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Manual:Help Files
iamnove edited this page Jan 18, 2023
86 revisions
This section is experimental. Trying to see if we can manage game help files via the Wiki.
The help files here will be used in Valhalla as well. As such they mostly represents MUD commands and common areas.
Right now the curly brackets used like this {help topics} will get converted by the script so that it becomes a clickable link on the MUD server into this: <a cmd='#'>help topics</a>.
Instructions to pull the help pages into your MUD server will be written here.
- Accuse
- Acidball
- Acidbreath
- Aciddrop
- Acidresistance
- Acidsphere
- Acidswirl
- Admin
- Advanced
- Adze
- Affect
- Age
- Aggressive
- Aidundead
- Alias
- Alignment
- Ambush
- Animatedead
- Annihilateundead
- Aoh
- Appraisal
- Architect
- Armour
- Arrests
- Ask
- Assassinate
- Assassin
- Assassinskills
- Assassinspells
- Assassinweapons
- Assist
- Assrp
- Attackswitch
- Attributes
- Auction
- Awaken
- Backstab
- Baculus
- Badbreath
- Balance
- Ballchain
- Banish
- Bank
- Barbarian
- Bardiche
- Barkskin
- Bash
- Bastard
- Battleaxe
- Becdecorbin
- Beginners
- Beheaded
- Berserk
- Billguisarme
- Billhook
- Bless
- Blind
- Blindingflash
- Blizzard
- Boards
- Boats
- Bob
- Boneskin
- Bot
- Bounty
- Brain
- Brambles
- Bravemode
- Break
- Bribe
- Brief
- Brimstone
- Broadsword
- Brownies
- Bug
- Buildera
- Builder
- Buildterm
- Burn
- Bury
- Bushido
- Butcher
- Butler
- Buy
- Caccept
- Calllightning
- Calm
- Cappoint
- Captain
- Casthold
- Casting
- Causelightwounds
- Causepanic
- Causeseriouswounds
- Cbalance
- Cdefect
- Cdemote
- Cdeposit
- Cequipment
- Change
- Channeling
- Channels
- Charge
- Chargestaff
- Chargewand
- Charmanimal
- Checks
- Chr
- Churchknights
- Cinfo
- Claim
- Clancommands
- Clandonate
- Clanenter
- Clanexit
- Clan
- Clanmaster
- Clanquartermaster
- Clanres
- Clans
- Clanstartup
- Class
- Claymore
- Clear
- Clearskies
- Clenchedfist
- Clerics
- Climb
- Clist
- Close
- Club
- Coldresistance
- Color
- Colourbeam
- Colourspray
- Columns
- Combat
- Command
- Commands
- Commchannels
- Comm
- Communicate
- Compact
- Condemn
- Coneofshards
- Confusion
- Conjurer
- Conjurerskills
- Conjurerspells
- Conjurerweapons
- Consider
- Constitution
- Continualdarkness
- Continuallight
- Contract
- Contrib
- Controlledteleport
- Controlundead
- Cook
- Copperpieces
- Craftsmanship
- Crank
- Createfood
- Createwater
- Creationsphere
- Creators
- Credit
- Credits
- Cremove
- Crossbow
- Crowbill
- Csrank
- Cstore
- Ctitle
- Cudgel
- Cunstore
- Curare
- Cureblind
- Curelight
- Cureserious
- Curse
- Curvesword
- Cut
- Cutlass
- Cwithdraw
- Dagger
- Darkelf
- Darkknight
- Darkknightskills
- Darkknightspel
- Darkknightweapons
- Darkness
- Date
- Deathlygrasp
- Decapitate
- Defend
- Deleteme
- Deposit
- Describe
- Detectalignment
- Detectcurse
- Detectinvisible
- Detectionsphere
- Detectmagic
- Detectpoison
- Detectundead
- Dexterity
- Diagnostics
- Dictionary
- Die
- Dig
- Direction
- Dirk
- Disarming
- Dispelgood
- Dispelmagic
- Displacemagic
- Ditch
