From e41103df866506b94e4f24f51b04413fc72c55cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Saturn225 <>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 12:36:08 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] add process for conformance suite
.../test/scala/zio/http/ConformanceSpec.scala | 1446 +++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 1446 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 zio-http/jvm/src/test/scala/zio/http/ConformanceSpec.scala
diff --git a/zio-http/jvm/src/test/scala/zio/http/ConformanceSpec.scala b/zio-http/jvm/src/test/scala/zio/http/ConformanceSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e12913b7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zio-http/jvm/src/test/scala/zio/http/ConformanceSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,1446 @@
+package zio.http
+import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
+import java.time.ZonedDateTime
+import zio._
+import zio.test.Assertion._
+import zio.test.TestAspect._
+import zio.test._
+import zio.http._
+object ConformanceSpec extends ZIOSpecDefault {
+ /**
+ * This test suite is inspired by and built upon the findings from the
+ * research paper: "Who's Breaking the Rules? Studying Conformance to the HTTP
+ * Specifications and its Security Impact" by Jannis Rautenstrauch and Ben
+ * Stock, presented at the 19th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and
+ * Communications Security (ASIA CCS) 2024.
+ *
+ * Paper URL:
+ * GitHub Project:
+ *
+ */
+ val validUrl = URL.decode("").toOption.getOrElse(URL.root)
+ override def spec =
+ suite("ConformanceSpec")(
+ suite("Statuscodes")(
+ test("should not send body for 204 No Content responses(code_204_no_additional_content)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "no-content" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response.status(Status.NoContent),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/no-content")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.NoContent,
+ response.body.isEmpty,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should not send body for 205 Reset Content responses(code_205_no_content_allowed)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "reset-content" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response.status(Status.ResetContent),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/reset-content")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(response.status == Status.ResetContent, response.body.isEmpty)
+ },
+ test("should include Content-Range for 206 Partial Content response(code_206_content_range)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "partial" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.PartialContent)
+ .addHeader(Header.ContentRange.StartEnd("bytes", 0, 14)),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/partial")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.PartialContent,
+ response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test(
+ "should not include Content-Range in header for multipart/byteranges response(code_206_content_range_of_multiple_part_response)",
+ ) {
+ val boundary = zio.http.Boundary("A12345")
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "partial" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.PartialContent)
+ .addHeader(Header.ContentType(MediaType("multipart", "byteranges"), Some(boundary))),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/partial")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.PartialContent,
+ !response.headers.contains(,
+ response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should include necessary headers in 206 Partial Content response(code_206_headers)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "partial" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.PartialContent)
+ .addHeader(Header.ETag.Strong("abc"))
+ .addHeader(Header.CacheControl.MaxAge(3600)),
+ ),
+ Method.GET / "full" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.ETag.Strong("abc"))
+ .addHeader(Header.CacheControl.MaxAge(3600)),
+ ),
+ )
+ val requestWithRange =
+ Request.get("/partial").addHeader(Header.Range.Single("bytes", 0, Some(14)))
+ val requestWithoutRange = Request.get("/full")
+ for {
+ responseWithRange <- app.runZIO(requestWithRange)
+ responseWithoutRange <- app.runZIO(requestWithoutRange)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseWithRange.status == Status.PartialContent,
+ responseWithRange.headers.contains(,
+ responseWithRange.headers.contains(,
+ responseWithoutRange.status == Status.Ok,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should include WWW-Authenticate header for 401 Unauthorized response(code_401_www_authenticate)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "unauthorized" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.Unauthorized)
+ .addHeader(Header.WWWAuthenticate.Basic(Some("simple"))),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/unauthorized")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.Unauthorized,
