2022 January Update:
Main Display:
Games Table now automatically sorts by Match_ID and Game_Num.
Changed sidebar button layout.
Entire tables are no longer displayed. Now prints 20/35 records (dependent on window size) per page with Next/Back buttons.
Resized large window size slightly and removed vertical scroll bar.
Statistics Window:
Added Red/Green coloring to Match History in the Opponents tab.
Removed Time Data tab.
Operator dropdown in the Set Filter window now resets when the Column dropdown is changed.
Changed window title.
Triggered abilities from sources that are not actual cards (e.g. Monarch, Emblems) are now saved as Primary_Card in the Plays table.
P1 and P2 value now saved as the player's normal username and only uses the "altered" username for parsing and in the Match_ID.
Added ability to re-import data, which will re-parse the data and automatically apply any manually input data into the P1/P2_Arch, P1/P2_Subarch, Format, Limited_Format, and Match_Type columns.
Added exception handler that updates the status bar appropriately when a permission error occurs.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bug when attempting to apply filters to integer columns. No longer gives a type error.
Fixed bug that was setting a minimum number of 3 for Attackers count.