Poker odds calculator with support for unknown cards. Uses a modified monte carlo simulation from omni calculator ( and poker-solver ( Not the fastest thing in the world but it gets the job done.
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import { TexasHoldem } from "unknown-poker";
const table = new TexasHoldem();
// optionally set the number of simulation cycles for the monte carlo algorithm
// const table = new TexasHoldem(5000);
// set the table's cards (can be empty or have cards in it)
// must always set the player's hand
table.setPlayer(["Ah", "Kh"]);
// opponent hands can be empty
// or have cards in them
table.addOpponent(["2s", "4c"]);
// mark opponents as having folded in the optional js object
// this will mark the supplied cards as "dead"
table.addOpponent([], {
folded: true,
// you can also add names to your opponents to make them easier to identify in the results
table.addOpponent([], {
name: "bruh2",
const results = table.calculate();
- exposed internal function
from pokersolver.js