+ response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should include Allow header for 405 Method Not Allowed response(code_405_allow)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.POST / "not-allowed" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.Ok),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/not-allowed")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.MethodNotAllowed,
+ response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test(
+ "should include Proxy-Authenticate header for 407 Proxy Authentication Required response(code_407_proxy_authenticate)",
+ ) {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "proxy-auth" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.ProxyAuthenticationRequired)
+ .addHeader(
+ Header.ProxyAuthenticate(Header.AuthenticationScheme.Basic, Some("proxy")),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/proxy-auth")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.ProxyAuthenticationRequired,
+ response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should return 304 without content(code_304_no_content)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "no-content" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.NotModified)
+ .copy(body = Body.empty),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/no-content")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.NotModified,
+ response.body.isEmpty,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should return 304 with correct headers(code_304_headers)") {
+ val headers = Headers(
+ Header.ETag.Strong("abc"),
+ Header.CacheControl.MaxAge(3600),
+ Header.Vary("Accept-Encoding"),
+ )
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "with-headers" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.NotModified)
+ .addHeaders(headers),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/with-headers")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.NotModified,
+ response.headers.contains(,
+ response.headers.contains(,
+ response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should include Location header in 300 MULTIPLE CHOICES response(code_300_location)") {
+ val testUrl = URL.decode("/People.html#tim").toOption.getOrElse(URL.root)
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.MultipleChoices)
+ .addHeader(Header.Location(testUrl))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.MultipleChoices)
+ .copy(headers = Headers.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.status == Status.MultipleChoices,
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ responseInvalid.status == Status.MultipleChoices,
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("300 MULTIPLE CHOICES response should have body content(code_300_metadata)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.MultipleChoices)
+ .copy(body = Body.fromString("
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.MultipleChoices)
+ .copy(body = Body.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ validBody <- responseValid.body.asString
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ invalidBody <- responseInvalid.body.asString
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.status == Status.MultipleChoices,
+ validBody.contains("ABC"),
+ responseInvalid.status == Status.MultipleChoices,
+ invalidBody.isEmpty,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should not require body content for HEAD requests(code_300_metadata)") {
+ val response = Response
+ .status(Status.MultipleChoices)
+ .copy(body = Body.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.HEAD / "head" -> Handler.fromResponse(response),
+ )
+ for {
+ headResponse <- app.runZIO(Request.head("/head"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ headResponse.status == Status.MultipleChoices,
+ headResponse.body.isEmpty,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should include Location header in 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY response(code_301_location)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.MovedPermanently)
+ .addHeader(Header.Location(validUrl))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.MovedPermanently)
+ .copy(headers = Headers.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.status == Status.MovedPermanently,
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ responseInvalid.status == Status.MovedPermanently,
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should include Location header in 302 FOUND response(code_302_location)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Found)
+ .addHeader(Header.Location(validUrl))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Found)
+ .copy(headers = Headers.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.status == Status.Found,
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ responseInvalid.status == Status.Found,
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should include Location header in 303 SEE OTHER response(code_303_location)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.SeeOther)
+ .addHeader(Header.Location(validUrl))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.SeeOther)
+ .copy(headers = Headers.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.status == Status.SeeOther,
