ReportPortalAgent is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'ReportPortalAgent'
and install it:
cd <project>
pod install
Use info.plist file of your test target to specify properties of Report Portal:
- ReportPortalURL - URL to API of report portal (exaple
- ReportPortalToken - token for authentication which you can get from RP account settings.
- ReportPortalLaunchName - name of launch.
- Principal class - use ReportPortalAgent.RPListener from ReportPortalAgent lib. Also you can specify your own Observer which should conform to XCTestObservation protocol.
- PushTestDataToReportPortal - can be used to switch off/on reporting
- ReportPortalProjectName - project name from Report Portal
- ReportPortalTags(optional) - can be used to specify tags, separated by comma.
- IsFinalTestBundle - use to mark last test target as YES, and all others as NO to allow single launch for them
DarthRumata, (Windmill Smart Solutions)
SergeVKom, (original library)
ReportPortalAgent is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.