Minting policy scripts are very similar to validator scripts for spending. They don't accept a Datum
argument though, only Redeemer
and/or ScriptContext
The most trivial minting policy would allow any number of tokens to be minted (or burned):
minting_policy my_nft
func main() Bool { // compiler is smart enough to add dummy Redeemer and ScriptContext arguments to final program
A slightly more elaborate minting policy allows a single centralized actor to mint (or burn) any number of tokens:
minting_policy my_nft
func main(ctx: ScriptContext) Bool {
tx: Tx = ctx.tx;
For NFTs, or public-sale tokens, the minting policy needs to be provably single-use. UTXOs are guaranteed to be unique, and can be used for this purpose:
minting_policy my_nft
func main(ctx: ScriptContext) -> Bool {
tx: Tx = ctx.tx;
// assume a single input
tx_input: TxInput = tx.inputs.head;
// we also check the total minted
tx_input.output_id == TxOutputId::new(#<utxo-id>, 0) && tx.minted == Value::new(AssetClass::new(ctx.get_current_minting_policy_hash(), "MyNFT"), 1)
Note that this minting policy can't be used for burning.
Let's use the script above to mint an NFT. Choose a good UTXO before compiling the minting policy. The UTXO must be large enough to cover the transaction fee (and collateral), and have enough lovelace left-over to send back along with the newly minted asset (each UTXO must contain some lovelace).
Compile the minting policy script:
> var helios; import("./helios.js").then(m=>{helios=m});
> console.log(helios.compile("minting_policy my_nft func main(ctx: ScriptContext) -> Bool {...}", helios.ScriptPurpose.Minting));
{"type": "PlutusScriptV1", "description": "", "cborHex" :" 5..."}
We can now mint the NFT by submitting the following transaction:
$ docker exec -it <container-id> bash
> MINTING_POLICY_HASH=$(cardano-cli transaction policyid --script-file /data/scripts/minting.json)
> TOKEN_NAME="4d794e4654" # 'MyNFT' in hex
> PARAMS=$(mktemp)
> cardano-cli query protocol-parameters --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM > $PARAMS
> TX_BODY=$(mktemp)
> cardano-cli transaction build \
--tx-in <utxo-id> \ # used for both fees and authenticating the minting
--tx-out $(cat /data/wallets/wallet1.addr)+1500000+"1 ${MINTING_POLICY_HASH}.${TOKEN_NAME}" \
--change-address $(cat /data/wallets/wallet1.addr) \
--tx-in-collateral <utxo-id> \
--mint-script-file /data/scripts/minting.json \
--mint-redeemer-value "42" \
--testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM \
--out-file $TX_BODY \
--protocol-params-file $PARAMS \
# note the dummy redeemer value
Estimated transaction fees: Lovelace 263442
> TX_SIGNED=$(mktemp)
> cardano-cli transaction sign \
--tx-body-file $TX_BODY \
--signing-key-file /data/wallets/wallet1.skey \
--out-file $TX_SIGNED
> cardano-cli transaction submit \
--tx-file $TX_SIGNED \
--testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM
Transaction successfully submitted.
After a while you will notice the new UTXO in wallet 1, containing the NFT.