psp8 upf H 20 30 |
psp8 upf He 27 32 |
psp8 upf Li 22 26 |
psp8 upf Be 22 26 |
psp8 upf B 22 29 |
psp8 upf C 31 38 |
psp8 upf N 32 38 |
psp8 upf O 34 38 |
psp8 upf F 33 37 |
psp8 upf Ne 24 28 |
psp8 upf Na 19 24 |
psp8 upf Mg 23 28 |
psp8 upf Al 9 14 |
psp8 upf Si 9 15 |
psp8 upf P 13 17 |
psp8 upf S 15 20 |
psp8 upf Cl 16 20 |
psp8 upf Ar 14 19 |
psp8 upf K 11 13 |
psp8 upf Ca 13 16 |
psp8 upf Sc 17 20 |
psp8 upf Ti 23 26 |
psp8 upf V 27 31 |
psp8 upf Cr 27 32 |
psp8 upf Mn 33 37 |
psp8 upf Fe 25 32 |
psp8 upf Co 26 31 |
psp8 upf Ni 29 34 |
psp8 upf Cu 32 35 |
psp8 upf Zn 27 30 |
psp8 upf Ga 29 34 |
psp8 upf Ge 22 25 |
psp8 upf As 27 30 |
psp8 upf Se 27 30 |
psp8 upf Br 11 14 |
psp8 upf Kr 19 22 |
psp8 upf Rb 7 9 |
psp8 upf Sr 10 13 |
psp8 upf Y 13 16 |
psp8 upf Zr 13 17 |
psp8 upf Nb 24 28 |
psp8 upf Mo 19 23 |
psp8 upf Tc 12 14 |
psp8 upf Ru 19 24 |
psp8 upf Rh 21 25 |
psp8 upf Pd 21 24 |
psp8 upf Ag 18 22 |
psp8 upf Cd 19 24 |
psp8 upf In 17 20 |
psp8 upf Sn 16 18 |
psp8 upf Sb 22 24 |
psp8 upf Te 22 25 |
psp8 upf I 9 14 |
psp8 upf Xe 10 12 |
psp8 upf Cs 13 15 |
psp8 upf Ba 8 11 |
psp8 upf La 15 18 |
psp8 upf Hf 12 15 |
psp8 upf Ta 14 17 |
psp8 upf W 13 16 |
psp8 upf Re 13 16 |
psp8 upf Os 14 16 |
psp8 upf Ir 13 17 |
psp8 upf Pt 17 21 |
psp8 upf Au 16 19 |
psp8 upf Hg 20 23 |
psp8 upf Tl 12 14 |
psp8 upf Pb 12 14 |
psp8 upf Bi 14 19 |
- Soft and transferable pseudopotentials from multi-objective optimization
- psp8 and upf formats
- Naming scheme: AtomicNumber_ChemicalElement_NumberValenceElectrons_min-rcore_max-rcore_NonlinearCoreCorrectionFlag_VersionNumber.psp8/upf
- PBE exchange-correlation functional
- Nonlinear core correction (NLCC) for most chemical elements
- Estimates of planewave cutoff (Ecut) in planewave calculations and mesh-size in real-space calculations for accuracies of 1e-3 Ha/atom and 1e-4 Ha/atom provided within the pseudopotential files. These are estimates. Actual spacing should always be determined by refining the mesh (or equivalently increasing Ecut) until desired error is achieved.
- Detailed results and comparisons for each chemical element available in SPMS_v1.0.pdf
- Distributed under GNU General Public License 3 (GPL) (
- Mostafa Faghih Shojaei (GT)
- John E. Pask (LLNL)
- Andrew J. Medford (GT)
- Phanish Suryanarayana (GT,
- U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science (SC): DE-SC0019410