These are my dotfiles, using rcm. If you
want to copy my config without using rcm, you could just clone and place the
folders in the appropriate place, e.g. /.dotfiles/doom.d -> ~/.doom.d
Most theming is built around the Aura theme.
As of 07/2022 I’ve moved to awesome, but I’m keeping my bspwm config just as a curiosity if anyone wants. It works better for dynamic theming with no effort but there was a bit too much jank for gaming (e.g, polybar not hiding even though restack is set to bspwm, etc.)
OS: | endeavourOS |
Shell: | zsh + ohmyzsh |
WM: | awesome |
Editor: | Doom Emacs / nvim |
Terminal: | kitty |
Launcher: | rofi |
Browser: | firefox |
GTK Theme: | Ultimate Dark |
Note that I make use of emacs primarily, with nvim plugged into vscode for occasions where it’s more convenient.
- Primarily to tecosaur, whose config for emacs I used as a base (and who is also a maintainer for quite a bit of the modules)
- Henrik Lissner, for making doom emacs, which I probably wouldn’t have spent the time to jump into if not for the ease of use.