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ responseInvalid.status == Status.SeeOther,
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should include Location header in 307 TEMPORARY REDIRECT response(code_307_location)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.TemporaryRedirect)
+ .addHeader(Header.Location(validUrl))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.TemporaryRedirect)
+ .copy(headers = Headers.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.status == Status.TemporaryRedirect,
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ responseInvalid.status == Status.TemporaryRedirect,
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should include Location header in 308 PERMANENT REDIRECT response(code_308_location)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.PermanentRedirect)
+ .addHeader(Header.Location(validUrl))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.PermanentRedirect)
+ .copy(headers = Headers.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.status == Status.PermanentRedirect,
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ responseInvalid.status == Status.PermanentRedirect,
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test(
+ "should include Retry-After header in 413 Content Too Large response if condition is temporary (code_413_retry_after)",
+ ) {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.RequestEntityTooLarge)
+ .addHeader(Header.RetryAfter.ByDuration(10.seconds))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.RequestEntityTooLarge)
+ .copy(headers = Headers.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.status == Status.RequestEntityTooLarge,
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ responseInvalid.status == Status.RequestEntityTooLarge,
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test(
+ "should include Accept or Accept-Encoding header in 415 Unsupported Media Type response (code_415_unsupported_media_type)",
+ ) {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.UnsupportedMediaType)
+ .addHeader(Header.Accept(MediaType.application.json))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.UnsupportedMediaType)
+ .copy(headers = Headers.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.status == Status.UnsupportedMediaType,
+ responseValid.headers.contains( ||
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ responseInvalid.status == Status.UnsupportedMediaType,
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains( &&
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should include Content-Range header in 416 Range Not Satisfiable response (code_416_content_range)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable)
+ .addHeader(Header.ContentRange.RangeTotal("bytes", 47022))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("Content-Range", ",;"))
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.status == Status.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable,
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ responseInvalid.status == Status.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable,
+ responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ responseInvalid.headers.get(",;"),
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ suite("HTTP Headers")(
+ suite("code_400_after_bad_host_request")(
+ test("should return 200 OK if Host header is present") {
+ val route = Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.ok
+ val app = Routes(route)
+ val requestWithHost = Request.get("/test").addHeader(Header.Host("localhost"))
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(requestWithHost)
+ } yield assertTrue(response.status == Status.Ok)
+ },
+ test("should return 400 Bad Request if Host header is missing") {
+ val route = Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.ok
+ val app = Routes(route)
+ val requestWithoutHost = Request.get("/test")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(requestWithoutHost)
+ } yield assertTrue(response.status == Status.BadRequest)
+ },
+ test("should return 400 Bad Request if there are multiple Host headers") {
+ val route = Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.ok
+ val app = Routes(route)
+ val requestWithTwoHosts = Request
+ .get("/test")
+ .addHeader(Header.Host(""))
+ .addHeader(Header.Host(""))
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(requestWithTwoHosts)
+ } yield assertTrue(response.status == Status.BadRequest)
+ },
+ test("should return 400 Bad Request if Host header is invalid") {
+ val route = Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.ok
+ val app = Routes(route)
+ val requestWithInvalidHost = Request
+ .get("/test")
+ .addHeader(Header.Host("invalid_host"))
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(requestWithInvalidHost)
+ } yield assertTrue(response.status == Status.BadRequest)
+ },
+ ),
+ test("should not include Content-Length header for 2XX CONNECT responses(content_length_2XX_connect)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.CONNECT / "" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response.status(Status.Ok),
+ ),
+ )
+ val decodedUrl = URL.decode("")
+ val request = decodedUrl match {
