A super simple Discord bot, originally created to preserve a users roles when they leave the server and rejoin.
It is currently in heavy use, loved and hated, on several big (read: a few thousand, up to 100k users) Discord servers.
No selfhosting support for this bot will be provided - you can easily figure out how to run icu yourself.
- Readding roles and nickname to a user when they leave and rejoin a server
- Adding fake @everyone and @here roles to users trying to abuse these mentions, resulting in lessons learned about Discord etiquette
- Having a member role assigned to every human user of a guild
- Can warn you if a user joins the server who is banned on another icu server, or an existing member of your server is banned on another server that icu is member of
- Tired of trolls hitting several of your servers? Enforce global bans between all your servers.
- Autoban users for reacting with toxic emojis to announcements, like 🖕
Fair warning ahead: The code base is a mess. I did not bother using any kind of frameworks. This is fine since this is a small, personal project that I do not expect to run publicly available in the near future.
Bug fixes and reports (not related to selfhosting) are always welcome, just open a PR / issue.
Do not bother opening any issues requesting features, I will not be implementing any custom requests. However, you are welcome
to write features yourself and PR them back in.
PRing features can be a bit of a hit and miss since this bot has a rather narrow focus on unique and specialized features relating to
role management and treating abusers and trolls. Before diving in an writing something, make sure to contact me first and pitch me your idea,
if you want to make sure for it to be accepted.
"icu" is a play on the phrase "I see you", as the main reason this bot came into existence is to prevent users from avoiding moderation roles like "muted" or "warned" and similar ones.