Our research lab is working on building a drone to identify damage on aircraft via an autonomous visual inspection
- run source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
- Connect SLAMDUNK with your laptop through USB interface.
- It will show Wired connection 1 probably, which is the name of the connection. (Use the newest connection)
- Go to edit connections, click on the wired connection, and then click on edit.
- Go to Ethernet tab and select MAC address of the SLAMDUNK.
- Go to IPv4 Setting tab, select change method to shared to other computers in the dropdown menu.
- use ifconfig to find the name of the usb port of the parrot
- run
sudo arp-scan --localnet --interface=enp0s20u2
(the last part is the name of the usb port for parrot) to find the ip address. - run
instead of add the ip of the parrot - run
export ROS_HOSTNAME= (insert ip of you your computer after the equals)
- run
rosnode list
you should have the out puts Output:
- run $
rosparam get /properties/ro_parrot_build_version
it should output 1.0.0 or the version number of the firmware the page with instructions to set up the stuff and other features as well: http://developer.parrot.com/docs/slamdunk/#overview
The following are a modified version of the instructions found on the yolo website
- Strat by collecting images. the goal is to collect close to 500 img/class
- create a new folder in BBox-Label-Tool/Images We are currently trying to divide up our data set into 500 ish image chuncks
- run main.py and annotate images.
- run the convert.py script to format the annotations in yolo form
- Set up the darknet config
- run
./darknet detector train cfg/lockheed.data cfg/yolov3.cfg <weights(if needed)>
Forked from puzzledqs/BBox-Label-Tool
- Add multi-class support
- Change some of the color-candidates for better display
- Fix the 'Example' filepath for convenience
- Change the image format from '.JPEG' to '.JPG'
For multi-class task, modify 'class.txt' with your own class-candidates and before labeling bbox, choose the 'Current Class' in the Combobox and make sure you click 'ComfirmClass' button.
Contact info: jxgu1016@gmail.com
A simple tool for labeling object bounding boxes in images, implemented with Python Tkinter.
- 2017.5.21 Check out the
branch for a multi-class version implemented by @jxgu1016
|--main.py # source code for the tool
|--Images/ # direcotry containing the images to be labeled
|--Labels/ # direcotry for the labeling results
|--Examples/ # direcotry for the example bboxes
- python 2.7
- python PIL (Pillow)
$ python main.py
- The current tool requires that the images to be labeled reside in /Images/001, /Images/002, etc. You will need to modify the code if you want to label images elsewhere.
- Input a folder number (e.g, 1, 2, 5...), and click
. The images in the folder, along with a few example results will be loaded. - To create a new bounding box, left-click to select the first vertex. Moving the mouse to draw a rectangle, and left-click again to select the second vertex.
- To cancel the bounding box while drawing, just press
. - To delete a existing bounding box, select it from the listbox, and click
. - To delete all existing bounding boxes in the image, simply click
- After finishing one image, click
to advance. Likewise, clickPrev
to reverse. Or, input an image id and clickGo
to navigate to the speficied image.
- Be sure to click
after finishing a image, or the result won't be saved.