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roll20deploy committed Oct 15, 2023
1 parent d4c0f62 commit 99002d7
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 64 deletions.
128 changes: 64 additions & 64 deletions Das Schwarze Auge (TDE) 5 OFFICIAL by Ulisses/translations/it.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@
"bitte-auswaehlen": "Selezionare",
"dauer-verkuerzen": "-1 (Ridurre tempo di lancio)",
"dauer-verlaengern": "+1 (Aumentare tempo di lancio)",
"derivedAttributes": "Derived Attributes",
"derivedAttributes": "Caratteristiche derivate",
"reichweite-verlaengern": "-1 (Aumentare raggio)",
"kosten-verringern": "-1 (Ridurre costo)",
"kosten-erhoehen": "+1 (Forzare)",
Expand All @@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
"magie-modifikator": "Magia ±",
"glaube-modifikator": "Opere divine ±",
"schaden-durch-patzer": "Danno da fallimento critico",
"fernkampf-patzer": "Ranged-Botch",
"fernkampf-patzer": "Fallimento critico di combattimento a distanza",
"zauber-patzer": "Fallimenti critico per incantesimi",
"liturgie-patzer": "Fallimento critico per opere divine",
"zaubertrick": "Trucco di magia",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -542,23 +542,23 @@
"heller": "Soldi",
"kreuzer": "Piccoli",
"geldbeutel": "Scarsella",
"Astralkraft-springt-auf-anderes-Ziel": "All remaining AE leaves the spellcaster’s body and jumps to the next closes above the normal maximum. The spellcaster regenerates this AE in the usual way.",
"Astralkraft-verlässt-den-Körper": "All remaining AE leaves the spellcaster’s body and manifests as a rain of colorful sparks, illusionary butterflies, and small rainbows. The spellcaster regenerates this AE in the usual way.",
"Betäubung-durch-Kopfschmerzen": "The spellcaster suffers a throbbing headache and a level of the condition Stupor for 1D6 day(s).",
"Astralkraft-springt-auf-anderes-Ziel": "Tutta la rimanente energia astrale abbandona il corpo di chi lancia l’incantesimo e confluisce nel più vicino essere con il dono della magia. Questo essere riceve il completo ammontare di PA di chi ha fallito criticamente, potendo addirittura aumentare la sua EA sopra il limite normale. I Punti Astrali così persi verranno rigenerati normalmente.",
"Astralkraft-verlässt-den-Körper": "Tutta la rimanente energia astrale abbandona il corpo di chi lancia l’incantesimo e si manifesta come una pioggia di scintille colorate, effimere farfalle o piccoli arcobaleni. I Punti Astrali così persi verranno rigenerati normalmente.",
"Betäubung-durch-Kopfschmerzen": "Chi lancia l’incantesimo soffre di un tremendo mal di testa e di un livello della condizione Stordimento per 1D6 giorni.",
"Beule": "Bump your head in the chaos of combat and suffer a level of the condition Confusion for one hour.",
"belastungsgewoehnung": "Abitudine all’impiccio",
"brennbare-Materialien-gehen-in-Flammen-auf": "All flammable materials are set ablaze in an area of 2D6 square yards (does not affect creatures or the Blessed One’s clothes).",
"Durch-Blick-in-Sphären-eingeschüchtert": "A gaze into another Sphere is so intimidating that the Blessed One suffers 3 levels of the condition Fear for the day.",
"Eine-ätherische-Stimme-erklingt": "An ethereal voice speaks from out of thin air, saying “Never do that again!”",
"Eine-ätherische-Stimme-erklingt": "Una voce eterea risuona dal nulla ed esclama “Non farlo mai più!”",
