simple file explorer plugin for neovim
- neovim 0.9.5 or higher
- patched font
- (optional) nvim-tree-webdevicons
- (optional for enabling image preview) image.nvim
With lazy.nvim
{ 'Rizwanelansyah/simplyfile.nvim', tag = '<tag>' }
config and default value
require("simplyfile").setup {
border = {
left = "rounded",
main = "double",
right = "rounded",
derfault_keymaps = true,
keymaps = {
--- your custom keymaps
--- {dir} have following field
--- name: name of file/folder
--- absolute: absolute path of file/folder
--- icon: the nerd fonts icon
--- hl: highlight group name for icon
--- filetype: type of file
--- is_folder: folder or not
["lhs"] = function(dir) --[[ some code ]] end
preview = {
image = true, -- for previewing image (for v0.7+ only)
open the explorer orrequire("simplyfile").open()
close the explorer orrequire("simplyfile").close()
- check the wiki pages for more info
- ✅ clipboard
- ✅ search bar
- ✅ filter
- ✅ sort