First start by forking this repo. You can find the fork button at the top right of the page!
Then lets clone the repo to our desktop so we can make some changes and eventually push it to our heroku server.
Navigate to your Desktop via Git Bash, or terimnal, and enter the following. (EX: C:\Users\Shikkic\Desktop)
Make sure to insert your username into the url
$ git clone
Heroku is going to provide the free hosting for our node server, so if you don't have an account sign up now!
Don't worry it's most basic teir is free, so no credit card required!
After you've logged in you should see a dashboard. Heroku uses what they call apps as servers, we can manage the content we upload to them and tell Heroku when to run it.
We don't have any Heroku apps yet, so why don't we make a new one.
Give your app a unique all lowercase name and hit create app
Let's link our Github account to Heroku so we can deploy our node server repo fast and easily
Now we need to search for the repo we want to connect to our Heroku app
We want to be able to have any changes we push to github automatically deploy, so lets enable this feature by click the Enable Automatic Deploys
###Great! Now we've connected our app to our servers repo
Our server repo is connected now and anytime we push an update to the repo, the changes to our website will be automatically reflected by our server
Let's test it out and manually push our app to the server from the dashboard
So now that we've deployed our site, lets take a look at it shall we?
You can view your site after you manually deploy it here
You can view your site after you manually deploy it here
You can also view it by cickling this button at the top of the page at any time