Hello there! In this app you can create a user by signing up or log in if u have an existing account and when you are logged in you have these abilities:
- You can find a book by scrolling down the page or looking for the book genres that you like
- Add this book into your personal collection of favorite books ("MyBooks") by pressing the "Add Book" button and then delete it by pressing the "Remove" button
- You can save any personal notes into "MyNotes" page and then delete anything you don't want
- You can edit your profile. Specifically you can change your profile picture, username or your email address
- You can log out
Also when you are signing up you have to enter a username and an email address that are unique.
This app was for educational purposes and it is my first web-site...
If you have any improvements to mention then feel free to contact me through my email: stefanosfardellas@gmail.com