A small and simple python program simulating invisibility cloak using OpenCV library
Open terminal and run:
git clone https://github.com/anuragjoshi3519/invisibility-cloak-opencv.git
cd invisibility-cloak-opencv
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 invisibleCloak.py
Default cloak color is red.
After running the program you'll have to get out of frame for a couple of second (neccessary for the program to run as expected)
- -c or --color : to set color of cloak to be used
- --save : save video (inside 'invisibility-cloak-opencv/Videos' folder)
- --output or -out : specify path to directory for saving video (if --save mentioned)
python3 invisibleCloak.py -c <color_name> --save -out path/to/directory
<color_name> can be chosen from 'red' , 'green' , or 'blue'
Using Green color and saving to videos folder in same directory
python3 invisibleCloak.py -c green --save
Using Blue color and saving the video to 'Downloads' directory
python3 invisibleCloak.py -c blue --save -out /home/your_user_name/Downloads