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Husqvarna HRP Instructions

ACarfi edited this page Jun 15, 2021 · 14 revisions

General information

How to turn ON/OFF the HRP

  • Turn ON the HRP: Set the main switch in position 1
  • Turn OFF the HRP: Set the main switch in position 0

How to charge the HRP

  1. Connect the charging station
  2. On the HRP, set the main switch in position 1
  3. Place the HRP in the charging station to charge its battery

How to remove the HRP from the charging station

  1. Press the red STOP button on top of the HRP
  2. Pull the HRP out of the charging station

Do not lift the HRP while it is parked in the charging station.

How to access the control panel

  1. Press the red STOP button on top of the HRP

How to stop the HRP while moving

  1. Press the red STOP button on top of the HRP
  2. Close the lid to reload the STOP button before driving the HRP again


How to disable the loop wire check

Loop wire: The boundary wire system makes sure the HRP always stays inside its boundaries. By default, the HRP checks for the presence of the loop wire at startup and does not work move without. If you want to disable the loop wire check follow these steps:

  1. Access the control panel by pressing the STOP button
  2. Enter the PIN (default is 1111)
  3. Press the "MENU" button once to access the menu
  4. Press and hold "7" and "9" simultaneously until a new item pops up in the menu (typically, 2 seconds)
  5. Press "OK" to access the hidden menu
  6. Navigate to "Special Settings" and press "OK"
  7. Press "OK" to select "Override loop detection"
  8. Press "OK" to confirm this setting
  9. Press "BACK" multiple times until you are back to the main menu
  10. Press the "START" button
  11. Close the lid to reload the STOP button

How to connect to the onboard PC

Connect your PC to the Husqvarna using an ethernet cable.

Identity IP on Windows

Open the command line and type

arp -a

this command will print for each network to which you are connected the list of IPs registered on the network. Check under the ethernet connection (it should be identified by the IP and identify the only dynamic IP (It could be

Identity IP on Linux

  1. Type $ifconfig on terminal to check the name of your Ethernet connection. Usually it is eth1.

  2. Type in a terminal $/sbin/ifconfig eth1 | grep "Bcast" | awk -F: '{print $3}' | awk '{print $1}' to obtain the broadcast address of the Ethernet connection. (Replace eth1 with the name you obtained from step 1). For example, let the broadcast address output from this step be

  3. Type $nmap -n -sP in the terminal. Replace with the address obtained from step 2. The first IP is going to be the one of your PC and the second one is the one of the onboard pc (eg.,

Establish WiFi connection

Now you can SSH into the onboard pc through ethernet using the command:

ssh emarolab@

the ssh password is "husqvarna". Now on the onboard dash type


and identify the WiFi IP (eg., Terminate the SSH session unplug the ethernet cable an use the identified WiFi IP to start a new SSH session.

How to drive the HRP using ROS

  1. Set up the target computer (i.e., the computer to be connected to the HRP), make sure it has a working ROS installation (
  2. Get the package hrp.2015-11-27-11-45.tar.gz from the EMAROlab staff
  3. Unpack and build the ROS package hrp.2015-11-27-11-45.tar.gz on the target computer
    You might need to install some packages if you don't already have them in your computer. Please check below for additional information.
  4. Connect the target computer to the HRP with a USB cable
  5. Make sure that the serialPort and i2cbus defined in the launch file (am_driver/launch/automower_hrp_tracking.launch) match those on the target computer
  6. Activate the USB port communication with the command sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0
  7. Run rosrun am_driver am_driver_node
  8. Disable the loop wire check (follow the procedure in the related Section)

To teleoperate the HRP using the keyboard, run rosrun am_control

Known build errors

Missing nmea_msgs

  1. go to
  2. download the folder in the src folder of your catkin workspace
  3. build the catkin workspace

Missing libcgal

  1. sudo apt-get install libcgal-dev
  2. sudo apt-get install libcgal-demo

Missing controller_manager

  1. sudo apt-get install ros-<version>-controller_manager

Missing gazebo_ros_control

  1. sudo apt-get install ros-<version>-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-<version>-gazebo-ros-control

Errors in the packages am_gazebo

If you don't have to use the gazebo model of the HRP, you can remove all am_gazebo_* folders from the hrp ROS package.

Published topics

  • /odom - position of the HRP given by encoder data
  • /loop - status of boundary loop sensors
  • /sensor_status - status of collision sensors
  • /wheel_encoder - ticks read from the HRP

Subscribed topics

  • /cmd_vel - speed to assign to HRP (linear and angular)
  • /cmd_mode - control mode for HRP


This tutorial has been written by Luis Enrique Coronado Zuniga and revised by Anum Rehman and Erjon Hysa.