- Divinationsphere
- Divineresistance
- Donate
- Donation
- Doors
- Down
- Dowse
- Drag
- Drop
- Drowse
- Druids
- Druidskills
- Druidspells
- Druidweapons
- Drunk
- Dump
- Dustdevil
- Dwarves
- Eaglecry
- Earthquake
- East
- Eat
- Echo
- Elbow
- Electricalshock
- Electricityresistance
- Electricitysphere
- Elves
- Emotes
- Endurancepoints
- Energydrain
- Enerybolt
- Entangle
- Enter
- Equipment
- Estoc
- Evaluate
- Evil
- Examine
- Exchange
- Exit
- Exits
- Experience
- Expert
- Extinguish
- Falchion
- Familiar
- Fart
- Fashionweapon
- Fauchardfork
- Fauchard
- Fear
- Female
- Fighter
- Fighterrp
- Fighterskills
- Fighterweapons
- Fightingstaff
- Filching
- Fill
- Finalrest
- Findpath
- Fireball
- Fireblast
- Firesphere
- Firestorm
- Firstaid
- Fishspine
- Flail
- Flamberge
- Flash
- Flashinggrip
- Fleeing
- Focus
- Follow
- Food
- Footlance
- Forage
- Friend
- Friendly
- Frostball
- Frostbreath
- Frostsphere
- Gaff
- Gain
- Gasbreath
- Gate
- Genders
- Get
- Give
- Glaive
- Glowingfungus
- Gnomes
- Goldpieces
- Good
- Gossip
- Grab
- Greatsword
- Grolls
- Groups
- Groupteleport
- Guests
- Guilds
- Guisarme
- Halberd
- Halfelves
- Halflings
- Halfogres
- Halforcs
- Hammerofkai
- Handaxe
- Harm
- Haste
- Heads
- Healanimal
- Healers
- Healerskills
- Healerspells
- Healerweapons
- Heal
- Heatresistance
- Hedgewall
- Hellfire
- Help
- Herbs
- Hide
- Hire
- History1
- History2
- History3
- History4
- History5
- History6
- Hit
- Hits
- Holdanimal
- Holdflight
- Hold
- Holdmonster
- Holdundead
- Holygrasp
- Holyshout
- Holytouch
- Holyword
- Home
- Homes2
- Horses
- Houses
- Humans
- Hunger
- Hunt
- Iceball
- Icestorm
- Icethorn
- Idea
- Identify
- Ignore
- Immortal
- Improvedidentify
- Incapacitated
- Info
- Inform
- Insult
- Inventory
- Invisibility
- Ironpieces
- Jail
- Javelin
- Jeddart
- Joingroup
- Join
- Jolt
- Junk
- Just
- Key
- Khorsabadassassin
- Kick
- Kill
- Kindred
- Knee
- Knock
- Kopesh
- Lance
- Lantern
- Lavaflow
- Laws
- Laytrap
- Leadership
- Leafshield
- Leatherskin
- Leap
- Leave
- Leaving
- Letter
- Level
- Levels
- Lifeprotection
- Lightbreath
- Lightningbolt
- Lightningsphere
- Lightningstorm
- Lightwounds
- List
- Locateanimal
- Locate
- Locateobject
- Locateperson
- Lochaber
- Lock
- Loginguilds
- Login
- Loginraces
- Longbow
- Longsword
- Look
- Lucern
- Mace
- Madness
- Magiccandle
- Magicians
- Magicusers
- Maidenname
- Maingauche
- Male
- Manaboost
- Manapoints
- Map
- Materialquality
- Mattock
- Maul
- Me
- Mending
- Mentor
- Meteorshower
- Midgaard
- Midgaardpaladins
- Midgaardsorcerer
- Militaryfork
- Mindshield
- Mindsphere
- Minorgate
- Mire
- Mode
- Money
- Moneyorders
- Monster
- Morningstar
- Morph
- Mortallywounded
- Mount
- Movement
- Movementpoints
- Mudpuddle
- Multiclasses
- Multiplecharacters
- Naffect
- Naginata
- Names
- Necro
- Necromancerskills
- Necromancerspells
- Necromancerweapons
- Neutral
- Newbie
- Newbies
- Newplayercouncil
- News
- North
- Noshout
- Npc
- Oddweapon
- Odinstatue
- Offer
- Off
- Open
- Order
- Paladins
- Paladinskills
- Paladinspells
- Paladinweapons
- Palmorb