+ case Right(url) => Request(method = Method.CONNECT, url = url)
+ case Left(_) => throw new RuntimeException("Failed to decode the URL")
+ }
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.Ok,
+ !response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should not include Transfer-Encoding header for 2XX CONNECT responses(transfer_encoding_2XX_connect)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.CONNECT / "" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response.status(Status.Ok),
+ ),
+ )
+ val decodedUrl = URL.decode("")
+ val request = decodedUrl match {
+ case Right(url) => Request(method = Method.CONNECT, url = url)
+ case Left(_) => throw new RuntimeException("Failed to decode the URL")
+ }
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.Ok,
+ !response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should not return overly detailed Server header(server_header_long)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("Server", "SimpleServer"))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("Server", "a" * 101))
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield {
+ assertTrue(
+ responseValid.headers.get( <= 100),
+ responseInvalid.headers.get( > 100),
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ test("should include Content-Type header for responses with content(content_type_header_required)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.ContentType(MediaType.text.html))
+ .copy(body = Body.fromString("ABC
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .copy(body = Body.fromString("ABC
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield {
+ assertTrue(
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ test("should include Accept-Patch header when PATCH is supported(accept_patch_presence)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.AcceptPatch(NonEmptyChunk(MediaType.application.json)))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .copy(headers = Headers.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.OPTIONS / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.OPTIONS / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.options("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.options("/invalid"))
+ } yield {
+ assertTrue(
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ test("should include Date header in responses (date_header_required)") {
+ val validDate = ZonedDateTime.parse("Thu, 20 Mar 2025 20:03:00 GMT", DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME)
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Date(validDate))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .copy(headers = Headers.empty)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.headers.contains(,
+ !responseInvalid.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ suite("CSP Header")(
+ test("should not send more than one CSP header (duplicate_csp)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.ContentSecurityPolicy.defaultSrc(Header.ContentSecurityPolicy.Source.Self))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.ContentSecurityPolicy.defaultSrc(Header.ContentSecurityPolicy.Source.Self))
+ .addHeader(Header.ContentSecurityPolicy.imgSrc(Header.ContentSecurityPolicy.Source.Self))
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield {
+ val cspHeadersValid = responseValid.headers.toList.collect {
+ case h if h.headerName == => h
+ }
+ val cspHeadersInvalid = responseInvalid.headers.toList.collect {
+ case h if h.headerName == => h
+ }
+ assertTrue(
+ cspHeadersValid.length == 1,
+ cspHeadersInvalid.length > 1,
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ // Note: Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only Header to be Supported
+ ),
+ ),
+ suite("sts")(
+ // Note: Strict-Transport-Security Header to be Supported
+ ),
+ suite("Transfer-Encoding")(
+ suite("no_transfer_encoding_1xx_204")(
+ test("should return valid when Transfer-Encoding is not present for 1xx or 204 status") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "no-content" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response.status(Status.NoContent),
+ ),
+ Method.GET / "continue" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response.status(Status.Continue),
+ ),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseNoContent <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/no-content"))
+ responseContinue <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/continue"))
+ } yield assertTrue(responseNoContent.status == Status.NoContent) &&
+ assertTrue(!responseNoContent.headers.contains( &&
+ assertTrue(responseContinue.status == Status.Continue) &&
+ assertTrue(!responseContinue.headers.contains(
+ },
+ test("should return invalid when Transfer-Encoding is present for 1xx or 204 status") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "no-content" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response.status(Status.NoContent).addHeader(Header.TransferEncoding.Chunked),
+ ),
+ Method.GET / "continue" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response.status(Status.Continue).addHeader(Header.TransferEncoding.Chunked),
