This reposistory contains the modules required to run Form project on
It also contains odoo.conf file that helps to run a local instance using the submodules defined in the repository.
The configuration of the file assumes that the folder structure for the project is the following.
You can run the following command when your working directory is the reposistory.
cd ~/Projects/odoo-sh/<reposistory-name>
../../14.0/odoo/odoo-bin -c ./odoo.conf
You can also define the following function in your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile file
function odoo-sh() {
# If there is no argument define the default value for this variable
local database=${1:-test140}
local repo=${2}
# Validate if the first argument is not defined, if it's not defined it will not call the shift
if [ ! -z "$1" ]
shift 1 # Remove the first argument
shift 1
cd ~/Projects/odoo-sh/"$repo"
python3 ~/Projects/14.0/odoo/odoo-bin -c ~/Projects/odoo-sh/"$repo"/odoo.conf -d "$database" --db-filter="$database" "$@"
After you restart the console or source ~/.zshrc
or source ~/.bash_profile
you can run a odoo instance using the following command
odoo-sh <database-name> <reposistory-name>
- database-name: the name of the database that will be used.
- repository-name: must be the the name of the reposistory name.
You can also pass more parameters used to run odoo for example:
odoo-sh <database-name> <reposistory-name> -i l10n_mx --load-language=es_MX