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add basic structs
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antonkesy committed Mar 15, 2024
1 parent 0a61104 commit e45dca9
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Showing 20 changed files with 234 additions and 76 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,5 @@ runPeter sourceCode = do
case result of
Left err -> putStrLn $ "Parse error: " ++ show err
Right program -> do
-- putStrLn "Parsed program:"
-- print program
interpret program
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions examples/structs.mmm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
struct T {
int x;
int y;

T n;
n.x = 2;

int i = 3;

T n1;
n1.y = i;

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions peter.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ library
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16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions src/AST.hs
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@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@

module AST (module AST) where

type Name = String

data Operator = Plus | Minus | Multiply | Divide | Modulus | And | Or | Not | Eq | Neq | Lt | Gt | Le | Ge
deriving (Show, Eq)

data Literal = IntLiteral Int | FloatLiteral Float | BoolLiteral Bool | UnitLiteral | StringLiteral String
data Literal = IntLiteral Int | FloatLiteral Float | BoolLiteral Bool | UnitLiteral | StringLiteral String | UndefinedLiteral
deriving (Show, Eq)

data Atomic = LiteralAtomic Literal | VariableAtomic Name | FunctionCallAtomic Name [Expression]
Expand All @@ -25,27 +27,33 @@ data Assignment = Assignment Name Expression

type Comment = String

data Type = IntType | FloatType | BoolType | UnitType | CustomType Name | StringType
data Type = IntType | FloatType | BoolType | UnitType | CustomType Name | StringType | UndefinedType
deriving (Show, Eq)

data Control
= IfControl Expression [Statement] (Maybe [Statement])
| WhileControl Expression [Statement]
deriving (Show, Eq)

data Struct = Struct Name [VariableDeclaration]
deriving (Show, Eq)

data Statement
= VariableStatement Variable
= VariableDefinitionStatement Variable
| AssignmentStatement Assignment
| FunctionDefinitionStatement Function
| ExpressionStatement Expression
| ReturnStatement Expression
| ControlStatement Control
| StructStatement Struct
| VariableDeclarationStatement VariableDeclaration
deriving (Show, Eq)

data Function = Function Name [VariableDeclaration] Type [Statement]
deriving (Show, Eq)

data Program = Program [Statement]
data Program where
Program :: [Statement] -> Program
deriving (Show, Eq)

data BuiltInFuction = Print | Input
Expand Down
96 changes: 43 additions & 53 deletions src/Interpreter/Interpreter.hs
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Interpreter.Interpreter (module Interpreter.Interpreter) where

import AST
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad (foldM, foldM_)
import qualified Data.Functor
import Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Interpreter.BuiltIn
Expand All @@ -16,25 +16,30 @@ interpret (Program statements) = do
isValid <- validate (Program statements)
if isValid
then do
-- putStrLn "Valid program"
let correctedStatments = ensureEntryPoint statements
let functionMap = getFunctionMap correctedStatments
-- print correctedStatments
_ <- foldM interpretStatement (InterpretState (ProgramState empty functionMap) Nothing) correctedStatments
-- putStrLn $ "End state: " ++ show endState
return ()
else do
putStrLn "Invalid program"
functionMap = getFunctionMap correctedStatments
customTypeMap = getCustomTypeMap correctedStatments
foldM_ interpretStatement (InterpretState (ProgramState empty functionMap customTypeMap) Nothing) correctedStatments
else error "Invalid program"