+ ),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseNoContent <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/no-content"))
+ responseContinue <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/continue"))
+ } yield assertTrue(responseNoContent.status == Status.NoContent) &&
+ assertTrue(responseNoContent.headers.contains( &&
+ assertTrue(responseContinue.status == Status.Continue) &&
+ assertTrue(responseContinue.headers.contains(
+ },
+ ),
+ suite("transfer_encoding_http11")(
+ test("should not send Transfer-Encoding in response if request HTTP version is below 1.1") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response.ok.addHeader(Header.TransferEncoding.Chunked),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/test").copy(version = Version.`HTTP/1.0`)
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.Ok,
+ !response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should send Transfer-Encoding in response if request HTTP version is 1.1 or higher") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response.ok.addHeader(Header.TransferEncoding.Chunked),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/test").copy(version = Version.`HTTP/1.1`)
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.Ok,
+ response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ ),
+ suite("HTTP-Methods")(
+ test("should not send body for HEAD requests(content_head_request)") {
+ val route = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response.text("This is the body")),
+ Method.HEAD / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response(status = Status.Ok)),
+ )
+ val app = route
+ val headRequest = Request.head("/test")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(headRequest)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.Ok,
+ response.body.isEmpty,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should not return 206, 304, or 416 status codes for POST requests(post_invalid_response_codes)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.POST / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response.status(Status.Ok)),
+ )
+ for {
+ res <- app.runZIO("/test", Body.empty))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ res.status != Status.PartialContent,
+ res.status != Status.NotModified,
+ res.status != Status.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable,
+ res.status == Status.Ok,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should send the same headers for HEAD and GET requests (head_get_headers)") {
+ val getResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.ContentType(MediaType.text.html))
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("X-Custom-Header", "value"))
+ .copy(body = Body.fromString("ABC
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(getResponse),
+ Method.HEAD / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(getResponse.copy(body = Body.empty)),
+ )
+ for {
+ getResponse <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/test"))
+ headResponse <- app.runZIO(Request.head("/test"))
+ getHeaders =
+ headHeaders =
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ getHeaders == headHeaders,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should reply with 501 for unknown HTTP methods (code_501_unknown_methods)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response.status(Status.Ok)),
+ )
+ val unknownMethodRequest = Request(method = Method.CUSTOM("ABC"), url = URL(Path.root / "test"))
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(unknownMethodRequest)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.NotImplemented,
+ )
+ },
+ test(
+ "should reply with 405 when the request method is not allowed for the target resource (code_405_blocked_methods)",
+ ) {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response.status(Status.Ok)),
+ )
+ // Testing a disallowed method (e.g., CONNECT)
+ val connectMethodRequest = Request(method = Method.CONNECT, url = URL(Path.root / "test"))
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(connectMethodRequest)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.MethodNotAllowed,
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ suite("HTTP/1.1")(
+ test("should return 400 Bad Request if there is whitespace between start-line and first header field") {
+ val route = Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.ok
+ val app = Routes(route)
+ val malformedRequest =
+ Request.get("/test").copy(headers = Headers.empty).withBody(Body.fromString("\r\nHost: localhost"))
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(malformedRequest)
+ } yield assertTrue(response.status == Status.BadRequest)
+ },
+ test("should return 400 Bad Request if there is whitespace between header field and colon") {
+ val route = Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.ok
+ val app = Routes(route)
+ val requestWithWhitespaceHeader = Request.get("/test").addHeader(Header.Custom("Invalid Header ", "value"))
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(requestWithWhitespaceHeader)
+ } yield {
+ assertTrue(response.status == Status.BadRequest)
+ }
+ },
+ test("should not generate a bare CR in headers for HTTP/1.1(no_bare_cr)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.fromZIO {