- Palrp
- Partisan
- Password
- Pastgods
- Payment
- Peace
- Peeking
- Pe
- Personalemail
- Personality
- Petrify
- Pibag
- Picklock
- Pickpockets
- Pike
- Pillar
- Pilum
- Piset
- Plague
- Plant
- Platinumpieces
- Points
- Poisonivy
- Poisonresistance
- Poisonsphere
- Polarity
- Polearms
- Poleaxe
- Polecleaver
- Policeguild
- Portal
- Position
- Potions
- Pour
- Poweritems
- Practice
- Pray
- Priests
- Professions
- Promptcolors
- Protected
- Protectionfromevil
- Protectionfromgood
- Protectionsphere
- Purse
- Put
- Quaff
- Quality
- Quarterstaff
- Quests
- Quicken
- Quicksand
- Quit
- Races
- Rage
- Raisedead
- Raisedivine
- Raisehitpoints
- Raisehorde
- Raisemagic
- Raiseskeletalchampion
- Raiseskeleton
- Randomteleport
- Ranger
- Rangerskills
- Rangerspells
- Rangerweapons
- Rank
- Ranseur
- Rapier
- Read
- Rebirthcommand
- Recite
- Reconstruct
- Refit
- Refresh
- Refundpolicy
- Regenerate
- Relax
- Removecurse
- Removedisease
- Remove
- Removepoison
- Rent
- Repair
- Repelgreaterundead
- Repellesserundead
- Request
- Reroll
- Rescue
- Resize
- Respond
- Ressurect
- Rest
- Reward
- Ride
- Rows
- Rules
- Sacrificehead
- Sail
- Sanctuary
- Sappara
- Save
- Say
- Scan
- Scimitar
- Score
- Scripts
- Scrolluse
- Search
- Sell
- Sending
- Senselife
- Seriouswounds
- Seual
- Sex
- Shamshir
- Shelter
- Shields
- Shielduse
- Shoot
- Shops
- Shortsword
- Shout
- Shouting
- Sickle
- Silverpieces
- Sip
- Sit
- Skills
- Skin
- Sleep
- Slip
- Slow
- Slowrot
- Smash
- Sneaking
- Snoop
- Snowball
- Socials
- Solarflare
- Sorcerer
- Sorcererskills
- Sorcererspells
- Sorcererweapons
- Soulfire
- Soulgate
- Soulshift
- South
- Spearfam
- Spear
- Spectum
- Spellaid
- Spellbrain
- Spellcasters
- Spellcharisma
- Spellconstitution
- Spelldexterity
- Spelllight
- Spelllock
- Spellsleep
- Spellstrength
- Spellunlock
- Spetum
- Spheres
- Spies
- Splitm
- Sprayofacid
- Staff
- Staffuse
- Stalk
- Stand
- Stats
- Statue
- Status
- Stealing
- Steed
- Stiletto
- Stinkingbreath
- Stinkingcloud
- Stoneskin
- Stormcall
- Stormgate
- Str
- Stun
- Summerrain
- Summonair
- Summonanimal
- Summondemon
- Summondevil
- Summonearth
- Summonfire
- Summoningresistance
- Summoningsphere
- Summonlightning
- Summonwater
- Sunbeam
- Sunglobe
- Sunray
- Sustain
- Take
- Talwar
- Taste
- Taunt
- Teams
- Tell
- Telnet
- Terminal
- Thief
- Thiefrp
- Thiefskills
- Thiefspells
- Thiefweapons
- Thirsty
- Thornstrike
- Throw
- Tigerclaw
- Time
- Title
- Torch
- Totalrecall
- Toxicate
- Track
- Train
- Transport
- Travel
- Trident
- Trigger
- Tripping
- Tsunami
- Tuborg
- Turnundead
- TwoWeaponStyle
- Typo
- Udgaardconjurer
- Udgaard
- Udgaardthieves
- Unalias
- Undeaddoor
- Unholygrasp
- Unholyshout
- Unholytouch
- Unholyword
- Unlock
- Unseen
- Up
- Use
- Valhalla
- Value
- Variable
- Ventriloquate
- Voulge
- Wake
- Wanduse
- Wanted
- Waraxe
- Warhammer
- Warrior
- Weap
- Weapons
- Wear
- Weather
- Weatherwatching
- West
- Whip
- Whisper
- Who
- Wield
- Wimpy
- Windslash
- Withdraw
- Wizardeye
- Wizardmark
- Wizards
- Wizlist
- Wordofrecall
- Write
- Xp
- Xrayvision
- Yell