interpretStatement :: InterpretState -> Statement -> IO InterpretState
interpretStatement (InterpretState state _) (VariableStatement (Variable (VariableDeclaration name _) expression)) = do
interpretStatement (InterpretState state _) (VariableDefinitionStatement (Variable (VariableDeclaration name t) expression)) = do
(ScopeResult innerVars ret) <- interpretExpression state expression
let newState = updateOuterStateV state innerVars
return (InterpretState (updateState newState name ret) Nothing)
newState' = addStructMembersToState newState name t
return (InterpretState (updateState newState' name ret) Nothing)
interpretStatement (InterpretState state _) (VariableDeclarationStatement (VariableDeclaration name t)) = do
let newState = updateState state name (Just UndefinedValue)
newState' = addStructMembersToState newState name t
return (InterpretState newState' Nothing)
interpretStatement (InterpretState state _) (AssignmentStatement (Assignment name expression)) = do
(ScopeResult innerVars ret) <- interpretExpression state expression
let newState = updateOuterStateV state innerVars
return (InterpretState (updateState newState name ret) Nothing)
case Map.lookup name (variables state) of
Just UndefinedValue -> error "Can't copy structs" -- TODO: deep copy structs
_ -> do
(ScopeResult innerVars ret) <- interpretExpression state expression
let newState = updateOuterStateV state innerVars
-- TODO: deep copy structs
return (InterpretState (updateState newState name ret) Nothing)
interpretStatement (InterpretState state _) (ExpressionStatement expression) = do
_ <- interpretExpression state expression
return (InterpretState state Nothing)
Expand All @@ -46,23 +51,8 @@ interpretStatement (InterpretState state _) (ReturnStatement expression) = do
return (InterpretState newState ret)
interpretStatement (InterpretState state _) (ControlStatement control) = do
interpretControl state control

updateState :: ProgramState -> Name -> Maybe Value -> ProgramState
updateState (ProgramState vars funs) name value = do
case value of
Just v -> ProgramState (Map.insert name v vars) funs
Nothing -> ProgramState vars funs

-- Update variable in outer scope
updateOuterState :: ProgramState -> ProgramState -> ProgramState
updateOuterState (ProgramState outerVars funs) (ProgramState innerVars _) =
ProgramState (Map.unionWithKey (\_ inner _outer -> inner) innerVars outerVars) funs

updateOuterStateV :: ProgramState -> Map Name Value -> ProgramState
updateOuterStateV (ProgramState outerVars funs) innerVars =
(Map.unionWithKey (\_ inner _outer -> inner) innerVars outerVars)
interpretStatement (InterpretState state _) (StructStatement _) = do
return (InterpretState state Nothing)

interpretExpression :: ProgramState -> Expression -> IO ScopeResult
interpretExpression state (AtomicExpression atomic) = do
Expand All @@ -74,15 +64,15 @@ interpretExpression state (OperationExpression left operator right) = do
return (ScopeResult (variables state) (Just value))

interpretAtomic :: ProgramState -> Atomic -> IO ScopeResult
interpretAtomic (ProgramState vars _) (LiteralAtomic literal) = do
interpretAtomic (ProgramState vars _ _) (LiteralAtomic literal) = do
ret <- interpretLiteral literal
return (ScopeResult vars (Just ret))
interpretAtomic (ProgramState vars _) (VariableAtomic name) = do
interpretAtomic (ProgramState vars _ _) (VariableAtomic name) = do
let varValue = Map.lookup name vars
return $ case varValue of
Just value -> ScopeResult vars (Just value)
Nothing -> error $ "Variable not found: " ++ name
interpretAtomic (ProgramState vars funs) (FunctionCallAtomic name args) = do
interpretAtomic (ProgramState vars funs t) (FunctionCallAtomic name args) = do
let isBuiltIn = Map.lookup name getAllBuiltIns
case isBuiltIn of
Just (BuiltIn _ _ fn) -> do
Expand All @@ -94,23 +84,23 @@ interpretAtomic (ProgramState vars funs) (FunctionCallAtomic name args) = do
case fun of
Just (FunctionDefinitionStatement (Function _ argDef _ body)) -> do
params <- mapExpressionToParam argDef args
let fnScope = ProgramState (Map.union params vars) funs
let fnScope = ProgramState (Map.union params vars) funs t
(ScopeResult innerVars ret) <- returnSkipWrapper (InterpretState fnScope Nothing) body True
let (ProgramState newVars _) = updateOuterStateV (ProgramState vars funs) innerVars
let (ProgramState newVars _ _) = updateOuterStateV (ProgramState vars funs t) innerVars
return (ScopeResult newVars ret)
_ -> error $ "Function not found: " ++ name
getArgValues :: [Expression] -> IO [Value]
getArgValues exprs =
(interpretExpression (ProgramState vars funs))
(interpretExpression (ProgramState vars funs t))
Data.Functor.<&> (\(ScopeResult _ (Just v)) -> v)