+ ZIO.succeed(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("A", "1\r\nB: 2")),
+ )
+ },
+ )
+ val request = Request
+ .get("/test")
+ .copy(version = Version.Http_1_1)
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ headersString = response.headers.toString
+ isValid = !headersString.contains("\r") || headersString.contains("\r\n")
+ } yield assertTrue(isValid)
+ },
+ test("should allow one CRLF in front of the request line (allow_crlf_start)") {
+ val crlfPrefix = "\r\n".getBytes
+ val validRequest = Request
+ .get("/valid")
+ .withBody(Body.fromChunk(Chunk.fromArray(crlfPrefix ++ "GET /valid HTTP/1.1".getBytes)))
+ val invalidRequest = Request
+ .get("/invalid")
+ .withBody(Body.fromChunk(Chunk.fromArray(crlfPrefix ++ "GET /invalid HTTP/1.1".getBytes)))
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response.status(Status.Ok)),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response.status(Status.NotFound)),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(validRequest)
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(invalidRequest)
+ } yield {
+ assertTrue(
+ responseValid.status.isSuccess || responseValid.status == Status.NotFound,
+ responseInvalid.status == Status.NotFound,
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ test("should send a 'Connection: close' option in final response (close_option_in_final_response)") {
+ val validRequest = Request
+ .get("/valid")
+ .addHeader(Header.Connection.Close)
+ val invalidRequest = Request
+ .get("/invalid")
+ .addHeader(Header.Connection.KeepAlive)
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Connection.Close)
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Connection.KeepAlive)
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(validRequest)
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(invalidRequest)
+ } yield {
+ assertTrue(
+ responseValid.headers.toList.exists(h =>
+ h.headerName == && h.renderedValue == "close",
+ ),
+ responseInvalid.headers.toList.exists(h =>
+ h.headerName == && h.renderedValue == "keep-alive",
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ ),
+ suite("HTTP")(
+ test("should return 400 Bad Request if header contains CR, LF, or NULL(reject_fields_contaning_cr_lf_nul)") {
+ val route = Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.ok
+ val app = Routes(route)
+ val requestWithCRLFHeader = Request.get("/test").addHeader("InvalidHeader", "Value\r\n")
+ val requestWithNullHeader = Request.get("/test").addHeader("InvalidHeader", "Value\u0000")
+ for {
+ responseCRLF <- app.runZIO(requestWithCRLFHeader)
+ responseNull <- app.runZIO(requestWithNullHeader)
+ } yield {
+ assertTrue(responseCRLF.status == Status.BadRequest) &&
+ assertTrue(responseNull.status == Status.BadRequest)
+ }
+ },
+ test("should send Upgrade header with 426 Upgrade Required response(send_upgrade_426)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.UpgradeRequired)
+ .addHeader(Header.Upgrade.Protocol("https", "1.1")),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/test")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.UpgradeRequired,
+ response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should send Upgrade header with 101 Switching Protocols response(send_upgrade_101)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "switch" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.SwitchingProtocols)
+ .addHeader(Header.Upgrade.Protocol("https", "1.1")),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/switch")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.SwitchingProtocols,
+ response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should not include Content-Length header for 1xx and 204 No Content responses(content_length_1XX_204)") {
+ val route1xxContinue = Method.GET / "continue" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response(status = Status.Continue))
+ val route1xxSwitch =
+ Method.GET / "switching-protocols" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response(status = Status.SwitchingProtocols))
+ val route1xxProcess =
+ Method.GET / "processing" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response(status = Status.Processing))
+ val route204NoContent =
+ Method.GET / "no-content" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response(status = Status.NoContent))
+ val app = Routes(route1xxContinue, route1xxSwitch, route1xxProcess, route204NoContent)
+ val requestContinue = Request.get("/continue")
+ val requestSwitch = Request.get("/switching-protocols")
+ val requestProcess = Request.get("/processing")
+ val requestNoContent = Request.get("/no-content")
+ for {
+ responseContinue <- app.runZIO(requestContinue)
+ responseSwitch <- app.runZIO(requestSwitch)
+ responseProcess <- app.runZIO(requestProcess)
+ responseNoContent <- app.runZIO(requestNoContent)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ !responseContinue.headers.contains(,
+ !responseSwitch.headers.contains(,
+ !responseProcess.headers.contains(,
+ !responseNoContent.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test(
+ "should not switch to a protocol not indicated by the client in the Upgrade header(switch_protocol_without_client)",
