Tired of opening Vim for the 8th time in 5 minutes just to flip a boolean in your config file? How about just to comment out a line?
If so, you have come to the right place :).
DocTweak is a command line tool to create quick custom commands to manipulate config files, specifically with .yml files in mind. DocTweak is developed in Rust and serves as a hobby project to learn a new language.
Custom commands are specified in a 'doctweak.config` file. This file is first searched for in your current working directory. If one is not found there, then the XDG config directory (under a doctweak directory) is searched next. The tool should error out early if no configuration file is found. Determining the XDG config directory is accomplished with the directories crate.
Commands are specified per line in 'doctweak.config' as so: {command_name}: {OPERATION_LABEL} {arg1} {arg2} ...
The configuration file is searched for in the XDG Config directory as doctweak.yml
Determining the XDG config directory is accomplished with the
directories crate.
- TOGGLE-COMMENT: comments or uncomments a line appopriately with a given comment prefix.
a space is added to the prefix before it is detected and added. thats how I like it
- TOGGLE-COMMENT [filepath] [comment prefix] <line number 1> <line number 2> ...
- comment prefix = "#" "\" etc.
- TOGGLE-COMMENT [filepath] [comment prefix] <line number 1> <line number 2> ...
- TOGGLE-BOOL: finds and replaces boolean values in a line with the opposite
value, ex: True <=> False, true <=> false
- TOGGLE-BOOL [filepath] <line number 1> <line number 2> ...
- Add more operations
- SWAP [string1] [string2]
- tbd
- unit tests
- better debugging/verbosity?
- use proper command line arg parsing, something to help build like a -h help behavior
- proper configuration for the application itself. maybe custom config paths
- builds for different OS's?
- distribution
- earn clout w my coworkers
- 9/8/2023: changed operations to take the vector of args, should enable more diversity in operations, better control logic, toggle_bool handles capitalized and uncapitalized. configuration file is first searched for in current working directory, then xdg config. rustified the logic, lots of matches