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CPU x86

This guide provides an overview of x86 assembly language, including a comprehensive list of common instructions, an explanation of CPU registers, and a simple example program in assembly.

Overview of x86 Assembly Language

The x86 architecture is a family of instruction set architectures based on the Intel 8086 CPU. It includes registers, a well-defined instruction set, and a variety of addressing modes.

CPU Registers in x86

x86 has several registers that are categorized as general-purpose, segment, index/pointer, and control registers:

General-Purpose Registers

Register Purpose Notes
EAX Accumulator for operands Used in arithmetic operations.
EBX Base register Used in addressing memory.
ECX Counter for loops Used for iteration.
EDX Data register Used in I/O and arithmetic.

Segment Registers

Register Purpose
CS Code Segment
DS Data Segment
ES Extra Segment
SS Stack Segment

Index and Pointer Registers

Register Purpose
ESI Source index for string ops
EDI Destination index for string ops
ESP Stack Pointer
EBP Base Pointer

Common x86 Instructions

Here is a categorized list of commonly used x86 instructions:

Data Movement

  • MOV - Move data
  • PUSH - Push data onto the stack
  • POP - Pop data off the stack
  • LEA - Load effective address
  • XCHG - Exchange data

Arithmetic Operations

  • ADD - Add
  • SUB - Subtract
  • MUL - Multiply (unsigned)
  • IMUL - Multiply (signed)
  • DIV - Divide (unsigned)
  • IDIV - Divide (signed)
  • INC - Increment
  • DEC - Decrement

Logic and Bitwise Operations

  • AND - Bitwise AND
  • OR - Bitwise OR
  • XOR - Bitwise XOR
  • NOT - Bitwise NOT
  • SHL - Shift left
  • SHR - Shift right
  • CMP - Compare two operands

Control Flow

  • JMP - Unconditional jump
  • JE / JZ - Jump if equal/zero
  • JNE / JNZ - Jump if not equal/not zero
  • JG / JNLE - Jump if greater
  • JL / JNGE - Jump if less
  • CALL - Call a procedure
  • RET - Return from a procedure

Simple Example Program in Assembly

Below is a basic program written in x86 assembly language that demonstrates moving data, arithmetic operations, and using loops.

Example: Sum of Numbers from 1 to 10

section .data          ; Data segment
    result db 0        ; Store the result here

section .bss           ; Uninitialized data
    temp resb 1

section .text          ; Code segment
    global _start       ; Entry point for the program

    mov ecx, 10         ; Set up the loop counter (1 to 10)
    xor eax, eax        ; Clear the accumulator (EAX = 0)
    xor ebx, ebx        ; EBX will hold the sum

    add ebx, ecx        ; Add the current value of ECX to EBX
    loop loop_start     ; Decrement ECX and repeat until ECX = 0

    ; Store the result in memory
    mov [result], bl    ; Move the lower byte of EBX to the result

    ; Exit the program
    mov eax, 1          ; System call number for exit
    int 0x80            ; Call the kernel

Explanation of the Example

  1. Data Section:
    • The result variable is declared to store the final sum.
  2. Initialization:
    • ECX is set to 10 (the loop counter).
    • EAX and EBX are cleared to prepare for arithmetic.
  3. Loop:
    • The ADD instruction adds the current value of ECX to EBX.
    • The LOOP instruction decrements ECX and jumps to the label if ECX is not zero.
  4. Exit:
    • The program exits gracefully by invoking a system call (int 0x80).

How to Assemble and Run

To assemble and run the above program:

  1. Save the code to a file (e.g., sum.asm).
  2. Use the NASM assembler to assemble the code:
    nasm -f elf32 sum.asm
  3. Link the object file using the ld linker:
    ld -m elf_i386 -o sum sum.o
  4. Run the program: