Flux API is available on JitPack and can be made available by adding the
following to your build.gradle(.kts)
, though you don't have to if you already
have the Cosmic Loom gradle plugin.
repositories {
maven {
name = "JitPack"
url = uri("https://jitpack.io")
After adding the maven repository, a dependency should be declared in the same script for Gradle to include it with building.
dependencies {
Flux API uses the Cosmic Loom plugin, you may refer to the plugin's documentation. Following are some example commands:
# Creates the JARs and places it at: ./build/libs/
./gradlew build
# Runs Cosmic Reach on the development environment
./gradlew runClient
./gradlew runServer
# Ignores cached version numbers fo Gradle can download new ones that it missed
# Useful with `SNAPSHOT` dependencies from JitPack
./gradlew --refresh-dependencies