"Fehlschuss": "The shot misses in a spectacular way and hits an object (shoots down a shop sign, breaks a window, or some such thing).",
"Fuß-verdreht": "Suffer one level of the condition Pain for 3 combat rounds.",
"Geist-tauscht-Körper-mit-Lebewesen": "The spellcaster’s mind switches bodies with the nearest creature larger than a rat for 1D6 day(s).",
"Geist-tauscht-Körper-mit-Lebewesen": "La mente di chi lancia l’incantesimo viene trasferita nella più vicina creatura più grande di un ratto per una durata di 1D6 giorni.",
"Geweihte-erhält-ein-Stigma": "The Blessed One suffers a stigma for the day.",
"Geweihte-hat-nachts-seltsame-Visionen": "The Blessed One suffers strange visions and nightmares for 1D6 day(s).",
"Geweihte-ist-entrückt": "The Blessed One receives 4 levels of Rapture.",
"Geweihte-ist-verwirrt": "The Blessed One suffers 3 levels of Confusion for the day and talks nonsense that cannot be remembered later.",
"Geweihte-verwurzelt-mit-Boden": "The Blessed One’s feet become rooted to the ground, restricting movement and causing the Blessed One to suffer the state bound for 1D6 minutes.",
"Harre-färben-sich": "All of the spellcaster’s hair takes on a bright color, but grows back in its original color.",
"Harre-färben-sich": "Tutti i capelli di chi ha lanciato l’incantesimo diventano di un colore brillante a scelta del narratore, ma ricresceranno del colore originale.",
"Kamerad-Unschuldiger-getroffen": "Hits a friend or an innocent bystander, determined randomly. If no such target is near, you hurt Yourself. The weapon inflicts normal damage, including the usual damage bonus.",
"Liturgie-hat-gegenteiligen-Effekt": "The liturgical chant has the opposite effect (Banish Darkness creates darkness, a Blessing of Healing causes injury instead, and so on).",
"Schild-beschädigt": "Shield Damaged",
Expand All @@ -571,9 +571,9 @@
"Selbst-verletzt": "Suffer your weapon’s damage, including the damage bonus (ignoring PRO). If unarmed, take 1D6 DP (ignoring PRO).",
"Stolpern": "Stumble and suffer a penalty of 2 on your next action.",
"Sturz": "Make a check using Body Control (Balance) with a penalty of 2, or fall to the ground and receive the state prone.",
"spiesswaffen": "Pikes",
"Verfolgung-durch-Mindergeister": "The spellcaster is Condition Annoyed by Minor Spirits for 1D6 day(s)",
"Verlust-der-Sprache": "The spellcaster/blessed one receives the condition mute for 1D6 day(s).",
"spiesswaffen": "Picche",
"Verfolgung-durch-Mindergeister": "Uno spirito elementale minore perseguita chi lancia l’incantesimo per 1D6 giorni (vedi “Perseguitato da spiriti minori” a pagina 176 del Regolamento).",
"Verlust-der-Sprache": "Chi ha lanciato l’incantesimo o recitato la liturgia non riesce a parlare per 1D6 giorni.",
"Verwandlung-in-Kleintier": "Chi lancia l’incantesimo si trasforma in un piccolo animale scelto dal narratore, per un totale di 1D6 ore.",
"Waffe-beschädigt": "The weapon is damaged. All checks against attack and parry suffer a penalty of 2 until the weapon is repaired. If the weapon is unbreakable, it falls to the ground.",
"Waffe-schwer-beschädigt": "The weapon cannot be used again until repaired. If the weapon is unbreakable, it falls to the ground.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -626,12 +626,12 @@
"keine": "Nessuna",
