By Adrian Marin Estrada, Juan Antonio Gonzalez, Raymond Kong
We parallelized the serial implementation of the Knapsack Problem by GeeksforGeeks using threads and MPI in C++
Our code is implemented to be run using SFU's Slurm Cluster
If you plan to run it on your personal machine unix-based machine please ensure you have C++11 or higher by running g++ --version
. If you do not have C++ installed, please install gcc:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install g++ -y
Ensure you have the MPI compiler and runtime environment on your machine by running
mpicc --version
mpirun --version
If you do not have MPI on your Linux machine, run:
sudo apt install mpich
sudo apt install openmpi-bin
If you do not have MPI on your Mac machine, run:
brew install mpich
If running on slurm, you can run our three test scripts
, or
using the command:
python3 <test_script>
Before running the test scripts, ensure that you have editted the script to include your computing ID, and the path to where you have stored this folder.
If you wish to run programs individually, use our shell scripts
, or
using the command:
sbatch <shell_script>
Note that if you wish to only compile one of the implementations of knapsack_serial.cpp
, knapsack_parallel.cpp
, or knapsack_distributed.cpp
, run:
make <implementation_file_name without the '.cpp'>
to run on your machine, using the following commands: For the serial implementation:
./knapsack_serial --fName hundred_thousand_input.txt --capacity 1000000
For the thread implementation:
./knapsack_parallel --fName=hundred_thousand_input.txt --capacity=100000 --numThreads=4 --granularity=100
For the distributed implementation:
mpirun -np 8 ./knapsack_distributed --fName hundred_thousand_input.txt --capacity 1000000
For the MPI implementation, ensure that your computer can handle 8 processes.
For all three implemenations you can edit the capacity
parameter to change the capacity of the knapsack, and edit fName
to edit what the input file you wish to use is.
Specific to our thread implementation, you can edit numThreads
to change the number of threads being used by the program, and granularity
to change the granularity used in the program with 0 being no granularity being used (work is evently distributed at the start), and numbers > 0 indicating how much work each thread does at one time.
Specific to our distributed implementation, to change the number of processes used by MPI provide a different number after the np
option in
mpirun -np 8 ./knapsack_distributed --fName hundred_thousand_input.txt --capacity 1000000
To create your own input file run:
./create_file --minWeight 100 --maxWeight 5000 --fName hundred_thousand_input.txt --nItems 100000 --maxVal 10000
You can edit minWeight
& maxWeight
to change the weight range of created items.
Change minVal
& maxVal
to change the value range of created items.
Change nItems
to change number of items in your new input file.
Change fName
to change the name of your new input file.
To remove executables (not including shell scripts) run:
make clean
├── 431_Project_report.pdf
├── Makefile
├── core
│ ├── cxxopts.h
│ ├── get_time.h
│ ├── types.h
│ └── utils.h
├── create_file.cpp
├── final_distributed_combined_output.txt
├── final_parallel_combined_output.txt
├── hundred_thousand_input.txt
├── knapsack_distributed.cpp
├── knapsack_parallel.cpp
├── knapsack_serial.cpp
├── serial_combined_output.txt
Program/Script name | README |
knapsack_serial.cpp | Serial implementation |
knapsack_parallel.cpp | Thread implementation |
knapsack_distributed.cpp | Distributed implementation |
create_file.cpp | program to create inputs | | Script to run serial tests on Slurm | | Script to run thread tests on Slurm | | Script to run distributed tests on Slurm | | Script to run single serial test on Slurm | | Script to run single thread test on Slurm | | Script to run single distributed test on Slurm |
File/Folder | README |
Core folder | Provided by our 431 course |
Serial Knapsack Implementation | By GeeksforGeeks, lightly improved by us |