Download Anaconda if you haven't already https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/
Make sure conda is installed and in your $PATH by looking at this command's output.
conda --version
Can check if $PATH environment variable is pointing to the spot you installed Anaconda via this command:
echo $PATH
Checkout this site for installing Psi4 with Anaconda http://www.psicode.org/psi4manual/1.1/conda.html
Before doing anything else, update conda!
conda update --all
Create virtual environment for Psi4
$ conda create -n Psi4env python=3.7 psi4 psi4-rt -c psi4
Now can use this environment with the command
(base) $ conda activate Psi4env
and deactivate it with
(Psi4env) $ conda deactivate
To add other packages (e.g. matplotlib) within your new virtual environment issue this command
(Psi4env) $ conda install matplotlib
The bare bones Psi4 environment may not have some packages we will use so this may be required if Spyder cannot find the module.
If you use an IDE like Spyder, then you need to install Spyder within your virtual environment.
So activate your environment like above and then install Spyder
(Psi4env) $ conda install spyder
Now still within your virtual environment invoke spyder.
(Psi4env) $ spyder
Now you will be working inside of the Spyder IDE and have everything that's in the Psi4 environment!
Another useful IDE and voted number 1 for python is Pycharm. This IDE has a larger learning curve and that usually means it will benefit you in the long run if you adopt this as your main editor. I know most professionals in industry swear by it and I am pretty sure the professional version is free for students!
- https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/promo/anaconda/
- Here is an example setting up a virtual environment in Pycharm https://medium.com/infinity-aka-aseem/how-to-setup-pycharm-with-an-anaconda-virtual-environment-already-created-fb927bacbe61
- You MUST install Xcode! It will give you all the developer programs you will need in the terminal. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/xcode/id497799835?mt=12
- Package managers are extremely helpful and for Mac OS we will use MacPorts. https://www.macports.org/install.php.
- Installing Molden via MacPorts
$ sudo port install molden
- First, setup Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL) to get the Linux bash shell by following this site: https://www.howtogeek.com/249966/how-to-install-and-use-the-linux-bash-shell-on-windows-10/
- Second, setup an X-server so we can use Molden. For Windows there is a program
called Xming; follow this site for setup steps:
- Run this command to set your enviroment to always launch the X-server correctly:
$ echo "export DISPLAY=:0" >> ~/.bashrc
Now we have a Windows developer setup!
- Now lets download Molden and install:
- Go to your new linux bash prompt.
- Find the downloaded Molden .tar file
- Untar the file
$ tar -xvf molden_file_name.tar
- Go inside molden folder
$ cd molden_file_name
- Type the command
$ make molden
- Now type the command
$ make install
If you get errors in this process, please let me know.
- To get Psi4 working, we found a channel for Psi4 on Windows https://anaconda.org/raimis/psi4. So just need to issue this command in your Psi4 environment:
(Psi4env) $ conda install -c raimis psi4
- Say what's up! https://join.slack.com/t/chem210a-2021/shared_invite/zt-khicv6bp-7CEgrwKfG2~M~W5dMOShiQ
- I found this website that mentions some of the most used commands so have a look! https://learntocodewith.me/command-line/unix-command-cheat-sheet/