This project is pretty new. It seems to be working but it probably needs further testing.
$ mpih help
Usage: mpih [--socket <path>] [--help] <command> [<args>]
'mpih' stands for 'MPI harness'. It provides
a command-line interface for streaming data between
machines using MPI, a widely used messaging API for
implementing cluster-based software.
While MPI applications are usually written in programming
languages such as C or python, mpih allows
users to implement MPI applications using shell scripts.
The available commands are:
finalize shutdown current MPI rank (stops daemon)
help show usage for specific commands
init initialize current MPI rank (starts daemon)
rank print rank of current MPI process
recv stream data from another MPI rank
run set up environment and run a user script
send stream data to another MPI rank
size print number of ranks in current MPI job
See 'mpih help <command>' for help on specific commands.
$ cat
set -eu -o pipefail
# send 'hello' messages in a ring
dest_rank=$((($MPIH_RANK + 1) % $MPIH_SIZE))
src_rank=$(($MPIH_RANK - 1))
if [ $src_rank -lt 0 ]; then
src_rank=$(($MPIH_SIZE - 1))
# send a message to a neighbour
echo "Hello, from rank $MPIH_RANK!" | mpih send $dest_rank
# receive a message from a neighbour
msg=$(mpih recv $src_rank)
echo "rank $MPIH_RANK received: '$msg'"
$ mpirun -np 10 mpih run
rank 1 received: 'Hello, from rank 0!'
rank 3 received: 'Hello, from rank 2!'
rank 2 received: 'Hello, from rank 1!'
rank 4 received: 'Hello, from rank 3!'
rank 5 received: 'Hello, from rank 4!'
rank 6 received: 'Hello, from rank 5!'
rank 7 received: 'Hello, from rank 6!'
rank 9 received: 'Hello, from rank 8!'
rank 8 received: 'Hello, from rank 7!'
rank 0 received: 'Hello, from rank 9!'
'mpih' requires:
- an MPI library (e.g. OpenMPI, MPICH)
- libevent
Compile and install to your $HOME/bin
(requires git and CMake):
$ git clone
$ mkdir mpih/build
$ cd mpih/build
$ make
$ make install
Ben Vandervalk