Requirement | GCP Kubernetes Engine | AWS EKS |
A Kubernetes cluster | Create a cluster | Create a cluster |
Installed kubectl version 1.30 or higher |
Install kubectl | Install kubectl |
Nodes with NVIDIA GPUs and drivers | GPU Drivers | GPU Drivers |
To confirm you have GPU nodes available after configuring kubectl to connect to your cluster, run:
kubectl describe nodes
And you should see the nodes with the
Allocated resources:
Resource Requests Limits
-------- -------- ------
... 1 1
First you'll need to copy kubernetes-manifests/mathpix/mathpix.env.example
to kubernetes-manifests/mathpix/mathpix.env
to it.
cp kubernetes-manifests/mathpix/mathpix.env.example kubernetes-manifests/mathpix/mathpix.env
# Now open kubernetes-manifests/mathpix/mathpix.env
# Replace REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_LICENSE with your license
You should update the credentials in the kubernetes-manifests/jobs/update-credentials/credentials.json file with the credentials you want to use to access the Mathpix on-prem OCR API.
If you haven't had your AWS account granted access to download images from our AWS ECR then you should update the images to point to your registry where your cluster can access them. If you're using Google Cloud Platform or another kubernetes cluster without access you'll need to get our images (we'll help you with this) and then push them to your google container registry or google artifact registry and replace the image fields in these files:
- kubernetes-manifests/mathpix/mathpix-deployment.yaml
- kubernetes-manifests/jobs/migrate-schema.yaml
- kubernetes-manifests/jobs/update-credentials/update-credentials.yaml
To create the entire Mathpix on-prem deployment:
kubectl apply -k ./kubernetes-manifests
To remove the on-prem deployment, run:
kubectl delete -k ./kubernetes-manifests
The Mathpix API will take a few minutes to start up, you can check the status with:
kubectl get pods
# or
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=mathpix-api --timeout=600s
To see the load balancer with the Mathpix service, run:
kubectl get svc mathpix-loadbalancer -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'
To verify that the Mathpix service is running, run:
API_URL=$(kubectl get svc mathpix-loadbalancer -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
curl -s $API_URL/region-health
To send OCR requests with the default Mathpix on-prem credentials, run:
API_URL=$(kubectl get svc mathpix-loadbalancer -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
# Image
curl -X POST $API_URL/v3/text \
-H 'app_id: mathpix-test-app-1' -H 'app_key: replace-with-your-app-key-1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"src": "", "math_inline_delimiters": ["$", "$"], "rm_spaces": true}'
curl -X POST $API_URL/v3/pdf \
-H 'app_id: mathpix-test-app-1' -H 'app_key: replace-with-your-app-key-1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "url": "", "conversion_formats": {"docx": true, "": true}}'
To update the mathpix on-prem license, modify the file kubernetes-manifests/mathpix/mathpix.env
and run:
kubectl apply -k ./kubernetes-manifests/mathpix
To update your API credentials, modify the file kubernetes-manifests/jobs/update-credentials/credentials.json
and run:
kubectl apply -k ./kubernetes-manifests/jobs/update-credentials
kubectl scale deploy mathpix-api --replicas 3