Ubuntu Phone Transport Application v2 - Czech and Slovak public transport schedules + European trains + Airlines.
This is a Ubuntu Phone application for searching connections for public transport - mostly in the Czech and Slovak republic. It uses API provided by CHAPS s.r.o. company.
Please note I can't share the private key used by this app - therefore using the code present in this repository will only allow you to use free API. The real Ubuntu Phone app present in the store here https://open-store.io/app/transport.zubozrout contains the private key.
Here is the CHAPS API documentation: http://docs.crws.apiary.io/#reference
Please help translate this app here: https://www.transifex.com/zubozrout/transport-ng/
clickable -k 16.04 --arch="armhf"
You need to have this file in place (not part of this repository):
containing the following line:
QString KEY = "";
(You can fill in the API key provided by CHAPS s.r.o. for extended functionality or leave the string empty as above)