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Utils Module

Utils is a lightweight and versatile JavaScript utility class designed to provide commonly used functions for web development. It is a collection of various helper functions that can be used in a variety of projects.


ES Module

import { Utils } from './utils.mjs';

IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)

<script src="utils.js"></script>;
// ...

CommonJS (CJS) Module

const { Utils } = require('./utils.cjs.js');

You can then call any of the functions available in the Utils class.


decimalRand(pNum1, pNum2, pPlaces)

  • Generates a random decimal number between pNum1 and pNum2 with pPlaces decimal places.

rand(pNum1, pNum2)

  • Generates a random integer between pNum1 and pNum2.

getPercentage(pValue, pTotalValue)

  • Calculates the percentage of pValue in relation to pTotalValue.

clamp(pNumber, pMin, pMax)

  • Clamps pNumber between pMin and pMax.

lerp(pStart, pEnd, pAmount)

  • Linearly interpolates between pStart and pEnd by pAmount.

flooredLerp(pStart, pEnd, pAmount)

  • Linearly interpolates between pStart and pEnd by pAmount, then floors the result.

round(pNumber, pPlace)

  • Rounds pNumber to pPlace decimal places.

normalize(pVal, pMin, pMax)

  • Normalizes pVal between pMin and pMax.

within(pVal, pMin, pMax)

  • Checks if pVal is within the range of pMin and pMax.


  • Formats pNum as a string with commas between every three digits.


  • Converts degrees to radians.


  • Converts radians to degrees.


  • Returns a random element from pArray.

removeProperties(pObject, pExclude)

  • Removes all properties from pObject, excluding those in pExclude.


  • Returns true with a probability of pChance, and false with a probability of 100 - pChance.


  • Returns the opposite direction of pDir.


  • Returns the angle in radians corresponding to pDir.


  • Generates a random unique ID string of length pIDLength.

decimalToHex(pDecimal, pChars)

  • Converts a decimal number to a hexadecimal color string with pChars characters. pChars can either be 3 or 6.

addIntensity(pColor, pPercent)

  • Increases the intensity of pColor by pPercent percent.

rgbToHex(pR, pG, pB)

  • Converts an RGB color to a hexadecimal color string.


  • Converts a hexadecimal color string to an RGB color.

rgbToDecimal(pR, pG, pB)

  • Converts an RGB color to a decimal number.


  • Converts a hexadecimal color string to a decimal number.

grabColor(pSwitch, pG, pB)

  • Returns a color object with a hexadecimal color string, tagless hexadecimal color string, RGB string, RGB color array, RGB normalized array, RGB object, and decimal color number. If pSwitch is a number, pG and pB must also be numbers and represent the green and blue components of the color respectively. If pSwitch is a string, it can either be a hexadecimal color string or a decimal color.


  • Gets a random color in the hex format.

getRandomColorBetween(pColor1, pColor2, pAmount = 0.5)

  • Gets a random color between pColor1 and pColor2 in the decimal format. pAmount can be used to change how close the returned color is to either pColor1 or pColor2.

transitionColor(pInstance, pStartColor='#000', pEndColor='#fff', pDuration=1000, pIterativeCallback, pEndCallback)

  • Transition pStartColor to pEndColor in pDuration time with callbacks to track the animation. Where pIterativeCallback is called each frame and pEndCallback is called at the end of the animation. This API returns the ID of the transition. So that if you want to cancel it, you can use cancelTransitionColor(ID).


  • Cancels an ongoing transition with the ID of pID.

getPointRotated(pRect, pTheta, pPoint)v

  • Calculates the position of a point after rotating it around a center point by a given angle.
  • @param {object} pRect - The rectangle object to rotate the point around. pRect.anchor.x and pRecent.anchor.y is used to control the "center" of the rectangle.
  • @param {number} pTheta - The angle (in radians) to rotate the point by.
  • @param {object} pPoint - The point object to rotate around the center of the rectangle.
  • @param {number} pPoint.x - The x-coordinate of the point to rotate.
  • @param {number} pPoint.y - The y-coordinate of the point to rotate.
  • @returns {object} An object with the rotated point's new x and y coordinates.

getPointsOfRotatedRect(pRect, pTheta)

  • @param {object} pRect - The rectangle object to rotate the point around. pRect.anchor.x and pRecent.anchor.y is used to control the "center" of the rectangle.
  • @param {number} pTheta - The angle (in radians) to rotate the point by.
  • @returns {object} An object with the rotated rectangle's new corner points and center points.

Global Dependency

Utils relies on the VYLO variable being globally accessible.