This project is based on project and configured for kubernetes deployment with Istio service mesh integration.
Install Istio on kubernetes cluster -
MySql deployment - kubectl apply -f mysql-deployment.yaml,mysql-policy.yaml
Create Configmap - kubectl create configmap order-taking-service --from-literal=RDS_DB_NAME=ordertaking --from- literal=RDS_HOSTNAME=mysql --from-literal=RDS_PORT="3306" --from-literal=RDS_USERNAME=ordertaking_user
Create Secret - kubectl create secret generic order-taking-service-secrets --from-literal=RDS_PASSWORD=ordertaking_password
Customer Details Deployment - kubectl apply -f customer-details-deployment.yaml
Product Catalogue Deployment - kubectl apply -f product-catalogue-deployment.yaml
Order Taking Deployment - kubectl apply -f order-taking-deployment.yaml
Getway deployment - kubectl apply -f http-gateway.yaml
Virtualservices deployment - kubectl apply -f virtualservices.yaml
RabbitMq Deployment - TODO ...