"status-liste": "liegend,vergiftet,uebler-geruch,blind,eingeengt,raserei,blutrausch,bewegungsunfaehig,brennend,versteinert,pechmagnet,handlungsunfaehig,bewusstlos,unsichtbar,fixiert,krank,stumm,taub,ueberrascht",
"zustaende-liste": "verwirrung,schmerz,entrueckung,belastung,paralyse,furcht,trance,betaeubung",
"kampftalente-liste": "Blasrohre,Bögen,Raufen,Kettenwaffen,Armbrüste,Dolche,Diskusse,Faecher,Fechtwaffen,Feuerspeien,Hiebwaffen,Lanzen,Spiesswaffen,Stangenwaffen,Schilde,Schleudern,Schwerter,Wurfwaffen,Zweihandhiebwaffen,Zweihandschwerter,Peitschen",
"kampftalente-liste": "Bögen,Kettenwaffen,Hiebwaffen,Zweihandhiebwaffen,Wurfwaffen,Fechtwaffen,Stangenwaffen,Armbrüste,Blasrohre,Diskusse,Schleudern,Peitschen,Lanzen,Raufen,Spiesswaffen,Dolche,Schilde,Schwerter,Zweihandschwerter,Feuerspeien,Faecher",
"koerpertalente-liste": "koerperbeherrschung,zechen,klettern,tanzen,kraftakt,fliegen,gaukeleien,sinnesschaerfe,taschendiebstahl,reiten,selbstbeherrschung,singen,verbergen,schwimmen",
"gesellschaftstalente-liste": "verkleiden,menschenkenntnis,etikette,ueberreden,einschuechtern,loyalitaet,bekehren,betoeren,gassenwissen,willenskraft",
"naturtalente-liste": "tierkunde,fischen,orientierung,pflanzenkunde,fesseln,wildnisleben,faehrtensuchen",
"wissenstalente-liste": "sternkunde,glueckspiel,geographie,geschichtswissen,rechtskunde,magiekunde,rechnen,mechanik,sagenlegenden,goetterkulte,sphaerenkunde,kriegskunst",
"handwerkstalente-liste": "alchemie,malenzeichnen,stoffbearbeitung,handel,fahrzeuge,steinbearbeitung,lederbearbeitung,metallbearbeitung,musizieren,schloesserknacken,lebensmittelbearbeitung,boote,hkkrankheiten,hkgift,hkseele,hkwunden,holzbearbeitung",
"handwerkstalente-liste": "alchemie,handel,lebensmittelbearbeitung,hkseele,hkwunden,hkkrankheiten,hkgift,malenzeichnen,fahrzeuge,lederbearbeitung,holzbearbeitung,metallbearbeitung,steinbearbeitung,musizieren,boote,stoffbearbeitung,schloesserknacken",
"add_modifikator": "Aggiungi modificatore",
"mu_mod": "Coraggio ±",
"kl_mod": "Acume ±",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -663,18 +663,18 @@
"nh_at_sf_mod": "Mano secondaria Att ±",
"nh_pa_sf_mod": "Mano secondaria Par ±",
"nh_tp_sf_mod": "Mano secondaria PImp ±",
"parade_zweite_mod": "\"Additionnal PA +/-",
"ausweichen_zweite_mod": "Additionnal DO +/-",
"beidhand_kampf_mod": "Ambidextrous-Mod. +/-",
"falsche_hand_mod": "Off Hand Mod. +/-",
"parade_zweite_mod": "Parata aggiuntiva ±",
"ausweichen_zweite_mod": "Schivata aggiuntiva ±",
"beidhand_kampf_mod": "Mod. combattimento 2 mani ±",
"falsche_hand_mod": "Mod. mano secondaria ±",
"talente_mod": "Modificatore al dado per competenze",
"switch_description_status": "Toggle Display",
"filter": "Filtro:",
"umgebung": "Space",
"umgebung": "Ambiente",
"combat-situation": "Situazione di combattimento",
"artefakt": "Artefact",
"artefakt": "Artefatto",
"kraeuter-tinkturen": "Herbs and Dyes",
"quelle-auswaehlen": "Select Source",
"quelle-auswaehlen": "Seleziona sorgente",
"bruchfaktor": "Coefficiente di rottura",
"strukturpunkte": "Punti Struttura",
"temp-modifikatoren": "Mod. temporaneo:",
Expand All @@ -683,7 +683,7 @@
"TP": "PImp",
"FK": "CD",
"allgemein": "Generali",
"header-anzeigen": "Display Header: ",
"header-anzeigen": "Imposta intestazione:",
"an": "attivo",
"aus": "disattivato",
"eigenschaften-aus": "Attributi disattivati",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -747,8 +747,8 @@
"refundCost": "{cost} Punti Avventura riottenuti",
