shift + down-arrow inverts the desktop. Instead,

  • Take a screenshot of the normal Desktop, invert it horizontally and vertically in paint.
  • Then disable icons and auto hide the taskbar.
  • Set the previous inverted image as Wallpaper.
  • optional: Invert mouse and arrow keys from settings
  • Now invert the Desktop!

7. Change Editors!

Modify the .bashrc to include this:

alias nano="/usr/bin/vi"
alias vi="/usr/bin/nano"
alias vim="/usr/bin/emacs"
alias emacs="/usr/bin/vim"

8. Install sl

Install sl and leave it be. Everyone is bound to type sl instead of ls at some point of time.

9. Make date return random dates

This might need some tweaking in some systems, especially BSD versions of date command. Add these to .bashrc.

 alias date='date -d "now + $RANDOM days"'

Similarly, for the cal command,

function cal() {
    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then # If no arguments
        /usr/bin/cal -m $(date +%b) $(( ((RANDOM<<15)|RANDOM) % 45 + 2000 ));
        /usr/bin/cal $(( ((RANDOM<<15)|RANDOM) % 45 + 2000 ));


10. Dancing parrot on your terminal


11. Make cat print a cat randomly

function cat() {
	rdm=$(( ((RANDOM<<15)|RANDOM) % 5000 ));
	if test $rdm -lt 400
		/bin/cat $1