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EL Profile Activation Maven Extension

Allows profile to be activated using an expression language expression. Currently supports MVEL2 only. Extension hijacks property activation and tries to evaluate mvel expression first, if this is not successful it passes control to original property activator.

In order to activate extension, you cannot include it into <build><extensions> element, because profile activation is done before it would be activated. So you need to copy following files into $MAVEN_HOME/lib/ext:

To profit from new activation, add following in your pom.xml:


        	<!-- mvel property name is obligatory -->
            <value>isdef foo &amp;&amp; foo=="abc"</value>

A few examples (an MVEL cheatsheet)

  • Check if foo and bar are defined and have same value

      isdef foo &amp;&amp; isdef bar &amp;&amp; foo==bar
  • Check if foo is defined while bar is not

      isdef foo &amp;&amp; !isdef bar
  • Check if foo starts with abc or baz contains xyz

      isdef foo &amp;&amp; foo.startsWith("abc")) || (isdef baz &amp;&amp; baz.contains("xyz"))

Complete MVEL reference guide is available at

In order to deploy artifacts locally take this as a blueprint:

mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=com.redhat.jboss.maven -DartifactId=el-profile-activator-extension -Dversion=1.0.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=<pathToJar> -Durl=<url> -DrepositoryId=<serverId>


Support for expression languages in profile activation in Maven








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