"advancementCost": "Migliorato al costo di {cost} Punti Avventura",
"notEnoughAP": "Punti Avventura insufficienti",
"payAPAbility": "Pay Adventure Points for compendium drops (only players)",
"postSpellEffect": "Show effects of spells and liturgical chants in the chat",
"payAPAbility": "Spendi Punti Avventura per i trascinamenti dal Compendio (solo per i giocatori):",
"postSpellEffect": "Mostra effetti di incantesimi e liturgie nella chat:",
"settings_multiplySpecialAbilities": "Livelli per abilità speciali",
"settings_postSpellEffect": "Effetti degli incantesimi nella chat",
"forceHalfParry": "L’avversario deve dimezzare la parata",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -880,15 +880,15 @@
"kampftyp3": "Passiva",
"kampftyp4": "Generale",
"postChat": "Descrivi nella chat",
"category": "Category",
"rule": "Rule",
"showAtTalents": "Show at skills",
"qlMod": "QL.",
"fpMod": "SP",
"category": "Categoria",
"rule": "Regola",
"showAtTalents": "Mostrare nelle competenze",
"qlMod": "LQ.",
"fpMod": "PAb",
"linkHint": "Copy the link to access the page (Roll20 prohibits external links).",
"armorType.0": "Clothing, Normal",
"armorType.1": "Clothing, Heavy",
"armorType.2": "Cloth/Linothorax Armor",
"armorType.0": "Abiti normali",
"armorType.1": "Abiti pesanti",
"armorType.2": "Corpetto imbottito",
"armorType.3": "Corpetto di cuoio",
"armorType.4": "Armatura di legno",
"armorType.5": "Cotta di maglia",
Expand All @@ -899,16 +899,16 @@
"fertigkeitswert": "Livello Abilità",
"hitzones": "Zona mirata",
"hitDescr": "A strike to a hit zone can also produce wound effects. A heavy blow against the head may result in one level of Stupor, while a wound to the leg may knock an enemy down. Every creature has a wound threshold equal to half of its CON attribute, rounded up. When a creature suffers damage equal to or greater than its wound threshold, it must make a check to see if it suffers a wound effect. This check is made against Self-Control (Stay Conscious or Ignore Distractions), depending on the hit location (as indicated in the table Wound Effects). The check suffers a penalty equal to the multiple by which the damage equaled or exceeded the wound threshold. If successful, the creature suffers no wound effect. Only one check is required, regardless of the multiple by which the damage exceeded the wound threshold.",
"humanoid.small": "Humanoid, small",
"humanoid.medium": "Humanoid, medium",
"humanoid.large": "Humanoid, large",
"nonhumanoid.small": "Nonhumanoid, small",
"nonhumanoid.medium": "Nonhumanoid, medium",
"nonhumanoid.large": "Nonhumanoid, large",
"creature.large": "Nonhumanoid, six limbs, large",
"creature.giant": "Nonhumanoid, six limbs, huge",
"creature.kraken": "Nonhumanoid, tentacles, medium to huge",
"creature.amorph": "Nonhumanoid, no differentiated zones",
"humanoid.small": "Umanoide, piccolo",
"humanoid.medium": "Umanoide, medio",
"humanoid.large": "Umanoide, grande",
"nonhumanoid.small": "Non umanoide, piccolo",
"nonhumanoid.medium": "Non umanoide, medio",
"nonhumanoid.large": "Non umanoide, grande",
"creature.large": "Non umanoide, sei arti, grande",
"creature.giant": "Non umanoide, sei arti, enorme",
"creature.kraken": "Non umanoide, tentacolare, da medio a enorme",
"creature.amorph": "Non umanoide, senza zone",
"hitarea.head": "Testa",
"hitarea.torso": "Torso",
"hitarea.arm": "Braccio",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -995,16 +995,16 @@
