Test Driven Implementation of Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol in Verilog for FPGA.
Verilog SPI Controller
Verilog SPI Peripheral
- CPOL = 0 (clock polarity - IDLE at 0)
- CPHA = 1 (clock phase - signal on COPI and CIPO change on rising edge, and are sampled on falling edge)
While standing in project's root directory, use Bazel to build the test target:
$ bazel build //spi:test --incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api=false
The test executable can be run from the 'bazel-bin' output directory with:
$ ./bazel-bin/spi/test
Preferring use of CONTROLLER and PERIPHERAL terminology:
support all 4 SPI modes by using verilator arg at verilation time, such as '-GSPI_MODE=3'
- generate 4 versions of SPIController and SPIPeripheral
- run unit tests on each version
- can we parameterise the same set of sets?
support different SPI clock speeds on SPIController by using verilator arg at verilation time, such as '-GCLKS_PER_HALF_BIT=3'
- generate multiple versions of SPIController
- run unit tests on each version
- can we parameterise the same set of sets?