+ ) {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "switch" -> Handler.fromFunctionZIO { (request: Request) =>
+ val clientUpgrade = request.headers.get(
+ ZIO.succeed {
+ clientUpgrade match {
+ case Some("https/1.1") =>
+ Response
+ .status(Status.SwitchingProtocols)
+ .addHeader(Header.Upgrade.Protocol("https", "1.1"))
+ case Some(_) =>
+ Response.status(Status.BadRequest)
+ case None =>
+ Response.status(Status.Ok)
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ val requestWithUpgrade = Request
+ .get("/switch")
+ .addHeader(Header.Upgrade.Protocol("https", "1.1"))
+ val requestWithUnsupportedUpgrade = Request
+ .get("/switch")
+ .addHeader(Header.Upgrade.Protocol("unsupported", "1.0"))
+ val requestWithoutUpgrade = Request.get("/switch")
+ for {
+ responseWithUpgrade <- app.runZIO(requestWithUpgrade)
+ responseWithUnsupportedUpgrade <- app.runZIO(requestWithUnsupportedUpgrade)
+ responseWithoutUpgrade <- app.runZIO(requestWithoutUpgrade)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseWithUpgrade.status == Status.SwitchingProtocols,
+ responseWithUpgrade.headers.contains(,
+ responseWithUnsupportedUpgrade.status == Status.BadRequest,
+ responseWithoutUpgrade.status == Status.Ok,
+ )
+ },
+ test(
+ "should send 100 Continue before 101 Switching Protocols when both Upgrade and Expect headers are present(continue_before_upgrade)",
+ ) {
+ val continueHandler = Handler.fromZIO {
+ ZIO.succeed(Response.status(Status.Continue))
+ }
+ val switchingProtocolsHandler = Handler.fromZIO {
+ ZIO.succeed(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.SwitchingProtocols)
+ .addHeader(Header.Connection.KeepAlive)
+ .addHeader(Header.Upgrade.Protocol("https", "1.1")),
+ )
+ }
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.POST / "upgrade" -> continueHandler,
+ Method.GET / "switch" -> switchingProtocolsHandler,
+ )
+ val initialRequest = Request
+ .post("/upgrade", Body.empty)
+ .addHeader(Header.Expect.`100-continue`)
+ .addHeader(Header.Connection.KeepAlive)
+ .addHeader(Header.Upgrade.Protocol("https", "1.1"))
+ val followUpRequest = Request.get("/switch")
+ for {
+ firstResponse <- app.runZIO(initialRequest)
+ secondResponse <- app.runZIO(followUpRequest)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ firstResponse.status == Status.Continue,
+ secondResponse.status == Status.SwitchingProtocols,
+ secondResponse.headers.contains(,
+ secondResponse.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ test("should not return forbidden duplicate headers in response(duplicate_fields)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.XFrameOptions.Deny)
+ .addHeader(Header.XFrameOptions.SameOrigin),
+ ),
+ )
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/test"))
+ } yield {
+ val xFrameOptionsHeaders = response.headers.toList.collect {
+ case h if h.headerName == => h
+ }
+ assertTrue(xFrameOptionsHeaders.length == 1)
+ }
+ },
+ suite("Content-Length")(
+ test("Content-Length in HEAD must match the one in GET (content_length_same_head_get)") {
+ val getResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.ContentLength(14))
+ .copy(body = Body.fromString("ABC
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(getResponse),
+ Method.HEAD / "test" -> Handler.fromResponse(getResponse.copy(body = Body.empty)),
+ )
+ for {
+ getResponse <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/test"))
+ headResponse <- app.runZIO(Request.head("/test"))
+ getContentLength = getResponse.headers.get(
+ headContentLength = headResponse.headers.get(
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ headContentLength == getContentLength,
+ )
+ },
+ test("Content-Length in 304 Not Modified must match the one in 200 OK (content_length_same_304_200)") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "test" -> Handler.fromFunction { (request: Request) =>
+ request.headers.get( match {
+ case Some(_) =>
+ Response.status(Status.NotModified).addHeader(Header.ContentLength(14)).copy(body = Body.empty)
+ case None =>
+ Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.ContentLength(14))
+ .copy(body = Body.fromString("ABC
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ val conditionalRequest = Request
+ .get("/test")
+ .addHeader(
+ Header.IfModifiedSince(
+ ZonedDateTime.parse("Thu, 20 Mar 2025 07:28:00 GMT", DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME),
+ ),
+ )
+ for {
+ normalResponse <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/test"))
+ conditionalResponse <- app.runZIO(conditionalRequest)
+ normalContentLength = normalResponse.headers.get(
+ conditionalContentLength = conditionalResponse.headers.get(
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ normalContentLength == conditionalContentLength,
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ ),
+ suite("cache-control")(
+ test("Cache-Control should not have quoted string for max-age directive(response_directive_max_age)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.CacheControl.MaxAge(5))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("Cache-Control", """max-age="5""""))
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.headers.get("max-age=5"),