mapExpressionToParam :: [VariableDeclaration] -> [Expression] -> IO (Map Name Value)
mapExpressionToParam [] [] = pure Map.empty
mapExpressionToParam (VariableDeclaration n _ : rest) (expression : restExp) = do
(ScopeResult _ (Just val)) <- interpretExpression (ProgramState vars funs) expression
(ScopeResult _ (Just val)) <- interpretExpression (ProgramState vars funs t) expression
restMap <- mapExpressionToParam rest restExp
return (Map.insert n val restMap)
mapExpressionToParam _ _ = error "Invalid number of arguments"
Expand All @@ -127,32 +117,32 @@ returnSkipWrapper state [] inFunction =
else return (ScopeResult (variables (programState state)) Nothing)

interpretControl :: ProgramState -> Control -> IO InterpretState
interpretControl (ProgramState vars funs) (IfControl test body elseBody) = do
(BoolValue testValue) <- isTestValue (ProgramState vars funs) test
interpretControl (ProgramState vars funs t) (IfControl test body elseBody) = do
(BoolValue testValue) <- isTestValue (ProgramState vars funs t) test
if testValue
then do
(ScopeResult innerVars ret) <- returnSkipWrapper (InterpretState (ProgramState vars funs) Nothing) body False
return $ InterpretState (updateOuterStateV (ProgramState vars funs) innerVars) ret
(ScopeResult innerVars ret) <- returnSkipWrapper (InterpretState (ProgramState vars funs t) Nothing) body False
return $ InterpretState (updateOuterStateV (ProgramState vars funs t) innerVars) ret
else do
case elseBody of
Just elseStatements -> do
-- TODO: extract cancellable statements function
(ScopeResult innerVars ret) <- returnSkipWrapper (InterpretState (ProgramState vars funs) Nothing) elseStatements False
return $ InterpretState (updateOuterStateV (ProgramState vars funs) innerVars) ret
Nothing -> return $ InterpretState (ProgramState vars funs) Nothing
interpretControl (ProgramState vars funs) (WhileControl test body) = do
(BoolValue testValue) <- isTestValue (ProgramState vars funs) test
(ScopeResult innerVars ret) <- returnSkipWrapper (InterpretState (ProgramState vars funs t) Nothing) elseStatements False
return $ InterpretState (updateOuterStateV (ProgramState vars funs t) innerVars) ret
Nothing -> return $ InterpretState (ProgramState vars funs t) Nothing
interpretControl (ProgramState vars funs t) (WhileControl test body) = do
(BoolValue testValue) <- isTestValue (ProgramState vars funs t) test
if testValue
then do
(InterpretState innerVars ret) <- foldM interpretStatement (InterpretState (ProgramState vars funs) Nothing) body
(InterpretState innerVars ret) <- foldM interpretStatement (InterpretState (ProgramState vars funs t) Nothing) body
case ret of
Just value -> return $ InterpretState (updateOuterState (ProgramState vars funs) innerVars) (Just value)
Nothing -> interpretControl (updateOuterState (ProgramState vars funs) innerVars) (WhileControl test body)
else return $ InterpretState (ProgramState vars funs) Nothing
Just value -> return $ InterpretState (updateOuterState (ProgramState vars funs t) innerVars) (Just value)
Nothing -> interpretControl (updateOuterState (ProgramState vars funs t) innerVars) (WhileControl test body)
else return $ InterpretState (ProgramState vars funs t) Nothing

isTestValue :: ProgramState -> Expression -> IO Value
isTestValue (ProgramState vars funs) test = do
(ScopeResult _ (Just testValue)) <- interpretExpression (ProgramState vars funs) test
isTestValue s test = do
(ScopeResult _ (Just testValue)) <- interpretExpression s test
if not (isBoolValue testValue)
then do error "Control statement test must be a boolean value."
else return testValue
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Interpreter/Literal.hs
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Expand Up @@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ interpretLiteral UnitLiteral = do
return UnitValue
interpretLiteral (StringLiteral value) = do
return $ StringValue value
interpretLiteral UndefinedLiteral = do
return UndefinedValue
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/Interpreter/Manipulator.hs
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Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,16 @@ getFunctionMap inStatments =
isFunctionDefinition _ = False
getFunctionName (FunctionDefinitionStatement (Function name _ _ _)) = name

