Perform fast sanity test on a Zowe instance to see if Zowe service is running as expected.
Contents of this readme:
- Programming Language And Main Testing Method
- Run Test Cases On Your Local
- General Guideline For Adding Test Cases
- Add More Test Cases
- Troubleshooting
- Node.js, with recommended v8.x LTS
- Mocha
- Chai Assertion Library - BDD Expect/Should
- Selenium WebDriver
Please note, currently package.json doesn't include Babel JS, which means all test cases are written in vanilla node.js v8.x supported syntax. ES2017 and ES2018 syntax are not fully supported. Please check Node.js Support website.
We have a dependency on NPM registry of Zowe Artifactory. You will need to configure npm registry to be
. This should have been handled by the .npmrc
file in this folder.
With correct npm registry, you can run npm install
to install all dependencies.
By default, E2E UI test cases are launched by Selenium with Firefox driver. If you run test cases on your local, you need Firefox installed.
The existing test cases are tested on Firefox v61.0.2 which is pre-installed in Jenkins build agent. In theory, the e2e test cases should be able to run on Firefox v53 and above.
Example command:
ZOWE_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/zowe \
ZOWE_WORKSPACE_DIR=/path/to/zowe/workspaceDir \
ZOWE_EXTERNAL_HOST=test-server \
SSH_HOST=test-server \
SSH_PORT=12022 \
SSH_USER=********* \
SSH_PASSWD=********* \
ZOSMF_PORT=10443 \
npm test
- All test cases are located in
directory. - Test cases are grouped as sub-directories:
: includes all API Mediation Layer test cases,test/cli
: includes all CLI test cases,test/e2e
: includes all E2E UI test cases,test/explorer-apis
: includes all Zowe Explorer API test cases,test/install
: includes all test cases validating Zowe installation,test/zlux
: includes all test cases validating Zowe zlux server.
Test case can use debug package to output debugging information. For example:
// declare debug
const debug = require('debug')('zowe-sanity-test:my-testsuite:my-testcase');
// output debug information
debug('result:', result);
To show debugging information on your local, you can add DEBUG=zowe-sanity-test:*
to the test command.
In Jenkins Pipeline, we have pre-defined build parameter TEST_CASE_DEBUG_INFORMATION
, which can enable to show debugging information. For example, give TEST_CASE_DEBUG_INFORMATION
value zowe-sanity-test:*
will show all test debugging information.
We use mochawesome to render HTMl test report. To show more test information, like CLI result, we can use addContext. For example:
// declare addContext
const addContext = require('mochawesome/addContext');
it('my test case', async function() {
// ...
// I have a variable result want to show in HTML report
addContext(this, {
title: 'my test result',
value: result
// ...
There is helper function saveScreenshot
located in test/e2e/utils.js. You can use this function to save screenshot and add to HTML Report. For example:
// declare mochawesome/addContext
const addContext = require('mochawesome/addContext');
// declare test name
const testName = path.basename(__filename, path.extname(__filename));
// declare saveScreenshot
const { saveScreenshot } = require('./utils');
it('my test case', async function() {
// ...
// save screenshot
const file = await saveScreenshot(driver, testName, 'my-screen-shot-name');
addContext(this, file);
// ...
If you are testing IFrame Application, you need to set correct driver content to save screenshot, otherwise you will only have part of the whole screen be captured. In this case, you may use saveScreenshotWithIframeAppContext
. For Example,
// declare mochawesome/addContext
const addContext = require('mochawesome/addContext');
// declare test name
const testName = path.basename(__filename, path.extname(__filename));
// declare saveScreenshotWithIframeAppContext
const { saveScreenshotWithIframeAppContext } = require('./utils');
// which app you are testing
const APP_TO_TEST = 'My Application';
it('my test case', async function() {
// ...
// save screenshot
await saveScreenshotWithIframeAppContext(this, driver, testName, 'my-screen-shot-name', APP_TO_TEST, ['rs-com-mvd-iframe-component > iframe', 'iframe#atlasIframe']);
// ...
will switch to default content before taking a screenshot:
await driver.switchTo().defaultContent();
Then switch back to IFrame Application content by locating the application iFrame window we are testing:
await switchToIframeAppContext(driver, appName, contexts);
This section will provide brief example how to add new CLI test cases.
- Use
function to create dafault z/OSMF profile with namedefaultZOSMFProfileName
. - Use
to issue a CLI command and getresult
. - Verify
, orresult.stderr
For example:
// import chai expect
const expect = require('chai').expect;
// import createDefaultZOSMFProfile & execZoweCli
const { execZoweCli, defaultZOSMFProfileName, createDefaultZOSMFProfile } = require('./utils');
describe('my test suite', function() {
before('ensure profile', async function() {
// ensure z/OSMF profile existence
await createDefaultZOSMFProfile(
it('should succeed on my command', async function() {
// issue my CLI command
const result = await execZoweCli(`zowe ?????? --response-format-json --zosmf-profile ${defaultZOSMFProfileName}`);
// execZoweCli should return an object with stdout and stderr properties
// we choose to --response-format-json, then stdout should be a valid JSON string
const res = JSON.parse(result.stdout);
This section will provide brief example how to add new API test cases. Below examples uses axios to make HTTP requests.
