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Adjusting the shapes and sizes

Séra Balázs edited this page Aug 31, 2024 · 1 revision


Navbar, Tabbar width

In this css, the navbar and the tabbar are adjusted together. If the navbar grows, the tabbar shrinks, if the tabbar grows, the navbar shrinks.

You can set the navbar width on line 16 by adjusting the value of the --NavbarWidth variable. A higher value means a larger navbar. I recommend using the default values or something between them, setting something a lot lower or higher can cause problems, like parts of the ui disappearing due to the lack of space.

This is what you should look for in the code:

--NavbarWidth: 43; /*  Default values: 36 - 43  */

Tabs border radius / Rounded corners on the tabs

I set the default value to this at 3px, but if you want to, you can adjust it to something that better suits your taste.

You can set a custom border radius for the tabs on line 15. If you set it to 0, the tabs become square, if you set it to something really high, the tabs become ellipse shaped.

This is the line you'll have to look for:

--tab-border-radius: 3px !important; /*  Tab border radius -- Changes the tabs rounding  *//*  Default: 3px  */

Tabs Height

You can set the tabs height on line 17. This will have an effect on the other ui elements too. If you set it to something bellow 30, it starts acting wierd, so I don't recommend doing that, but you can set it as high as you want, it seems to work even with insanely high values.

This is the line you should adjust:

--TabsHeight: 36; /*  Minimum: 30  *//*  Default: 36  */