getCustomTypeMap :: [Statement] -> Map Name Struct
getCustomTypeMap inStatments =
let rawMap = Map.fromList $ (\item -> (getStructName item, getStruct item)) (Prelude.filter isStructDefinition inStatments)
in rawMap
isStructDefinition (StructStatement _) = True
isStructDefinition _ = False
getStructName (StructStatement (Struct name _)) = name
getStruct (StructStatement s) = s

ensureVoidFunctionReturn :: Map Name Statement -> Map Name Statement
ensureVoidFunctionReturn = Map.mapWithKey ensureVoidReturn
Expand Down
43 changes: 41 additions & 2 deletions src/Interpreter/ProgramState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,16 @@ module Interpreter.ProgramState (module Interpreter.ProgramState) where
import AST
import Data.Map.Strict as Map

data Value = IntValue Int | FloatValue Float | BoolValue Bool | UnitValue | StringValue String | InterpreterErrorValue String
data Value = IntValue Int | FloatValue Float | BoolValue Bool | UnitValue | StringValue String | InterpreterErrorValue String | UndefinedValue
deriving (Show, Eq)

data ProgramState where
ProgramState :: {variables :: Map Name Value, functions :: Map Name Statement} -> ProgramState
ProgramState ::
{ variables :: Map Name Value,
functions :: Map Name Statement,
types :: Map Name Struct
} ->
deriving (Show, Eq)

data InterpretState where
Expand All @@ -18,3 +23,37 @@ data InterpretState where

data ScopeResult = ScopeResult (Map Name Value) (Maybe Value)
deriving (Show, Eq)

updateState :: ProgramState -> Name -> Maybe Value -> ProgramState
updateState (ProgramState vars funs t) name value = do
case value of
Just v -> ProgramState (Map.insert name v vars) funs t
Nothing -> ProgramState vars funs t

-- Update variable in outer scope
updateOuterState :: ProgramState -> ProgramState -> ProgramState
updateOuterState (ProgramState outerVars funs t) (ProgramState innerVars _ _) =
ProgramState (Map.unionWithKey (\_ inner _outer -> inner) innerVars outerVars) funs t

updateOuterStateV :: ProgramState -> Map Name Value -> ProgramState
updateOuterStateV (ProgramState outerVars funs t) innerVars =
(Map.unionWithKey (\_ inner _outer -> inner) innerVars outerVars)

addStructMembersToState :: ProgramState -> Name -> Type -> ProgramState
addStructMembersToState s varName typeName = do
case typeName of
CustomType structName -> do
let struct = getStruct s structName
case struct of
Just struc -> addStructMembersToState' s varName struc
Nothing -> s
_ -> s
getStruct :: ProgramState -> Name -> Maybe Struct
getStruct (ProgramState _ _ t) name = Map.lookup name t
addStructMembersToState' :: ProgramState -> Name -> Struct -> ProgramState
addStructMembersToState' (ProgramState vars funs t) baseName (Struct name members) =
ProgramState vars funs (Map.insert (baseName ++ "." ++ name) (Struct name members) t)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Parser/Assignment.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Text.Parsec.String
parseAssignment :: Parser Assignment
parseAssignment =
var <- parseName
var <- parseExistingVariableName
_ <- spaces'
_ <- char '='
_ <- spaces'
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Parser/Expression.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ parseAtomic :: Parser Atomic
parseAtomic =
LiteralAtomic <$> try parseLiteral
<|> try parseFunctionCallAtomic
<|> VariableAtomic <$> try parseName
<|> VariableAtomic <$> try parseExistingVariableName
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Parser/Literal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ parseLiteral =
<|> try parseFloatLiteral
<|> try parseIntLiteral
<|> try praseStringLiteral
<|> try (char '?' >> return UndefinedLiteral)

parseIntLiteral :: Parser Literal
parseIntLiteral = do
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/Parser/Name.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Parser.Name (module Parser.Name) where

import AST
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String

Expand All @@ -11,3 +12,14 @@ parseName = do
return (fistChar : rest)
startChar = letter <|> char '_'

parseMemberName :: Parser Name
parseMemberName = do
firstHalf <- parseName
_ <- char '.'
rest <- parseName `sepBy1` string "."
return (firstHalf ++ "." ++ intercalate "." rest)

parseExistingVariableName :: Parser Name
parseExistingVariableName =
try parseMemberName <|> try parseName

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