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File metadata and controls

192 lines (157 loc) · 8.41 KB


This script ease the process of publishing React Native builds with Microsoft AppCenter and managing the versionning of your App. Each build to production env will also create a Git Tag and populate a file at the root of your project based on your commits messages.

How to install

yarn add -D zol-msappcenter-publish

Getting Started

App Center configuration

First things first, you will need to have created both of your applications (Android and iOS) on your App Center account. We highly recommand to suffix your application name with the OS like myawesomeapp-android or myawesomeapp-ios. Then don't forget to link your git repository to it.
That's it for the App Center part of it.

Create the config file

In order for the script to run you will need to create a .publishrc file at the root of your React-Native project. You can go with this basic mandatory configuration. Or, if you want more depth and customization, see further down for the full possibilities.

module.exports = {
  appCenter: {
    userName: 'my_username',
    token: 'my_token',
    appName: {
      ios: 'ios_app_name',
      android: 'android_app_name',
    autoIncrementBuildNumber: true,
    buildAndroidAppBundle: 'prod',
  git: {
    repoURL: '[my_team]/[my_project]/'

Add an entry in your package.json

In your package.json add a script entry to ease the process of running the script.

"scripts": {
  "appcenter:publish": "./node_modules/zol-msappcenter-publish/index.cjs"

Run the initialisation process

Then before started creating builds like crazy, one last step is to run in your terminal yarn appcenter:publish --init-config. Depending on your configuration file it may ask you some questions to complete the process of setting-up your environment.

Publishrc configuration options

You can go with the basic configuration or further customize your building process. Read along for an example of a full .publishrc file :

module.exports = {
    startingVersionNumber: '1.0.0', // This number will be used as versionning starting point
    appCenter: {
        userName: 'my_username',
        token: 'my_token',
        appName: {
            ios: 'appname-ios',
            android: 'appname-android',
        keystorePath: './secrets/keystore.jks', // path to your Android keystore file
        appleCertificatePath: './secrets/certificate20230812.p12', // path to your Apple Certificate
        appleProvisioningProfilePath: {
            staging: './secrets/profiles/appname-adhoc20230812.mobileprovision',
            'pre-prod': './secrets/profiles/appname-adhoc20230812.mobileprovision',
            prod: './secrets/profiles/appname-distribution20230812.mobileprovision'
        autoIncrementBuildNumber: true,
        buildAndroidAppBundle: 'prod', // always - prod - none / if you want App Center to build an App Bundle instead of an .apk
    git: {
        repoURL: '[my_team]/[my_project]/',
        branches: {
            staging: 'develop', // Your git branch name pointing to your staging env
            'pre-prod': 'pre-prod', // Your git branch name pointing to your pre-production env
            prod: 'main', // Your git branch name pointing to your production env
        commitPrefixes: {
            feature: '[+]', // custom your commit prefix to identify new feature in changelog
            bugFix: '[#]', // custom your commit prefix to identify bug fixes in changelog
    environmentVariables: {
        BUILD_ENV: {
            local: '',
            staging: '',
            'pre-prod': '',
            prod: '',
        API_URL: {
            local: 'localhost/',
            staging: '',
            'pre-prod': '',
            prod: '',
        TEST: {
            local: 'test.local',
            staging: 'test.staging',
            'pre-prod': 'test.preprod',
            prod: '',

Available Script arguments

To avoid remembering them all we recommand you to create an entry in your package.json for each of them :

"scripts": {
  "appcenter:publish": "./node_modules/zol-msappcenter-publish/index.cjs",
  "appcenter:update": "./node_modules/zol-msappcenter-publish/index.cjs --update-config",
  "appcenter:add-var": "./node_modules/zol-msappcenter-publish/index.cjs --add-variable",
  "appcenter:hotfix": "./node_modules/zol-msappcenter-publish/index.cjs --hotfix"


You will need to run the script with this argument only once in your project. As explained, it will trigger a script that will automatically set up your builds environment. In details it will :

  • check if every branch exists on repo and create them if necessary
  • create the distribution groups Staging and Pre-prod for your App Center applications
  • for each of your App Center applications and your git branches configure properly and link the builds to the right distribution group


Use this command to update project configuration and set up your builds environment. In details it will :

  • check if every branch exists on repo and create them if necessary
  • create the distribution groups Staging and Pre-prod for your App Center applications
  • for each of your App Center applications and your git branches configure properly and link the builds to the right distribution group


Run this script when you need to add an environment variable to your project. You need to add all variables and their values per environment in .publishrc file. This script will take this variables and :

  • update script
  • add all staging variables in env.js file
  • update appCenter config for each environment and each platform.


//TODO hotfix mode build the app on the env default branch, without getting changes from other branches Yet to come but if you encounter a hotfix to make, here is the process to follow (and that the script will follow):

Will check if you have any hotfix/ branch open, squash the commits and merge the branch into your production one. Then will trigger a build and update your changelog. Finally will checkout on your staging branch and get the hotfix there.

---ci [options]

To run script without prompts.
You need to specify in options :

  • platform:[value] where value must be one of ios or android. Leave empty for both platforms.
  • env:[value] where value must be one of staging, pre-prod, prod. Default value is staging.


We thought a strict but useful flow (to us) to manage our mobile application development flow that will for sure impact how you will be doing things too. The goal is to ease as much as possible the process of creating builds so that our projects managers and clients can QA tests really fast our iterations.
Then the process will be as follows :

git:staging // Will be your main development branch where you merge all your new features and fixes
appcenter:Staging // Your QA will have access to builds from the develop branch on the Staging group of AppCenter
↓ (QA approved)
git:pre-prod // Pull directly from your work on develop
appcenter:Preprod // Your QA will have access to builds from the pre-prod branch on the Preprod group of AppCenter
git:prod // Pull directly from your work on pre-prod, tag a new version, generate changelog in the repository
appcenter:Stores // When configured, your builds will be published on Google Beta & Testflight to have a last check before going to production

Once you will be using the script you won't be able to skip a step because each step get its work from a specific branch and in this strict order. It enforce QA on each different environments possible and once you will be set for production you should be at peace with yourself.

How the auto-versionning works ?

Thanks to your commit messages pre-fixes the script will be able de auto-generate a changelog and auto-manage your version number.

[major version].[release version].[features and fixes between releases]
       ↓                 ↓                          ↓
manually set in  increment at each     count each feature and fix commit
  .publishrc      new production        since the last production builds