This program translates any string of Ciceronian Latin into modern English on a Voyage 200 graphing calculator (or other 68k TI device if you reformat the source), granted that the words used in the sentence are contained within the Latin word library used by the program, which will soon encompass every word in the Ecce Romani II textbook. Sending each of these files to your calculator and running identify("Latin word") is all that is needed to demonstrate word translation, while lateng("Latin sentence") will translate any length of Latin passages.
Below are the different files in this repository and their uses:
This function returns a Latin adjective ending of a given declension, case, gender, and number.
This function returns the nth word of a substring starting at the fifth character. Returns "" if n is too large. This function is primarily used to find the bases of latin words in wrda
This function returns the expression of the second character in a string. This function is promarily used to find declension/conjugation of words in wrda.
This function houses the brunt of the translation, and returns verbose data about any latin word. This function relies on most other functions here to operate, and frequently queries the word index and the dictionary.
This function takes a Latin sentence and returns an English sentence.
This function finds the length of a string or number in characters.
This function returns a Latin noun ending of a given declension, case, gender, and number.
This function returns the the roman numeral of any number.
We don't talk about temp.
This function returns a verb ending of a given conjugation, tense, person, and number.
This program facilitates adding words to the library and organizing them alphabetically once you're done, then updating wrdindex.
This function returns a list of words within a sentence. No translation, just string to list.
This list holds the Latin translations of words.
This list holds the English translation of words.
This string functions as an index for wrda, holding every base and data pointing those bases to various wrda elements.