Understanding the seismic behavior of U-shaped reinforced concrete core walls. This project uses computer vision techniques to detect targets and, subsequently, detect deformations in these structures.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/quentinptt/vime-all4wall.git
- Intrinsic calibration of the three cameras with ChArUco markers -> Correction of image distortion.
- Detection of regions of interest and display of detected regions.
- Selection among the detected regions based on circularity and intensity criteria.
- Elimination of duplicates to retain one region per marker.
- Calculation of the centroids coordinates of each region to sort the markers according to their position (from bottom to top).
- Labeling of sorted markers.
- OpenCV ArUco Documentation
- OpenCV ArUco Detection Tutorial
- Charuco Detection Tutorial
- Learning OpenCV - Adrian Kaehler and Gary Bradski
Quentin PETIT - contact@quentinptt.fr