+ responseInvalid.headers.get("""max-age="5""""),
+ )
+ },
+ test("Cache-Control should not have quoted string for s-maxage directive(response_directive_s_maxage)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.CacheControl.SMaxAge(10))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("Cache-Control", """s-maxage="10""""))
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.headers.get("s-maxage=10"),
+ responseInvalid.headers.get("""s-maxage="10""""),
+ )
+ },
+ test("Cache-Control should use quoted-string form for no-cache directive(response_directive_no_cache)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("Cache-Control", """no-cache="age""""))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("Cache-Control", "no-cache=age"))
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.headers.get("""no-cache="age""""),
+ responseInvalid.headers.get("no-cache=age"),
+ )
+ },
+ test("Cache-Control should use quoted-string form for private directive(response_directive_private)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("Cache-Control", """private="x-frame-options""""))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("Cache-Control", "private=x-frame-options"))
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ responseValid.headers.get("""private="x-frame-options""""),
+ responseInvalid.headers.get("private=x-frame-options"),
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ suite("cookies")(
+ test("should not have duplicate cookie attributes in Set-Cookie header(duplicate_cookie_attribute)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.SetCookie(Cookie.Response("test", "test", path = Some(Path.root))))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("Set-Cookie", "test=test; path=/; path=/abc"))
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield {
+ val validCookieAttributes = responseValid.headers.toList.collect {
+ case h if h.headerName == => h.renderedValue
+ }
+ val invalidCookieAttributes = responseInvalid.headers.toList.collect {
+ case h if h.headerName == "Set-Cookie" => h.renderedValue
+ }
+ assertTrue(
+ validCookieAttributes.nonEmpty,
+ validCookieAttributes.exists(_.toLowerCase.contains("path=/")),
+ !validCookieAttributes.exists(_.toLowerCase.contains("path=/abc")),
+ ) &&
+ assertTrue(
+ invalidCookieAttributes.exists(_.contains("path=/")),
+ invalidCookieAttributes.exists(_.contains("path=/abc")),
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ test("should not have duplicate cookies with the same name(duplicate_cookies)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.SetCookie(Cookie.Response("test", "test")))
+ .addHeader(Header.SetCookie(Cookie.Response("test2", "test2")))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.SetCookie(Cookie.Response("test", "test")))
+ .addHeader(Header.SetCookie(Cookie.Response("test", "test2")))
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield {
+ val validCookies = responseValid.headers.toList.collect {
+ case h if h.headerName == => h.renderedValue
+ }
+ val invalidCookies = responseInvalid.headers.toList.collect {
+ case h if h.headerName == => h.renderedValue
+ }
+ assertTrue(
+ validCookies.count(_.contains("test=")) == 1,
+ ) &&
+ assertTrue(
+ invalidCookies.count(_.contains("test=")) == 2,
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ test("should use IMF-fixdate for cookie expiration date(cookie_IMF_fixdate)") {
+ val validResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.SetCookie(Cookie.Response("test", "test", maxAge = Some(Duration.fromSeconds(86400)))))
+ val invalidResponse = Response
+ .status(Status.Ok)
+ .addHeader(Header.Custom("Set-Cookie", "test=test; expires=Thu, 20 Mar 25 15:14:45 GMT"))
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "valid" -> Handler.fromResponse(validResponse),
+ Method.GET / "invalid" -> Handler.fromResponse(invalidResponse),
+ )
+ for {
+ responseValid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/valid"))
+ responseInvalid <- app.runZIO(Request.get("/invalid"))
+ } yield {
+ val expiresValid = responseValid.headers.toList.exists(_.renderedValue.contains("Expires="))
+ val expiresInvalid =
+ responseInvalid.headers.toList.exists(_.renderedValue.contains("expires=Thu, 20 Mar 25"))
+ assertTrue(
+ expiresValid,
+ expiresInvalid,
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ ),
+ suite("conformance")(
+ test("should not include Content-Length header for 204 No Content responses") {
+ val route = Method.GET / "no-content" -> Handler.fromResponse(Response(status = Status.NoContent))
+ val app = Routes(route)
+ val request = Request.get("/no-content")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(!response.headers.contains(
+ },
+ test("should not send content for 304 Not Modified responses") {
+ val app = Routes(
+ Method.GET / "not-modified" -> Handler.fromResponse(
+ Response.status(Status.NotModified),
+ ),
+ )
+ val request = Request.get("/not-modified")
+ for {
+ response <- app.runZIO(request)
+ } yield assertTrue(
+ response.status == Status.NotModified,
+ response.body.isEmpty,
+ !response.headers.contains(,
+ !response.headers.contains(,
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ )