KaellyBot - Languages and Embed Displays
KaellyBot - Release 1.5.1
This is the second release of this application with new commands, bugs corrections and with the first commands useful for Dofus players on Discord. KaellyBot works with Java 1.8 and obviously, need an Internet access. As the first release, it is easy to add or modify commands: discord errors are easier to use, the commands architecture is cleaner and the customization is deeper. 1.5.1 can be described by the refactoring of !job command with the introduction of server dofus into it and also by the possibility to change the language (FR, EN, SP supported), introduced in 1.5.0. No release available for this previous version because of a lack of stability and major evolutions was planned.
Available commands
- almanax, twitter & rss commands dedicated to provide informations from other supports
- align & job that display players and their specializations/jobs
- help & about provide informations about the bot
- alliance, guild, item, monster, resource, set, whois retrieve informations from dofus website
- dist, map, pos, tuto are commands dedicated for Dofus game too, that provide informations from unofficial website support like sweet.ovh or dofuspourlesnoobs.com
- random, sound are tools commands not really affiliated to specific needs in Dofus, but can be useful
- command, lang, prefix & server are configurations command, to customize the bot with a discord guild granularity level.
Package provided
The package is a zip format. It contains these files:
- KaellyBot-1.5.1.jar : executable Java file
- config.properties : Configuration file where you have to give your discord application token
- bdd.sqlite : SQLite database used by KaellyBot
First, be carreful about the config.properties : you have to add your own discord application token in this file.
That's it, you are now ready to launch KaellyBot by using the command java -jar KaellyBot-1.5.1.jar