Milo, Revision 1.0.3, M. S. Teynor, N. Wohlgemuth, L. Carlson, J. Huang, S. L. Pugh, B. O. Grant, R. S. Hamilton, R. Carlsen, and D. H. Ess, Brigham Young University, Provo UT, 2021.
Milo has only been tested against Python 3.8. It is expected to work with Python 3.6+, but will not work with Python 3.5 or older.
Milo can interface with Gaussian 16, Gaussian 09, and ORCA to perform force calculation. Milo expects Gaussian or ORCA to be loaded as a module. The executable for the corresponding QM software package is passed to Milo on the command line.
Use the version on GitHub.
It should work
- Download Milo-1.0.4-py3-none-any.whl
- On the terminal run
python -m pip install Milo-1.0.4-py3-none-any.whl
You are now ready to run your first Milo job.
To run a Milo job with Gaussian, the input file should have:
program gaussian
and to run Milo:
module load python/3.8
module load gaussian
python -m milo -e g16
To run a Milo job with ORCA, the input file should have:
program orca
and to run Milo:
module load python/3.8
module load orca
python -m milo -e `which orca`
Level of theory is specified using the $theory
block in the input file. Example:
method B3LYP
basis def2-SVP
empirical_dispersion D3Zero
grid SuperFineGrid
processors 16 # this will be moved back to $job eventually