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Flux API


Adding to Project

Flux API is available on JitPack and can be made available by adding the following to your build.gradle(.kts), though you don't have to if you already have the Cosmic Loom gradle plugin.

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "JitPack"
        url = uri("")

After adding the maven repository, a dependency should be declared in the same script for Gradle to include it with building.

dependencies {


Flux API uses the Cosmic Loom plugin, you may refer to the plugin's documentation. Following are some example commands:

# Creates the JARs and places it at: ./build/libs/
./gradlew build

# Runs Cosmic Reach on the development environment
./gradlew runClient
./gradlew runServer

# Ignores cached version numbers fo Gradle can download new ones that it missed
# Useful with `SNAPSHOT` dependencies from JitPack
./gradlew --refresh-dependencies