"naturtalente_all": "Competenze naturali (tutte)",
"wissenstalente_all": "Competenze conoscitive (tutte)",
"handwerkstalente_all": "Competenze artigianali (tutte)",
"koerpertalente_all_fp": "Physical Skills (all) SP",
"gesellschaftstalente_all_fp": "Social Skills (all) SP",
"naturtalente_all_fp": "Nature Skills (all) SP",
"wissenstalente_all_fp": "Knowledge Skills (all) SP",
"handwerkstalente_all_fp": "Craft Skills (all) SP",
"koerpertalente_all_qs": "Physical Skills (all) QL",
"gesellschaftstalente_all_qs": "Social Skills (all) QL",
"naturtalente_all_qs": "Nature Skills (all) QL",
"wissenstalente_all_qs": "Knowledge Skills (all) QL",
"handwerkstalente_all_qs": "Craft Skills (all) QL",
"koerpertalente_all_fp": "Competenze fisiche (tutte) PAb",
"gesellschaftstalente_all_fp": "Competenze sociali (tutte) PAb",
"naturtalente_all_fp": "Competenze naturali (tutte) PAb",
"wissenstalente_all_fp": "Competenze conoscitive (tutte) PAb",
"handwerkstalente_all_fp": "Competenze artigianali (tutte) PAb",
"koerpertalente_all_qs": "Competenze fisiche (tutte) LQ",
"gesellschaftstalente_all_qs": "Competenze sociali (tutte) LQ",
"naturtalente_all_qs": "Competenze naturali (tutte) LQ",
"wissenstalente_all_qs": "Competenze conoscitive (tutte) LQ",
"handwerkstalente_all_qs": "Competenze artigianali (tutte) LQ",
"bestaetigungswurf_setting": "Senza tiro di conferma (regola opzionale)",
"bestaetigungswurf_descr": "Disattiva il tiro di conferma su prove 1D20 (regola opzionale)",
"bestaetigungswurf": "Tiro di conferma",
Expand All @@ -1017,28 +1017,28 @@
"migrakel_warn": "WARNING: This function can overwrite manual entries you have made. Make sure you know exactly what you are doing or that you have made a backup copy of this character.",
"scan": "Verifica",
"i18n": "it",
"estimated_enc": "Minus ENC/INI/MOV/#",
"qs_mod": "QL Mod.",
"fp_mod": "SP Mod.",
"estimated_enc": "Penalità Imp/Ini/Mov/#",
"qs_mod": "Mod. LQ",
"fp_mod": "Mod. PAb",
"Skill-eeasy": "Estremamente facile (+5)",
"Skill-veasy": "Molto facile (+3)",
"Skill-easy": "Facile (+1)",
"Skill-challenging": "Impegnativo (±0)",
"Skill-difficult": "Difficile (-1)",
"Skill-hard": "Molto difficile (-3)",
"Skill-vhard": "Estremamente difficile (-5)",
"speciesLe": "Based on the species",
"unterbrechung": "Interruption",
"unterbrechung_klein": "Small - Watch/Disturbance (-1)",
"unterbrechung_groß": "Lengthy - sentry duty/ambush (-2)",
"campsite": "Campsite",
"goodCampsite": "Good accomodations (+1)",
"badCampsite": "Poor campsite (-1)",
"badPlace": "Bad surroundings (x 0.5)",
"speciesLe": "In base alla specie",
"unterbrechung": "Interruzione",
"unterbrechung_klein": "Breve: turno di guardia, seccature notturne (-1)",
"unterbrechung_groß": "Lungo: guardia prolungata, assalto notturno (-2)",
"campsite": "Sistemazione",
"goodCampsite": "Sistemazione comoda (+1)",
"badCampsite": "Accampamento di fortuna (-1)",
"badPlace": "Ambiente pessimo (×½)",
"hitzone_chat_aktivieren": "Enable hitzone button during defense",
"selectQS": "Achieved QL",
"selectQS": "LQ ottenuto",
"effektWurf": "Effect roll",
"autoSpellDamage": "Roll damage for spells automatically",
"autoSpellDamage": "Tirare automaticamente per i danni degli incantesimi",
"hitzonebutton_setting": "Hitzone button",
"patron": "Patrono",
"demonmark": "Demon Mark",
Expand Down

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