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109 lines (98 loc) · 4.36 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (98 loc) · 4.36 KB

Changes in arkouda-0.0.9

  • more optimized groupby/aggregate using segmented scans
  • fixed in1d bug
  • added in1d unit test
  • added groupby unit test
  • refactored a bunch of code
  • doubled speed of binary operators
  • much faster sort added
  • multi-level groupby added
  • many other changes lost track of them all

Changes in arkouda-0.0.8

  • added initial ak.argsort functionality
  • added initial ak.is_sorted functionality
  • added unit test to tests directory for ak.argsort
  • optimized argsort
  • added ak.where
  • opt some a[pdarray] gather-indexing
  • added initial ak.GroupBy and ak.aggregate functionality
  • added optimized per-locale version of groupby and aggregate

Changes in arkouda-0.0.7

  • fixed multi-file/multi-threaded bug in HDF5 I/O
  • improved HDF5 I/O error handling + glob filenames
  • added initial versions of ak.array() and pdarray.to_ndarray()
  • refactored histogram and some other procedures using helper nested procedures
  • added more operators for bool
  • added min and max reductions
  • optimized ak.int1d()

Changes in arkouda-0.0.6

  • added toys/ subdir with some prototype sorting code
  • made some changes to make naming consistent in Python and Chapel code
  • added initial HDF5 I/O
  • added a[slice] = value indexing
  • added a[slice] = pdarray indexing
  • added initial ak.argmin/ak.argmax functionality
  • added some different optimizations and optional return of the counts from ak.unique
  • added more error handling to GenSymIO (HDF5 I/O)

Changes in arkouda-0.0.5

  • finally got a BlockDist to work properly -- thanks Brad ;-)
  • changed ak.startup() to ak.connect() also added ak.disconnect()
  • added initial version of value_counts
  • added a[pdarray]=value indexing
  • changed to bool_ = type(True) in
  • added a[pdarray]=pdarray indexing
  • compiled with chapel 1.19 and cleaned up compilation warnings
  • substituted domain.contains() for domain.member()
  • fixed up parallel scans on bool arrays with int cast through a copy to int array (blah!)
  • created github repo
  • added backward compat code for 1.18
  • added some prototype python arkouda/numpy check/test code

Changes in arkouda-0.0.4

  • added threshold to pdarray.iter() to limit comms with arkouda_server
  • refactored how dist domain mapped arrays for symbol table entries
  • added some more tests to
  • simplified ones_like and zeros_like in
  • added bitwise {&,|,>>,<<,^,~} operators to int64
  • added unary-
  • added initial version of histogram
  • added bounds checking on pdarray indexing "a[iv]" where iv is an int64 pdarray
  • moved all operator stuff into OperatorMgs.chpl
  • factored the code put config const/param into ServerConfig.chpl module
  • added initital version of in1d
  • added initial version of randint
  • cleaned up ValueError vs. TypeError in
  • indexing operations moved to IndexingMsg.chpl
  • added initial version of unique

Changes in arkouda-0.0.3

  • changed over to distributed domain mapped arrays for arkouda server
  • added stdout.flush() after verbose messages to overcome buffering on big runs
  • added timer to report processing time around main loop
  • a little optimization of arange and linspace

CHANGES in arkouda-0.0.2

  • fixed bug in linspace in MsgProcessing.chpl
  • changed to using DType in all GenSymOps.chpl module from dynamic casts
  • simplified messaging in
  • refactored binary op overloading in pdarray class
  • overloaded pdarray str and repr, server messages and support also
  • added server error prop to raise exception in python
  • refactored errors in MsgProcessing.chpl
  • changed name from hpda to arkouda (Greek for Bear)
  • fixed "/ and /= aka truediv" to return float64 and added "// and //= aka floordiv"
  • fixed ones and zeros to behave like numpy
  • added slices to getitem and it does negative strides now!
  • added bool dtype
  • added relops
  • server gives out names instead of python
  • added sum, prod, any, and all reductions
  • added elemental functions log, exp, and abs
  • add numpy scans like cumsum and cumprod
  • add pdarray indexing b[] = a[iv[]], iv[] can be either int64 which does gather or bool which does a compress-out-false-indicies