- Create axios object by using
. - Make request and verify response
For example:
// import chai expect
const expect = require('chai').expect;
// import axios
const axios = require('axios');
let REQ;
describe('my test suite', function() {
before('prepare axios', function() {
// create axios object, set base url
REQ = axios.create({
baseURL: '',
timeout: 30000,
it('should succeed on my api call', function() {
const req = {
method: 'get',
url: '/path/to/my/api',
// optional basic authentication
auth: {
return REQ.request(req)
.then(function(res) {
// ...
This section will provide brief example how to add new E2E UI test cases.
- Call helper function
to get default Selenium webdriver. - Login to MVD with function
. - Launch the application you are testing with
. - Use
to wait for a certain element to be visible. - You can also do click, input.
- Check test/e2e/utils.js to find more helper functions like:
For example:
// import chai expect
const expect = require('chai').expect;
// import helper functions
const {
} = require('./utils');
let driver;
const APP_TO_TEST = 'JES Explorer';
describe('my test suite', function() {
before('prepare webdriver and login to mvd', async function() {
// init webdriver
driver = await getDefaultDriver();
// login to MVD
await loginMVD(
it('should succeed on loading application', async function() {
// load app
await launchApp(driver, APP_TO_TEST);
const app = await locateApp(driver, APP_TO_TEST);
// wait until mvd viewport is ready
const viewport = await waitUntilElement(driver, 'rs-com-mvd-window .body com-rs-mvd-viewport');
If you want to see the browser, you will need to disable the headless mode and let the browser wait for you.
To disable headless mode, you can find the line options.headless();
in test/e2e/utils.js getDefaultDriver
function and comment it out. With this change, you can see the browser window popout from your computer when you start the e2e tests.
Then you can hold the test case to make it wait for you.
// ...
// hold my test case for 10 minutes so I can inspect on browser window
await driver.sleep(10 * 60 * 1000);
// ...
This section will provide brief example how to add new test cases to run SSH command on testing server.
- We have created a helper class
to assist with new ssh tests. - You should follow the pattern of establishing a connection, using one of the test methods, then making sure the connection is correctly disposed.
For example:
const sshHelper = require('./ssh-helper');
describe('my test suite', function() {
before('establish ssh connection', async function() {
await sshHelper.prepareConnection();
it('should succeed on my command', async function() {
await sshHelper.executeCommandWithNoError('pwd');
after('dispose SSH connection', function() {
When you start test on Windows, you may see this error: 'ZOWE_ROOT_DIR' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Run npm install -g cross-env
and then run command
cross-env ZOWE_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/zowe <...> npm test
You can add any environment variables defined in Start Test section.
to start test.
You may see this error if you run e2e test cases on Windows:
Error: The geckodriver.exe executable could not be found on the current PATH. Please download the latest version from and ensure it can be found on your PATH.
at findGeckoDriver (node_modules\selenium-webdriver\firefox.js:427:11)
at new ServiceBuilder (node_modules\selenium-webdriver\firefox.js:516:22)
at getDefaultDriver (test\e2e\utils.js:128:19)
at Context.<anonymous> (test\e2e\test-01-login.js:41:20)
This is because it cannot find geckodriver.exe
. This file is already installed under node_modules\geckdriver
Run this command to add it to PATH
: set "PATH=.\node_modules\geckodriver;%PATH%"
You may receive this error when you run e2e test cases:
SessionNotCreatedError: Unable to find a matching set of capabilities
at Object.throwDecodedError (node_modules\selenium-webdriver\lib\error.js:550:15)
at parseHttpResponse (node_modules\selenium-webdriver\lib\http.js:542:13)
at Executor.execute (node_modules\selenium-webdriver\lib\http.js:468:26)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:189:7)
This could be caused by incompatible GechoDriver and Firefox. Here is more detail explanation on Marionette and GeckoDriver. You may find these lines in test/e2e/utils.js and try your combinations by changing binary path and marionette option.
if (browserType === 'firefox') {
// options.setBinary('/Applications/IBM');
// options.setPreference('marionette', true)
// .setPreference('marionette.logging', 'ALL');
} else if (browserType === 'chrome') {
You may receive this error when you run install test cases:
Info: Checking java version
Warning: java not in PATH
Error: JAVA_HOME is not set
The script
is invoked by test-installed-files.js
. If JAVA_HOME is not available,
or not set in .profile
, then this test will fail.