Title Animal Avengers: A Platform for Pet Rescue
Description Animal Avengers is a web platform designed to streamline the process of reporting and responding to pet emergencies. Users can report incidents of injured or distressed animals, and registered volunteers can respond to these reports to provide assistance. The platform aims to facilitate quick and effective rescue efforts, ultimately saving the lives of vulnerable animals.
Tech Stack
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Backend: PHP, MySQL
- Frameworks: None
- Libraries: None
Installation Steps
- Clone the repository: git clone
- Navigate to the project directory: cd animal-avengers
- Set up the database: Import the SQL file database.sql to create the necessary tables.
- Configure the database connection: Update the database credentials in config.php.
- Start a local server: Use Apache or any PHP server to host the project locally.
- Access the project: Open a web browser and navigate to the local server's URL.
Libraries and Dependencies
- None
Declaration of Previous/Adapted Work This project is an original creation developed from scratch during the hackathon period. No previous work or adaptations have been incorporated into this project.
Overview Video Link