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Intro to Flask for building RESTful APIs

What is Flask?

Flask is a web 'microframework'. At its core it's provides a fairly basic server instance capable of responding to url routes with HTTP responses. Flask was built to be extendable, so that you would only add the web utilities you need for your service. Popular flask extensions include Flask-OAuth,Flask-Login, Flask-SQLAlchemy, 'flask-RESTful, and many more. This post will focus on using 'flask-RESTful for building RESTful APIs, and will show how to make use of the zappa framework to deploy the API to AWS where it is hosted as a serverless lambda function with an API Gateway attached to provide a host url.

It is important to note that while Flask-RESTful can serve basic static webpages, was not built to serve dynamic content and it better suited to serving as a framework API for frontend applications to communicate with. It is common practice to connect an nginx or other frontend in your desired language for dynamic rendering of HTML templates using data pulled from a Flask-RESTful backend. Flask-RESTful is best suited to providing a gateway to backend resources like databases and compute applications so your frontend can remain isolated from the backend implementation details and focus on presentation. This has the added benefit of allowing you to evolve your frontend separately and even choose a different language to develop it in (JavaScript for example). It also also for the possibility of having multiple clients, such as different frontends or remote API users to use the same interface for accessing a set of resources (such as a database). Lastly, Flask-RESTful can be very easily designed in a stateless manner, making it easy to deploy in redundancy or as a serverless application if you are working in cloud, lowering your cost of infrastructure management.

####Follow along: The source code for all the examples below can be found and downloaded here:

Getting started

To get a server up a running, one just needs to instantiate a Flask object, then use the .run() method on that object.

from flask import Flask

app = Flask('ShowApp')

This will start a process on localhost port 5000 by default (, but the host and port can be overriden using keyword parameters. A debug mode is also possible using the debug flag which will print much more detailed information regarding calls which cause unexpected crashes within the web app.

Now this server doesn't do anything yet, because we haven't tied any resources to it yet. To begin adding endpoints to our REST API we first need to use the flask-RESTful extension to create an Api object.

from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api

app = Flask('ShowApp')
api = Api(app)

I usually declare my app and api variables at a global level early on in the program and reference them as needed from other modules.

Now we can start creating rest Resource objects that we can tie to different URL endpoints in our application. First, let's create a resource.

from flask import make_response, jsonify, request
from flask_restful import Resource

class Cat(Resource):

    says = 'meow'

    def get(self):
        return make_response(jsonify(says=Cat.says, code=200))

    def post(self):

        Cat.says = request.get_json()['says']
        return make_response(jsonify(says=Cat.says, code=200))

We've just created a resource with both GET and POST request handlers. The GET handler will create a response of {'says': 'meow', 'code': 200}. The POST handler will take a parse a parameter says from the body of the POST request and set the Resource says class variable to the request-provided parameter. This way subsequent calls to the GET handler should now return the new value set by the POST endpoint (this only holds true for this particular application server instance).

(Note: jsonify is a Flask-imported method which creates JSON-formatted string objects from a set of keyword arguments, handling any necessary esacaping. make_response is a Flask-imported method which takes a JSON-formatted string and creates a Response object with the necessary headers and other attributes needed to be passed over the internet back to the client.)

Without being tied to the application, our Cat Resource doesn't have any way of interacting with the outside world. To tie it to our application we can do the following in our

from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api

from src.views import Cat

# Create Flask app instance
app = Flask('A wonderful test App')

# Create restful API to which we will tie url endpoints and their views
api = Api(app)
api.add_resource(Cat, '/cat')

This just mapped our Cat Resource to the /cat endpoint of the application server. For instance, when running locally and with defaults, this endpoint will be available at If deployed via a API Gateway / Lambda function, a docker image, or another hosting option your host name and port will need to change.

Running locally

To run an application the user must create instances of Flask App and Api, and then execute the method. In this project the file provides a simple entry point to start the application locally via python This entry point is executed by importing our api object created in /src/, and executing its method. This essentially launches an instance of your application which runs on a loop, listening to input from port 5000 of your localhost address (usually The address and port to which your application will publish is customizable within the call.

Once you're running locally, you should be able to hit your endpoints using a web browser, curl or any other http method using the base URL.


Requests against your rest endpoints can be easily simulated using Flask's application test client. To create a test client, you can import your Flask app object created earlier in the tutorial from your test file, then use the app.test_client() method to return a mocked flask application with all the same endpoints and functionality (demonstrated in the companion repo file tests/ Once you have a test client, you can use its .post(), .get(), .put() etc. methods within your tests to throw requests of the given type at your endpoint resources.

If you are using pytest, a common pattern is to create a test client fixture which you can then import into any functions testing against your endpoints.

Example: (tests/

from flask.testing import FlaskClient
import pytest
def client() -> FlaskClient:
    from import app
    app.config['TESTING'] = True
    yield app.test_client()


from flask.testing import FlaskClient
def test_cat_get_initial(client: FlaskClient):

    response = client.get('/cat')
    assert response.status_code == 200
    body = response.get_json()
    assert body['says'] == 'meow'

(Can be found in the accompanying repo, tests/ Here we have a test which performs a /get request against a test client, defined in tests/ We are then able to check the status code of the response and that the body contains the information we expected. This comes in super handy for end-to-end or request / response testing.

Running in Docker

Basic Dockerfile:

FROM python:3.8.2-slim


COPY src /src
COPY static /static
COPY requirements.txt .

RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt


ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]

This basic dockerfile will install the source application into the root of the container, then run the application via the entrypoint when the docker container is run. To build the image run the following in a terminal window from the root of the project:

docker build -t flask_demo .

