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Conducting Bone

MashXP edited this page Sep 13, 2023 · 6 revisions

"Ever feel like being a conductor about to conduct an orchestra for a Piano Concerto when you are teaming up with your dogs?

But wait, where is the doggy orchestra?

Yikes, you left them at home. No worries, every conductor needs a Baton!

Behold... the Conducting Bone!

With its universal power, you can conduct any dog to teleport to you from ANYWHERE in the world, and when you no longer need them, you can conduct them to go back to their beds from ANYWHERE in the world so that they can have a nice rest! "

Conducting Bone

ID: doggytalents:conducting_bone

Conducting Bone is a craftable dev-tier item that allows you to "orchestrate" your pups!

This item is fire/lava proof.



Ingredients Recipe
+ Netherite Ingot
+ Shulker Shell
+ End Crystal


  • Right Click with the item in the main hand, and a GUI will open. Choose the conducting action between To Bed or To Self (which is To Self by default).

  • Additionally, you can hold Shift right before using the item to make the button go to To Bed immediately upon opening. Use the arrow keys to select the dog you want to conduct.

  • You can also type to search and finally Enter to conduct.

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+ Note:

  • It may take a second for the conduct to finish. For the To Self conduct, you will see the dog present with a bit of Purple Particles.

  • A message will be prompted letting you know that the conduct is either fulfilled or rejected, and providing you with the Error Code


  • The dog should be in the same dimension as the owner or the bed.


  • For summoning the dog To Self, there must be a safe position in a 9x3x9 area around you.

    (Error Code : NOSAFEPOS)

  • For summoning the dog To Bed, the bed at that pos must be present

    (Error Code: BEDDESTROYED) and the block above it should be cleared of any obstacles (Error Code: BEDOBSTRUCTED).


  • It was introduced in DTN 1.9.0.
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