tags: postgres, procedure, trigger
We can use triggers to do some hooks when a row changed. Triggers only work for DML,
what about DDL? How to add hooks or accouting for DDL like create table
or alter table
event trigger
is used for DDL just like trigger for DML.
Currently, postgres supports 4 kinds of events: ddl_command_start
, ddl_command_end
and sql_drop
. The ddl_command_start
and ddl_command_end
will be
triggered for all DDL commands normally. I said normally since ddl_command_end
not triggered if previous stages got failed.
You can check the matrix to find what events will a DDL trigger.
Currently, event trigger won't work for DDL that targets at shared objects, thus databases, roles and tablespaces.
Let's add a simple event trigger to print all DDLs.
create function log_ddl() returns event_trigger as $$
raise info 'ddl: user: %', session_user || ', tag: ' || tg_tag || ', query: ' || current_query();
insert into test_log_ddl values (now(), tg_tag, current_query());
end $$ language plpgsql;
create event trigger et_log_ddl on ddl_command_start execute procedure log_ddl();
Then execute some DDLs to test it.
postgres@localhost:test> drop table t1;
INFO: ddl: user: postgres, tag: DROP TABLE, query: drop table t1
Time: 0.004s
postgres@localhost:test> create table t1 (id int);
INFO: ddl: user: postgres, tag: CREATE TABLE, query: create table t1 (id int)
Time: 0.003s
postgres@localhost:test> alter table t1 add name text;
INFO: ddl: user: postgres, tag: ALTER TABLE, query: alter table t1 add name text
Time: 0.006s
postgres@localhost:test> drop function log_ddl cascade; -- drop the trigger function itself
INFO: ddl: user: postgres, tag: DROP FUNCTION, query: drop function log_ddl cascade
NOTICE: drop cascades to event trigger et_log_ddl
Time: 0.003s
You can filter the DDLs for event triggers using command tags like following
create event trigger et_log_ddl on ddl_command_start
when tag in ('create table', 'alter table')
execute procedure log_ddl();
Except functions like current_query()
, there are some specific functions for event
triggers only.
This function can only be used in event ddl_command_end
. You can get some infomation
about the DDL, like classid
, objid
, objsubid
, command_tag
, object_type
, object_identity
, in_extension
and command
. Attention, command
cannot be output directly, you'll get error when trying to raise info command
create function log_ddl() returns event_trigger as $$
r record;
raise info 'ddl trigger: %, query: %', tg_tag, current_query();
for r in select * from pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands() t1 loop
raise info 'subcommand: %, %, %, query:%', r.command_tag, r.schema_name, r.objid::regclass::text, current_query();
end loop;
end $$ language plpgsql;
create event trigger et_log_ddl on ddl_command_end execute procedure log_ddl();
Attention about pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands()
, a simple command may lead to multiple
rows since it will use multiple commands internally.
For example, create table t1(id serial primary key);
will lead to create sequence
create table
and create index
. The DDL trigger only fires once, you can only get
the 3 subcommands in pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands
db11=# create table t1 (id serial primary key);
INFO: ddl trigger: CREATE TABLE, query: create table t1 (id serial primary key);
INFO: subcommand: CREATE SEQUENCE, public, t1_id_seq, query:create table t1 (id serial primary key);
INFO: subcommand: CREATE TABLE, public, t1, query:create table t1 (id serial primary key);
INFO: subcommand: CREATE INDEX, public, t1_pkey, query:create table t1 (id serial primary key);
INFO: subcommand: ALTER SEQUENCE, public, t1_id_seq, query:create table t1 (id serial primary key);
This function can only be used in sql_drop
event to get information about the dropped