This my little corona project. It consists of three parts:
A python script that uses an feature of the Twitter-API to receive a live-sample of all tweets published, searches for tags and hashtags in them and then loads them into a database.
An API that gives the user and other services the ability to get toplists and histories of (hash-)tags and general stats. The API reference can be found at the end of this document.
A website where you can search in the database for tags and hashtags. It also uses Google Charts to generate histograms where you can see the (hash-)tags history.
The twitter-api has an feature called "Sampled Stream". That means that you get a small live portion of, if you can trust the documentation, ca. 1% of all tweets pushed to Twitter. This is the reason why you can multiply all numbers on this page by 100 to get somewhat near to the real usages. A script, that runs on a Raspberry Pi 4, processes all information it gets and looks for hashtags and tags. This information then gets passed to a database. On average 90k datasets are getting generated this way per hour.
The api has three endpoints: stats
, timeline
and top
Base URL is
Returns these three statistics:
returns the total amount of tweets processedcount_retweets
returns the amount of tweets that where retweetscount_tags
returns the total amount of tags processedcount_hashtags
returns the total amount of hashtags processed
Just stats/
. Other requests will result in an error.
Returns one value:
returns the toplist in form of an array of dicts
the name of the item
the amount of times the item was seen in that hour
Note: type can be 'tag' or 'hashtag'
is the amount of result you want. 50 is the max size.
returns the values of the last hour.
The current hour can't be requested.
An empty result hints at a data loss at the requested timestamp.
Returns two values:
returns the requested itemtimestamps
returns the history of the requested item in form of an dict.
key = the timestamp
value = the amount of times the item was seen in that hour
Note: type can be 'tag' or 'hashtag'