Once the container is built you can run it using the docker run command, and mapping your host port to the container's default flask port (5000). To do this you would run the following in the root of your project: docker run -d -p 5000:5000 flask_demo This will run an instance of the latest version of the flask_demo container in your local registry, which you should now be able to access at and

Once your applications are containerized, it becomes relatively straightforward to scale application resources horizontally by adding more instances in services like AWS Elastic Container Service, docker-compose, or pick-your-favorite Kubernetes provider. But that goes beyond the scope of this post.

Note: The WSGI server provided by the underlying Werzkeug library that Flask heavily leverages is not meant to host production traffic. If you plan on hosting a website with Flask and expect any sort of traffic you will want to look into solutions like gunicorn and nginx, both of which can be easily integrated into your docker container.

Deploying to AWS Lambda wth Zappa

Zappa is an open-source python framework for building and deploying Lambda functions, with or without API Gateways attached to the. It has particularly good integration with Django and Flask applications, making it easy to turn existing web applications into serverless applications.
By providing a zappa_settings.json file in the root of the project, one can configure a pretty wide variety of deployment options, including auto load balancers, event handlers (very handy), exception handlers, and callback functions. Here we'll just set up a basic deployment of a 'dev' stage which will create an API Gateway pointing to a Lambda function created from the source application code. There are some pretty nifty things you can do with some of the more interesting configurations in zappa, so if you get interested in using it definitely spend some time going through the docs.

To deploy the lambda function for the first time, enter
zappa deploy dev
This will create the lambda handler and API Gateway, and will return the API Gateway URL in the output, which is now the base URL for calls to any endpoints in the flask application.

If you want to update a previously deployed function, use the command
zappa update dev

Note: As any call to the flask_restful_demo url could spawn a new lambda instance, the POST method of the /cat method may not always work as expected. To properly store state an external data store is needed (DynamoDB, RDS, S3).

Serving static HTML content

While I've mostly build REST APIs with Flask as a data sourcing layer between a database and a frontend client you can most certainly serve up any type of content you want, including rendered HTML templates. It's possible to build entire websites out of lambda functions with API Gateways and Application Load Balancers and backing S3 stores for static content, although it can get a bt tricky if the site is particularly dynamic.

Persisting state

When persisting state in a flask application you have a few options. You can store items on the app itself, which will be global for the lifespan of that application instance. The request object will also be globally present and will contain all the information provided to the endpoint for the lifespan of the request. Flask-Session is a Flask extension library which allows for the persistence of state between multiple requests for the lifespan of a user session, by creating a temporary file containing persistent data in the project directory.
To persist beyond the lifespan of the application you have the usual mechanisms - write to disk, S3, database, etc. I've found flask_restful to work great for providing an API for interacting with a database, isolating clients / other services from needing to know the structure of the database.

Swagger documentation

By putting a little more time up front documenting your Resource classes the flask-restx library can help generate great Swagger documents viewable in a web browser.

Request validation strategies

I really like the marshmallow library for parsing incoming JSON from requests, although there are a number of good alternatives out there. flask_restful has an in-box request parser called reqparse, but I haven't had the best experiences parsing data with nested structures using it.

Flask use cases

  • Building lightweight serverless websites with flask-RESTful
  • Provide a shared API for a datastore (relational / non-relational / filesystem-based)
  • Provide shared serverless utility functionality, including highly parallelizable stateless analytics operations (with some restrictions on data size and timeout)
  • Creating side-car controller containers in multi-container deployments (ECS, Batch, Kuberetes).
  • Create hybrid applications with both RESTful endpoints as well as subscribed message / event handlers.

Non-flask zappa use cases

Zappa provides a simple mechanism for creating Lambda functions which can be subscribed to AWS events, SNS & SQS messages, and DynamoDB & Kinesis streams. These don't require any flask application - you write a regular Lambda handler, provide a path to it in your zappa_settings.json file as well as the event source and then the zappa deploy/update commands will handle the creation of the function and any necessary CloudWatch Rules or subscriptions. This allows your function to execute asynchronously whenever it sees a message in a queue / topic / event source it is subscribed to. Functions can also be scheduled to run periodically like a cron job.

Event sourcing / subscription processing is a really interesting topic I will probably expand on quite a bit more in another post.


When using flask-RESTful to build serverless applications on AWS there are some restrictions to keep in mind:

  • Maximum RAM allowed on a Lambda instance is 3GB, and maximum execution length is 15 minutes. State is not necessarily kept between calls to the lambda function so you have to store state in S3 or a database (fyi AWS doesn't charge for transferring data between S3 and other services).
  • When paired with Lambda calls via API Gateway will time-out after 30 seconds. The function will keep running after 30 seconds, but the caller will get a TimeOut exception response, and will not receive anything from the function after that. To get around this you can deploy your Lambda behind an Automatic Load Balancer (configurable in zappa_settings.json), or perform asynchronous invocations of your lambda function (zappa provides a great @task wrapper for this, importable from zappa.asynchronous).
  • Maximum payload that can be received via a call to Lambda is 6MB. To pass larger datasets you can pass an S3 location and load the data from the Lambda instance (provided it can fit in the ~3GB of allotted memory). Maximum response size for API Gateway is 10MB, but the same technique can be used to pass around details of where larger datasets live.
  • Highly bursty / concurrent loads on a Lambda function can take a bit longer to provision and responsiveness will degrade relatively quickly in relation to a burst of concurrent executions without configuring Provisioned Concurrency for your function.