For the most part, developing a Celo Terminal app is as easy as developing a simple website. There are four key open source technologies used in Terminal:
- Typescript
- Electron: Framework for developing cross-platform desktop apps.
- React: Framework for developing user interfaces.
- Material-UI: Collection of UI components.
Developing a Terminal app generally won't require interacting with the Electron framework directly. Thus, an in-depth understanding is not required, but understanding the basics can always be helpful.
Basics of React framework and understanding of React Hooks are a pre-requisite to develop a Terminal app:
- React Docs:
- React Hooks:
Checkout general development guide for instructions on how to build, test and develop Celo Terminal locally.
All Apps are located in src/renderer/apps folder. Each App is a react component that satisfies the AppDefinition interface. Terminal provides core libraries to help with running transactions and fetching on-chain state.
Code structure relevant for App development:
src/renderer/apps/<app id> - Application code, tests and assets
src/renderer/state - Reusable React hooks for state management
src/renderer/components - Shared/reusable UI components
src/lib - Shared/reusable non-UI libraries
Core libraries:
- Running TXs: src/renderer/components/app-definition.ts
- Fetching on-chain state: src/renderer/state/onchain-state.ts
- Storing configuration: src/renderer/state/localstorage-state.ts
- Caching: TODO: not yet available...
By default, there is already a catch-all error handler that handles all uncaught errors from event handlers and async routines. There is a simple UI that displays errors as a non-intrusive pop-up.
More customized apps can always implement more complex erorr handling and its UI inside the App itself.
For regular, non-UI testing, you can write tests that will be run using Jest. In general, if you have large amounts of non-UI code, it is recommended to have them in a separate npm package. You can add the package as a dependency and import it in your Celo Terminal application code.
For UI and full integration testing details checkout the Development Guide.
If you want to discuss plans for integrating your app in Celo Terminal, reach out to
@zviad | WOTrust
on Celo Discord, or by email:
Celo Terminal is still in very early stages of development, thus all initial app integrations will be on more case-by-case basis.