run project:
first run db:
npm run supabase:start && npm run supabase:db:reset
if it doesn't work try with sudo
npm run web:start
You have a default user : password: default
you can view the project at http://localhost:3000, db at http://localhost:54323 aand api at http://localhost:54321
Commit Type | Description |
build | Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (npm, make, etc.) |
ci | Changes related to integration files and scripts or configuration (Travis, Ansible, BrowserStack, etc.) |
feat | Addition of a new feature |
fix | Bug fix |
perf | Performance improvements |
refactor | Modification that neither adds a new feature nor improves performance |
style | Change that does not affect functionality or semantics (indentation, formatting, adding space, renaming a variable, etc.) |
docs | Writing or updating documentation |
test | Addition or modification of tests |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.