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Poké React v2

Made by VicHofs and hv90 GitHub last commit License

Why PWAs (Progressive Web Apps)?

Progressive Web Apps offer all the capabilities of a standard web app all the while providing a native-like experience by means of local installation, offline-first user experience, and mobile responsiveness.

📝 Project

A PokéDex-like React app

Click Here to check it out!


All data is pulled from the PokéApi API.

Use the search bar to look up a Pokémon—through its name or Pokédex ID No.—and get its sprite, PokéDex ID, type(s) and description.

There is support for multiple languages—spanning across different games—in Pokémon descriptions.

Dark mode toggles automatically depending on the user's system preferences, but can be manually set to a preferred state that will persist.

🗃 Technologies

This project was developed with the following technologies:

📋 Layout

Desktop & mobile

The app's layout is responsive and made for desktop, tablet, and mobile. Pokémon cards resulting from searches include the Pokémon's main sprite, Pokédex ID No., name, type(s) and description, and a dropdown menu for selecting the description version.


Hovering over type icons will show a pop-up with the respective type label.

Cards can be saved by clicking the save button on the right, and saved cards can be removed by clicking the remove button.

Dark mode can be toggled on or off by clicking the theme button.

📜 License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for details.

Made with ❤ by Victor B. Hofstetter and Hugo Almeida at Hicom IT Brazil.